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Cydia packages/apps compatible for iPad!

yesterday i installed backgrounder, but after that my ipad got stuck (hang) with apple logo. for information i just jailbroke my ipad 3.2.2 with linmera1n. what should i do
yesterday i installed backgrounder, but after that my ipad got stuck (hang) with apple logo. for information i just jailbroke my ipad 3.2.2 with linmera1n. what should i do

There are a few thing that MIGHT help. The same thing actually happened to me at first. Try holding down your Power Button and Home button at the same time until the screen goes black and then turns back on. That's what did it for me. I've also read something about downloading and using RecBoot (a program that knocks your iDevice out of recovery mode) but that doesn't make much sense to me aas you're not in recovery mode obviously. Anyways, give it a try and lemme know what happens. Hope I'm not too late to reply...
unfortunately i have do your advice, but it's still same. could suggest me how to get backgrounder except from cydia ? maybe i have bad luck in cydia
If a hard reset doesn't work you might have to restore to a fresh 3.2.2 and start again... Just put the device into recovery mode with blackra1n...
unfortunately i have do your advice, but it's still same. could suggest me how to get backgrounder except from cydia ? maybe i have bad luck in cydia

I had the same problem on the first limera1n jailbrake. I went to cydia and got backgrounder. Then my ipad went to death screen n nothing would work. Power n home hold would only reboot it but itll still stay stuck there. No matter how many times or how ever long i held the buttons...no biggie, i just resored the 3.2.2 firmware. Immediately jailbroke again. Then went back to cydia to try backgrounder agakn. Ive been good ever since. No issues at all plus i have other cydia tweaks n apps. Whenever the springboard resprings i get nervous though, lol. :D
Hello all, can someone plz exp,ain me final i successfully jailbreak my iPad 3G wifi. I ave cydia apps. Wat i leed to do next? I don wat to deleted again lime i did be4. N i would lime 2 instalo frash or flash on my iPad but after i Google it it sou d complicated, can anybody tell HOW 2 DO IT PLZ???? Thx in advance sorash. Im so happy I DiD IT!!!
So it seems to work fine, except when I open cydia it flashes and closes. Any ideas?

EDIT: Fixed, just do a tethered reboot.
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MyWi of course. The On Demand feature requires it to be on the "client" machine but makes browsing 3G-WiFi a breeze.
Is there a way to make a new list of what is working and what is not working with Cydia?

Seeings how we have rc5 now it would be nice to know what we can and can not use again on this jb.

Like I know we do not need backgrounder no more as the update now does backgrounding. So members please post what u are running and not running and why if u can to help some of us looking to get new aps.

Also for those like me that needed to restore ur iPad and then jailbreak it lost everything saved and now need to redo all the settings.


Is there a way to make a new list of what is working and what is not working with Cydia?

Seeings how we have rc5 now it would be nice to know what we can and can not use again on this jb.

Like I know we do not need backgrounder no more as the update now does backgrounding. So members please post what u are running and not running and why if u can to help some of us looking to get new aps.

Also for those like me that needed to restore ur iPad and then jailbreak it lost everything saved and now need to redo all the settings.



Yeah, good post. We do need an updated list. When is cydia ever gonna have a section specifically for ipad apps? They were supposed to be doing this since the 3.x jailbreaks..lmfao

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