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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

GT500Girl said:
I just now got my 2nd clover! Yay! Same combo as first one. Levels 7 seaweed left, moss left. :)

Yay! Goid to hear Shellee!

Tiffany xoxo
tristan97tfj said:
I read that with a Scottish accent (sorry):)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

Lol! Just reread that msg now!!

Tiffany xoxo
This is my doodle bug cake for my nephew :)

Tiffany xoxo


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tristan97tfj said:
Ohhhh, why do you have to live so far away???:(:)))

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

Where abouts are u tristan?

Tiffany xoxo
How's this for a strange visitation!!!! Must be a wizard toddler - you know how toddlers get themselves into all sorts of trouble if you don't watch them carefully!!!


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