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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Birdmaestro said:
If I were a betting man I would bet that there will be a significant update within the next two weeks to coincide with the new iPad for a couple of reasons. There's a lot of buzz right now that BFS would probably like to take advantage of. And secondly, I suspect that one of the reasons that all we have had is new dragons for a long time is that BFS is busy rewriting their software code to take advantage of the increased resolution of the new iPad. DV is going to be incredible at twice the resolution - make sure your park is spruced up. :)


P.S. Tony, can you get that bet down for me in Vegas?

I thought it was quadruple lol:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
Fletch_smf said:
Ahhh, that will do it. I'm going to suggest it is in the order the elements appear in the dragons profile. For Panlong it is Water, Earth, Fire, Air. If that's the case, adding an Air boost should increase productivity.

Although I think Poppy tried all combinations, and if he didn't find a boost with the Air, then perhaps it does all positives first then all negatives. In which case it wouldn't matter.

Just tried adding air, and we have a lower result. It must do all additions then all subtractions.

Am I reading this right? When breeding, I should take into consideration level/earnings of the breeding dragons, adding and subtracting the positive/negatives, to get the order of elements, that is in the dragons profile that I'm trying for?

I never thought of the positives & negatives. I have done my best to keep everything positive/neutral. Would it be to my advantage to have some dragons in the negatives? If so, which ones would be best?

Sorry if this has been explained before, if so, I may have missed it. (I have narcolepsy & fibro, so my memory is not so good at times)

Thanks to everyone that contributes to this forum, it does help me A LOT. :)
$3,510,000 in 20 Minutes

For some reason I seem to attract a lot of friends who are in the early stages of the development of their DV parks. This can be a good thing. It makes it very easy to pick party hats. When I woke up this morning (sore - my physical therapist worked my tail off yesterday), I lazed around for 20 minutes waiting for my wife to wake up and went pickin'. I only went to parks that were level 20 or below and n 20 minutes I had gathered $3,510,000 in gold coins. The hats are easy to spot in the early stage parks and you can really fly.

Have a great weekend my friends.

Well with 174 friends, it is a day work to pick up party hats lol
Nice week end to you too, here we have bright sunshine and 20 degrees celcius in the sun!
Got the pan!!!!!! So excited! Whooo hooo! Blaze10 & mud4 in ebi. Thanks for the tip! Worked for me on fourth time!
If I were a betting man I would bet that there will be a significant update within the next two weeks to coincide with the new iPad for a couple of reasons. There's a lot of buzz right now that BFS would probably like to take advantage of. And secondly, I suspect that one of the reasons that all we have had is new dragons for a long time is that BFS is busy rewriting their software code to take advantage of the increased resolution of the new iPad. DV is going to be incredible at twice the resolution - make sure your park is spruced up. :)


P.S. Tony, can you get that bet down for me in Vegas?

Oh that would be so cool! :) I also just read that the screen resolution is better than any tablet and laptop on today's market. That is pretty impressive. BTW Poppy I did talk to Apple...they say that is the day it is suppose to arrive. Crossing my fingers. :thumbs:
gtsk8 said:
Moss plus flower, both level seven, keeps giving me tree. Bah! Still working on getting a second clover. I think the clover dragon is cute!

Try changing the order.

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13
Is it just me or does it bother anyone else when the large dragons fly across the island and obstruct the view? I found the perfect solution by placing my sun and LYD at the top of the island and they pretty much stay in the sky. Bonus - the colors look beautiful together and stand out against the blue + half the time my LYD hangs out on the sun which looks really cool. :)
Birdmaestro said:
$3,510,000 in 20 Minutes

For some reason I seem to attract a lot of friends who are in the early stages of the development of their DV parks. This can be a good thing. It makes it very easy to pick party hats. When I woke up this morning (sore - my physical therapist worked my tail off yesterday), I lazed around for 20 minutes waiting for my wife to wake up and went pickin'. I only went to parks that were level 20 or below and n 20 minutes I had gathered $3,510,000 in gold coins. The hats are easy to spot in the early stage parks and you can really fly.

Have a great weekend my friends.


Your connection must be really fast. It often takes longer for the pages to load than it takes to find hats. I don't have masses of friends and it often takes an hour to sweep through them.
:-( but I get the coins :)

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13
Your connection must be really fast. It often takes longer for the pages to load than it takes to find hats. I don't have masses of friends and it often takes an hour to sweep through them.
:-( but I get the coins :)

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13

It was really fast because I used my iPhone. I would guess its 2-3x faster than my iPad. I hope the new iPad has the speed of the iPhone.

Still breeding for a clover and a panlong at level 25. Also saving for 5 island. Nice friends to share gems.
Waglia said:
I finally got my second clover. Flower 7 and moss 14. . Same combo which gave me the first one. Happy dance. Any news of an update?


Congrats x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
SnuggleTM said:
Dragonvale is driving me to drink! I decided to make my party hat hunt a little more fun (it is a party after all), so decided to sit down after work in my courtyard with a glass of champagne and visit friends' islands. Only trouble is, the more friends I get, the longer it takes, and the more champagne I drink!! Geez DV - thanks!! :)

Lol that's a slippery slide x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

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