I think the update caused the game to count all factories, including those in storage, towards the population requirement. Thankfully, I didn't have any factories in storage and hadn't even purchased any additional slots other than the two that could be bought for coins, but I feel bad for those who did. Honestly, I like the change because I might actually have a chance at placing in contests now, especially if a bunch of people quit because of it.
The 4th of July event is stupid. It is impossible to get a large gift without spending money. Pass.
(Player Name: Fred Diggitz / City Name: Stank Biscuit / Level: 36 / From: Raleigh, NC, USA)
Sorry Fred, but now it looks like I can take all 9 of my stored factories out of storage which actually makes me more competitive in the contests, it just means now if I want to buy any new factories I will have to demolish one because additional factories are not achievable
Player: MandaLouD City: Mandaville