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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Sounds like things are moving nicely for you! :thumbs: One thing I am doing is only using one cave for panlongs. I breed air or sandstorm in the other. It brings in the cash while waiting for pan to level them to 50 and I also do it in case we get a new dragon. Don't want to waste too many gems with a update.

Thanks again for keeping the rare breeding guide updated! I think the new additions are great! :thumbs:

That's awesome! Congrats! We ordered ours too. I can't wait! I've been going crazy trying to find cases for them all ready lol

Cases??? How many did you order? LOL
Well since I missed out on Love :( I can only try blazing/mud and fog/lava. So I try to do each combo in both caves...then switch the order...then back again!
I know there has been success with level 4 mud so I have one of those in my rotation, but any word on a lower fog or lava working?

GC ID: Steffany_W

I thought level 4 lava was in the equation too. Fog level 10 and lava level 4
Can anyone give me some hints on how to get slot of visitors? I have three islands two of which are filled with habitats and marble pathways. The last island is under construction but has a sun and a clover on it and still only have 30 visitors! What's up with that?
Can anyone give me some hints on how to get slot of visitors? I have three islands two of which are filled with habitats and marble pathways. The last island is under construction but has a sun and a clover on it and still only have 30 visitors! What's up with that?

I have five islands and I as gotten as low as 40 and as high as 120. They seem to like paths and mayor redesign. Than they drop off again. Its nothing to be concern, except it fun to watch them at times.
tonygtech said:
The only veggie that goes in and comes out the other end unscathed LMAO sorry guys I have a sick sense of humor:eek:


Eeeew lmao x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Mossyman87 said:
I have tried so many combo's and i have had no luck getting a clover dragon. I've never had this much trouble getting a holiday dragon. Does anyone have any suggestions on combos?

Flower 7 and Moss 14 worked for me two times. The first was very easy to achieve. The second took for ever.

Can anyone give me some hints on how to get slot of visitors? I have three islands two of which are filled with habitats and marble pathways. The last island is under construction but has a sun and a clover on it and still only have 30 visitors! What's up with that?

The numbers only seem to stay high for a day or two when decorating and adding paths like crazy. But as far as any of us can tell visitors don't do anything for the actual game play.
Steffany_W said:
Well since I missed out on Love :( I can only try blazing/mud and fog/lava. So I try to do each combo in both caves...then switch the order...then back again!
I know there has been success with level 4 mud so I have one of those in my rotation, but any word on a lower fog or lava working?

GC ID: Steffany_W

Me and my son both had success using a lvl 4 lava with a high level fog 10 in my sons case 12 in mine so worth a try x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
hazzarrd13 said:
I know. But it tastes so good going in and I'm not examining other end too closely. Lol

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13

Eeeeeewwwwww lmao x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Birdmaestro said:
Thank you for the kind comments.

When I was hit by a rock and became legally blind in my right (dominant) eye when I was nine years old it seemed like a real tragedy. But as the old Zen Master would have said "We'll see.". I believe it has turned out to be a blessing. I was born very much left brain weighted - very empirical and analytical. As it turns out, I do have a creative streak. Not necessarily in design, but building a new business in a new industry from scratch does require some creativity - at least innovation. And I'm blessed to have built a number of succesful Internet companies. My theory is that the poor vision in the right eye slowed down the left brain a bit and enabled the right creative brain to develop - a bit.

As to the design of my park, I do use a lot of symmetry (left brain) but I have foud it to be a bit too confining. My most previous efforts have been much more unconstrained. For example, the Chinese Gold Coin Factory is just a riot of color. I don't think anyone is going to toss aside their Gauguins any time soon, but I'm having a good time.


The Gauguin is still hanging on the wall (I wish) . Nice to hear your happy story.

So far I have all six Pans, 3 quakes, 2 Clovers, 6 frost/blue at level 15. Just started the climb to gold. Decided I should get another Blondie to help with the DC. See you all soon at the top! LOL
Hello Fellow Valers!

I just wanted to say, "Hey!" And give an update on my progress to raise my Panlong from Level 19 to Level 20. I began this insane goal on Thursday morning 08-Mar-2012 at 11:00 AM EST. I've spent countless millions and currently have amassed 2,659,313 treats. .ilUli., Snuggle, and Zsa17 can confirm. So...that means that I'm about half way to my goal of 5,242,880 treats. Crazy huh?

The way I figure...what's the sense of having a gold shrine, if your not going to try to have at least one level 20 dragon. Right?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Jack from Connecticut

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Hello Fellow Valers!

I just wanted to say, "Hey!" And give an update on my progress to raise my Panlong from Level 19 to Level 20. I began this insane goal on Thursday morning 08-Mar-2012 at 11:00 AM EST. I've spent countless millions and currently have amassed 2,659,313 treats. .ilUli., Snuggle, and Zsa17 can confirm. So...that means that I'm about half way to my goal of 5,242,880 treats. Crazy huh?

The way I figure...what's the sense of having a gold shrine, if your not going to try to have at least one level 20 dragon. Right?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Jack from Connecticut

Sent from my iPad using iPF

You may have to wait for me to climb that hill LOL

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