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Cracked the ipad screen, got a free replacement from the apple store

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I purchased Square Trade

I will also be checking into this, like you I am very careful with my iPad, but I have children and pets, so this gives me pause that I do need some type of cover. As far as the one time courtesy swap, no, Apple will not commit to admitting it. It is a discretionary policy and it is not even widely known to Apple employees. That being said many have been very lucky and someone has also reported today that they were given a new one. It appears to be 'the luck of the draw'. Which I really can't live with. I trust that you are enjoying this Forum and I look forward to your future posts. Enjoy!!

After breaking my IPad2 and being fortunate enough to have my local Apple store replace it with a new one, I purchased a warranty with Square Trade and feel a lot safer! Apple Care just covers defects, not accidents. When I buy a a new IPhone 4S I am going to review Apple Care Plus to see if it is as good a deal as Square Trade. BTW, there are several companies online which repair the breakages. Look back to the early days in this forum to get the names.
Gkauf3 said:
After breaking my IPad2 and being fortunate enough to have my local Apple store replace it with a new one, I purchased a warranty with Square Trade and feel a lot safer! Apple Care just covers defects, not accidents. When I buy a a new IPhone 4S I am going to review Apple Care Plus to see if it is as good a deal as Square Trade. BTW, there are several companies online which repair the breakages. Look back to the early days in this forum to get the names.

Thanks for that info, it's much appreciated, I will look into Square Trade and have a search of the Forum. So glad you did get one of the replacements though, that must have been a great feeling when it happened. Thanks again!
leelai said:
Thanks for that info, it's much appreciated, I will look into Square Trade and have a search of the Forum. So glad you did get one of the replacements though, that must have been a great feeling when it happened. Thanks again!

I don't even want an iPad anymore. I'm just wanting the iphone4s or five and maybe a Mac comp. iPads seem lame to me now after this experience :(
wafflekillingchick said:
I don't even want an iPad anymore. I'm just wanting the iphone4s or five and maybe a Mac comp. iPads seem lame to me now after this experience :(

I can see you're distressed over this experience and the fact that someone sat on yours I guess would make it even more of a pain for you. But things do break and while I know it's upsetting it doesn't make the device any less amazing. I have read a few of your posts and don't know for sure if you have been into a store. I think you said you spoke over the phone. Why don't you make an appointment to see the genius bar at your closest location. I'm sure they will see you are heartbroken over it and ask for a quote and when you get one, just be upset for yourself and not at them. You never know. Apple is the good guy here for what they have been doing and they certainly don't have to give you a new one, but they have made a lot of people happy, that's for sure. Think about it, if you were the genius tech and someone came in expecting one, and it's discretionary, would you give them one? I think I would save it for some genuine heartbroken person who is upset at themselves and what they have done. Keep this in mind when you go. Good luck!
wafflekillingchick said:
I don't even want an iPad anymore. I'm just wanting the iphone4s or five and maybe a Mac comp. iPads seem lame to me now after this experience :(

Hmm, don't you think that maybe its the blonde kid that sat on your iPad who owes you a new iPad rather than Apple.......just my 2 cents.

The Archangel
Based on so many mentions of SquareTrade, I decided to research it a bit. So far, I've not been able to find any negative comments about them at all, always a good thing. However, two things jump out at me a bit: one, I have to decide on whether I want to spend another $100+ or just be really, really careful until my AppleCare runs out so I won't feel bad about it. And two, it mentions that you have to go through SquareTrade for any repairs, and that concerns me a bit. I mean, is SquareTrade sending the damaged iPad/iPhone to Apple, or are they repairing the device themselves?
PDADoc said:
Based on so many mentions of SquareTrade, I decided to research it a bit. So far, I've not been able to find any negative comments about them at all, always a good thing. However, two things jump out at me a bit: one, I have to decide on whether I want to spend another $100+ or just be really, really careful until my AppleCare runs out so I won't feel bad about it. And two, it mentions that you have to go through SquareTrade for any repairs, and that concerns me a bit. I mean, is SquareTrade sending the damaged iPad/iPhone to Apple, or are they repairing the device themselves?

