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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

vampi64 said:
How's this for a strange visitation!!!! Must be a wizard toddler - you know how toddlers get themselves into all sorts of trouble if you don't watch them carefully!!!

Lol you got yourself a floating wizard x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Steffany_W said:
Yay!!! Such a relief...I finally got my Pan!!!! I'm not as excited as I was for LYD but it's a sense of relief!

GC ID: Steffany_W

Yay congrats x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
tristan97tfj said:
Iceland lol:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

Hmm, that would pose a few problems :D ill have to visit my cousins in sweden and then pop over and say hi!!

Tiffany xoxo
vampi64 said:
Awesome! Still going to get around to posting my pics. Great work Tiff x

Thanks glenys. Now i just have to clean my kitchen!! Lol. Anyone heard anything bout the next update?

Tiffany xoxo
vampi64 said:
How's this for a strange visitation!!!! Must be a wizard toddler - you know how toddlers get themselves into all sorts of trouble if you don't watch them carefully!!!

If u look at that picture upside down it looks like hes climbing a mountain!! Lol

Tiffany xoxo
Segbert said:
How cuuuute! What flavor is it? Is the grass part cake too?

Its all edible. Even the words! Its a choc fudge mud cake with vanilla butter cream. Om nom nom!!

Tiffany xoxo
Steffany_W said:
Yay!!! Such a relief...I finally got my Pan!!!! I'm not as excited as I was for LYD but it's a sense of relief!

GC ID: Steffany_W

Awesome steff! Can tick it off ya list at least :)

Tiffany xoxo
VDL04 said:
Its all edible. Even the words! Its a choc fudge mud cake with vanilla butter cream. Om nom nom!!

Tiffany xoxo

Mmmmmmm sounds gorgeous do you do the letters with a mould too if so where do you get all these moulds I would love to have a go myself lol and my sons second birthday is coming up x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Finally! Got my second clover this morning after countless attempts. Once again, I got it with a level 10 moss and a level 7 flower in the normal cave. I just did something different last night, but I don't know if it had something to do with it or it was a coincidence. I bought about 27 sham-rocks and put them all around the cave. Since they are so cheap and its supposed to attract clovers, I thought "what do i have to lose?" . Second try, BANG! Seven hour breeding time! Now I can go back to chasing panlong and all others that I'm missing (which are quite a lot yet, actually).

Do you think the shamrocks had something to do with it? Like when we were after the LPD, I suspected the reason we had a couple of extra days was because we all bought the astrolabe, so I thought maybe the sham-rocks increase the odds and maybe they have a cumulative effect. Not sure, just an idea...

Yay! Congrats!

You know, I really don't know. I think by one of the descriptions it almost sounded like it would help, but then again backlip does those kind of things quite often. It would be nice to know for sure wouldn't it? My daughter doesn't have one yet so I'm gonna tell her to buy some and put them around the breeding cave. :thumbs: She's starting to get frustrated. Haha. First dragon that has given her a real hard time....she's not that far in the game yet.

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