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Are you buying the iPad 2?

Are you buying an iPad 2?

  • Yes, Definitely!

    Votes: 389 75.1%
  • No

    Votes: 73 14.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 56 10.8%

  • Total voters
I won an iPad and the wife won an iPod in a contest this past January. I immediately returned them to an Apple store for full price = all totaled to $829, and would you look at that, it's the same price as an iPad 2. So yes, I'll definitely be getting an iPad 2.

What a lucky man...
Check out these iPad 2 reviews for those of you interested in purchasing an iPad 2. Still one of the best tablets I have ever owned. My iPad 2 is still working perfectly after 2 years.

[Moderator edit: Removed link to blog. Please read our rules. Thanks.]
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DW got an iPad 2 as a gift from one of our children. I think her company upgraded from iPad 2 to a later version and gave the units the employees had been using as a gift. Daughter passed it on to Momma.

I've been a Microsoft guy since Win 3.1 and have skills in archaic programming languages like ALGOL, early versions of FORTRAN, assembly langauges for Honeywell DDP series computers and Singer-Link GP4.

I am totally baffled by the iPad. There's no file structure, no file names. Everything is run from the icon screen. Momma thinks I'm the computer guru and gets very upset when I say "Beats the hell out of me".

I initially had no plans to try to learn how this POS works and I wish the kids hadn't given it to her. I'm now on the outside and have no idea how the thing works but I'm expected to be avle to solve any issues the show up.. It looks like our 50-year marriage might hinge on me figuring it out.

Is there a tutorial program someplace that would help a 20+ year Microsoft user to figure out this how this thing works? A program that translates typical MS commands into the equivalent iPad commands would be a good start
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