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Big Business Port: Cargo Containers For Sale

I have a ship I cannot sail full so I'm not even trying. Let me know if anyone would like me to open containers for them so they can empty up some spots in their warehouse. Here's what I've got... Strudel (1,2,2,3) Aluminum (1,1,1,1) and Lipstick (1,1,1,1)

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 48 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
I have a ship I cannot sail full so I'm not even trying. Let me know if anyone would like me to open containers for them so they can empty up some spots in their warehouse. Here's what I've got... Strudel (1,2,2,3) Aluminum (1,1,1,1) and Lipstick (1,1,1,1)

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 48 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)

I could help with some strudel if you open a few of those

Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 47
Will need Thickener in 5.5 hours....please help!!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 48 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Sure. How many would you like me to open?

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 48 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)

Sorry missed this note and I see you already opened and filled. I keep strudel made and have about 10. So anyone out there that needs strudel I'll keep watch.

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 47 / quarry fixed with this latest update!]
Sorry missed this note and I see you already opened and filled. I keep strudel made and have about 10. So anyone out there that needs strudel I'll keep watch.

[City: Podunk / User: Trumpster2 / Level 47 / quarry fixed with this latest update!]

No worries. It only had a couple hours left anyways. I you have any Thickener, I could really use it in a couple hours.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 48 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
No worries. It only had a couple hours left anyways. I you have any Thickener, I could really use it in a couple hours.

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 48 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)

Can't make thickener yet. Just upgraded to chlorine so will be a little while yet. Sorry.

Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 47
Thanks to the person who filled the thickeners. Much appreciated.

Next container needs ore, which I cannot make (again), and ketchup.
I'll open the ore containers, and 1 ketchup in the morning ~7 hours.

I have both Ore and Ketchup in my warehouse if you need them. I'll keep a lookout for your ship in the morning.

Also, Rikville sent 2 puzzles your way

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 48 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
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Just opened 4 containers of Thickener (1,1,1,1). Please help!!!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 48 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)
Need lipsticks folks!!!

When didn't have aluminium , kept on getting it to fill the ship. Now that I can produce it, keep on getting soap and lipstick :))
Murphy's law or just sh.... Luck??

Nevertheless have ketchup , scarves, mayo ready in case anybody needs them!!

Next ship will need strudel and I don't have any papayas to make it. Will open containers in the morning. Good night everyone.

User: SeaDe / City: Seavile
Ahoy mateys!!! It's been a while and my Port is calling.

Ship's in and the containers are yelling for Skateboards. No Toy Factory so all the help from you guys will be very much appreciated.

Thank you!! :)

[ Name: Ken55 / City: Singapore / Level: 65 / I love helping out in filling containers ]
Will need Thickener in 5.5 hours....please help!!

:-) City: MegVille Player: MegFree1013 Level: 48 From: Chicago, Illinois:-)

Just thickened you a couple of times and sent your jolly ship on its way. :)

[ Name: Ken55 / City: Singapore / Level: 65 / I love helping out in filling containers ]

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