Yes that would be a concern for me too. On the same subject there are 2 new threads here from a supporting vendor of the Forum called Ensquared. They are offering a 2 year coverage for, if I remember correctly, $129.99 and that's full coverage, lost, stolen and damage to the iPad. They may only cover people in USA and Canada though, that would be good for you at least. Have a look anyway and see what you think.
I don't even want an iPad anymore. I'm just wanting the iphone4s or five and maybe a Mac comp. iPads seem lame to me now after this experience :(

All 3 work well together ;)

My damage is livable for now
Just an update:

The apple store called me about 5 days after my initial visit and told me that my new ipad was ready to be picked up. I walked in and gave them my cracked ipad and they gave me a brand new ipad2 still in the plastic. Really pleased with how things turned out.


Where is the apple store you got your replacement from?
rjchoops ( Ohio )
What chance of them replacing an iPad 1 with a dead backlight? I'm a business customer in the UK if it makes any difference?

If they wouldn't replace any idea on the sort of cost to fix?
dillorscroft said:
What chance of them replacing an iPad 1 with a dead backlight? I'm a business customer in the UK if it makes any difference?

If they wouldn't replace any idea on the sort of cost to fix?

Hi and Welcome to the Forum!

I don't know the cost at all, but how old is the iPad, could it still be under or just out of warranty? I would take it back to Apple and see. They've been to known to replace faulty iPads just out of warranty. Back up first just in case they do replace it. Good luck!!

The IPad Forum is a Community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the IPad.
There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions that you have. If then you can't find the answer you are seeking, then by all means post your question. You will find many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - Discussion Forum for IPad Users It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the iPad Manuals is a great place to start, so please download a copy of these http://www.support.apple.com/manuals/ipad/
A very informative thread from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the iPad
We have rules like any Community so please read these also

Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us. Enjoy!! .

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Hi Ryan, I had the same encounter but not so lucky as you. Dropped my iPad and ended up with big crack on the screen. But Apple refuse my request for a replacement. Just wonder whether you will be able to help me out here. Can I have your serial number or any case ID, so I can proof to apple that the replacement request is a valid.
I bought my iPad from Dubai, UAE. We travelled to the US immediately after. We had a day's stay in Scottsdale, AZ where our 2 yr old dropped the iPad from the second floor balcony of the hotel we stayed at. We were absolutely clueless as to how to fix the problem and really upset because we had been saving all our vacation pics on the iPad with no backup. Luckily the iPad still worked! However, the screen was shattered and the back bent out of shape.

We took it to the scottsdale store the next morning where the guy goes like "I think that's just adorable, obviously she had no idea what she was doing so we will give you a free replacement!" we were thrilled with such service. We explained our problem with the pics and no access to any computer to back them up on, so he's like do the backup tonight I will enter the info onto our database and give you some paperwork to take to any Apple store where they will replace it.

We drove like crazy to Orange County which was our next stop and used a friend's pc to backup our pics and the next morning we went to the Mission Viejo store. There we met a Genius who was racist and thoroughly ill bred. He flat out refused said the guy at the Scottsdale store "obviously does not take his job seriously and this is ridiculous blah blah" making us feel like we were committing a crime. We asked him to call the store and talk to the guy which he refused to do. He said the paper we took was useless and fraudulent. He said that'll be $350 and that's final.

We called the Scottsdale store where the guy on the line said 'we don't replace iPads for free but since you have that commitment from our employee come back here or try another store' he also said that we should complain about the guy at Mission which we couldn't as he had hidden his ID tag. Half prepared to drive back to Phoenix, we thought a last attempt at another store may work. We then went to the Apple store at Irvine Spectrum, spoke to another Genius told him our entire story and out he comes with a free replacement iPad. He did say it's unusual for us to do so but based on your case notes I know you're telling me the truth so here you go and we do sincerely apologize for any rude behavior. I asked just by the way, did the guy in Scottsdale actually write anything in your database? He's like of course he did therefore the replacement. So the Mission guy was being a royal bleep. Anyway, thats our story and happily we have a new iPad and all our vacation pictures as well!!!
Hi and Welcome to the Forum!

Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us your story, it is much appreciated and I'm so glad you had a happy ending!!

The IPad Forum is a Community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the IPad.
There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions that you have. If then you can't find the answer you are seeking, then by all means post your question. You will find many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - Discussion Forum for IPad Users It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the iPad Manuals is a great place to start, so please download a copy of these http://www.support.apple.com/manuals/ipad/
A very informative thread from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the iPad
We have rules like any Community so please read these also

Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us. Enjoy!!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
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