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Dock - Paid Tweak

...[snip description of problem]....then again this could be just happening on 4.3.2.

And that could be it. Because, using Dock, I can - close an app while it's open by either tapping the icon on the Dock or dragging it to the middle ... switch to another app while (a) in another app or (b) while at the homescreen ... drag a shortcut app off the Dock to the middle of the iPad to stop backgrounding ... remove an app from the shortcut list by dragging it all the way over to the other side from the Dock. All this (which is everything Dock advertises) with no crashes.

We know it's a new build for the iPad (Dec 2010). They probably haven't updated it/prepared for 4.3.1 or .2. ...

Is there anyone else out there running 4.2.1 that was interested enough in this Dock to get it? If so - do you have any issues?

OUTL4W said:
When I pull a shortcut off the dock to close that is not in the native task bar switcher....the springboard crashes....then again this could be just happening on 4.3.2.

I'm on 4.3.2 and tried that and no problems.
incapete said:
Quick question, is that Dock visible all the time or does it appear when you need it?

It will appear when you do the action you set it to respond to. I have it set to appear with a home button double click.
sorry... i had a problem... Is Dock support iOS 4.3.3? I purchased it and installed... but cannot work.. no change at all.
Sorry... it only can display one side? not both way....?

Yes, it will only display on the right hand side (if you have the Home button on the bottom). That side is the only side that will show the Dock, no matter how you orientate your screen.

I guess we wait for the developers to get around to actually making it so you can rotate it...


P.S. Oh, and glad you got it sorted out ... :D
This is pretty nice! I can't decide what I like better this method or the other. I've actually gotten to the point that I don't like using the home button, and it's a little less satisfying to back out of than touch to black, but the interface for seeing what you have on or adding shortcuts is so cool!
Ok, here's a weird bug. Every time I check my dock it shows FaceTime is running. But it's not. And I don't have an errant activator set up to do it. Odd.

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