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Big Business - game discussion


There is a heck of a lot to build, everyday something new pops up, getting better and better. My favorite iPad game so far.

Just took these screenshots for you







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I received a reply from GI support.... It's a permanent game change that factories in storage now count towards the required population. :(

Player: MandaLouD City: Mandaville
I received a reply from GI support.... It's a permanent game change that factories in storage now count towards the required population. :(

Player: MandaLouD City: Mandaville

Well, that is a game changer for me....no way I can get over 1 mil population to build more factories...GI just lost a paying customer...I will play till my credits are deleted then leave...they have no idea what they just did....I am sure a lot of players are going to leave because of this....I loved the game, spent money and played everyday...but now it is time to find something else non GI to play....they will not see any more $ from me. I really hope they do read this forum so they can see what they have sowed with this new update...
I received a reply from GI support.... It's a permanent game change that factories in storage now count towards the required population. :(

Player: MandaLouD City: Mandaville

So for me to build a cosmetics factory, I will have to either demolish 8 factories or increase my population by millions!!! Do they not see their mistakes?

Player: MandaLouD City: Mandaville
Well, that is a game changer for me....no way I can get over 1 mil population to build more factories...GI just lost a paying customer...I will play till my credits are deleted then leave...they have no idea what they just did....I am sure a lot of players are going to leave because of this....I loved the game, spent money and played everyday...but now it is time to find something else non GI to play....they will not see any more $ from me. I really hope they do read this forum so they can see what they have sowed with this new update...

I agree.... Progress is impossible now. They've made that the game gets to a point where you can't progress even if you are a player that spends real money I'm guessing that you would have to spend 100's of dollars to get anywhere. I don't mind paying a bit of real money to play a game I enjoy, I believe in rewarding for my enjoyment, but I don't like being forced into spending and I will not spend more money on an iPad game than I would on a PC/ game console game.... So I guess I am done now as well. I will finish the latest event and see if they change their minds but I can't see myself continuing much longer

Player: MandaLouD City: Mandaville

There is a heck of a lot to build, everyday something new pops up, getting better and better. My favorite iPad game so far.

Just took these screenshots for you

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=44551"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=44552"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=44553"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=44554"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=44555"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=44556"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=44557"/>

That's looks busy, thanks. Who are the makers?

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Thank you Game Insight so much for saving me money.. I will never have to buy credits again because there is no point. I will spend only what I earn in my port.
I need to buy 208 buildings with 4,800 hp for 19,000 credits (90 each) to be able to place another factory... You map ain't big enough for that and I ain't senile yet to waste so much money on you. I already wasted more than you deserve.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 62, Charleston, SC}
All of you who have paid money into the game. I would message GI to asked for a refund. Explain that you were playing the game, perfected a strategy of game play. Now they have changed the game play, and without notice, they violated a contract of payment; much like a bait and switch. Then because of this change you would like your money back. Naturally GI will ignore you are say they have the right to change the game. Save those emails or lack of them.


Goto Apple and explain the same except empathize the bait and switch; and in most places that bait and switch is illegal. Ask for a refund. My guess is that they will refund because Apple does not want to get involved with alleged illegal activities. Especially if a lot of people act on this, it will spell class action to Apple.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]
Thank you Game Insight so much for saving me money.. I will never have to buy credits again because there is no point. I will spend only what I earn in my port.
I need to buy 208 buildings with 4,800 hp for 19,000 credits (90 each) to be able to place another factory... You map ain't big enough for that and I ain't senile yet to waste so much money on you. I already wasted more than you deserve.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 62, Charleston, SC}

I downloaded magapolis. Just started playing it. I will slow roll big business to see if they change theirs minds. I spent $10 so far since I started playing about a year ago so not much of a real loss, just lost time in a game that is no longer enjoyable.
All of you who have paid money into the game. I would message GI to asked for a refund. Explain that you were playing the game, perfected a strategy of game play. Now they have changed the game play, and without notice, they violated a contract of payment; much like a bait and switch. Then because of this change you would like your money back. Naturally GI will ignore you are say they have the right to change the game. Save those emails or lack of them.


Goto Apple and explain the same except empathize the bait and switch; and in most places that bait and switch is illegal. Ask for a refund. My guess is that they will refund because Apple does not want to get involved with alleged illegal activities. Especially if a lot of people act on this, it will spell class action to Apple.

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

Can you be our spokesperson?
That's looks busy, thanks. Who are the makers?

[ city name: Sprawlville level 60 player: GAB IV from western mass USA need hammers ]

Social Quantum, another Russian company. I have been paying Megapolis for about as long as I have been playing BB and they have NEVER changed the rules, and the game does not require constant attention.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 62, Charleston, SC}
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I wonder if I will be able to add a factory that was in my warehouse to the city at the next level. For example I am at 175000 happiness points for the factory. The next next level is 200000 HPs. I am at 189k HPs. So when I get to >200k HPs I should be able to permanently add another factory. I will keep you all posted on this theory.
Yep, I think you're spot on there. Cutting it right down to the second, and assuming every single drop was a double confetti drop, you'd only be able to accumulate 370 batches of confetti in an 8 hour time slot, by my reckoning.

Player name: SteveGPI
City name: Hanham

My energy takes 3 minutes for each point to replenish. So a full bar takes 25x3 mins = 75 mins or 1 hr 15 mins.

In an 8 hour period there are 480 minutes. 480/3 = 160 energy points (assuming the energy is empty at the start because its been used in the previous 8hr slot)

I haven't had a double confetti fall yet that I'm aware of, maybe I'm the exception.
You can refill energy for 6 city credits
400-160 = 240 energy to buy
240/25 = just under 10 so for 60 city credits you can get a big prize.

Hmmm. Now don't get me wrong, the game is free and has provided me with hours of entertainment during recuperation after a series of operations after an accident. I have also purchased a few city credits over the last 12 months or so. However, I have already spent more than I would spend buying a brand new top charting XBox/PS3 game so I feel I have contributed to GI development costs.

However, I feel ripped off. Why? Because GI provides impossible challenges. I was very disappointed with the port challenge. I worked very hard to complete the challenge within the time frame but it took me over 2 weeks to collect all the steel details. I may be wrong but think anybody that did succeed within the time limit only did so because they found and made use of the bug with steel details and the taxi.

If a game is continually misleading (unrealistic deadlines, bugs, impossible to find artefacts) then the pleasure of playing is quickly eroded. a case in point is that I have been trying to collect suitcases for three days. I got one almost immediately and then nothing since.

Maybe I will just spend more time on Candy Crush Saga (Now there's an addictive game)
The ratio is something like 25 energy : 38 confetti. I usually wait until I have 20 energy then go tap-tap-tap. This way I have improved chances of getting doubles, or maybe it is just my imagination.
Btw, autocorrection here is hilarious. I've just found and eliminated the word "uterus" in this post.

{Summerville, the head honcho - Elloriana, lvl 62, Charleston, SC}
Wishing all the BBers well for the future.

I have stopped playing this game.

Gab, the pic is for you :)


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