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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

dragonwish said:
Keep on w/ blaze 10 + mud 4 in both caves. I just got my second pan in 2 days - one from each cave! Whoo hoo!! I hope you get yours! Hang in there!!

Thanks your one lucky breeder!
ilUli said:
Hi everyone :) #1 son is home for spring break so I only had time to check in now and then to see that nothing new has happened, no updates at least. Lots of success breeding, congrats on that, and a bit of frustration too, chin up :)

Something awful happened in my game this morning, my fire shrine turned an ugly yellow. Lol, I know it's supposed to be gold and I should be all excited, but it's sticking out like a sore thumb. Sigh, I suppose I will have to start working on my water shrine now to balance the island design. That's not exactly the one I had in mind for the next gold, eek.

Aww ...lol thought you had been missing a while ,it's nice to hear from you x x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Bmo321 said:
Please tell me you had this written down somewhere! Otherwise you may just be taking this addiction this a bit too far! :D

No ....I didn't lmao I just remembered because I thought it's was a bit silly how easy it was to get x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
hazzarrd13 said:
Many thanks. Finally got there. Yippeeee!!!!
Now to get down to making and feeding some panlong babies then cover they others.

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13

Yay congrats x x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Bmo321 said:
I'm sorry sir, but this is a bit of a personal question isn't it??? LOL (Or were you referring to the Love Dragon?) :D

Lmao x x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Cox780770 said:
I tend to breed a pan in one cave and dandies in the other for cash x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Dandies eh? Must be a new one. Lol. Love auto correct. I kept on using miss to get clover cos of it!
Gonna start breeding fire and water for air to raise cash shortly.

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13
hazzarrd13 said:
Dandies eh? Must be a new one. Lol. Love auto correct. I kept on using miss to get clover cos of it!
Gonna start breeding fire and water for air to raise cash shortly.

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13

Lmao x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
There is irony here somewhere, I have been playing DV since it showed up intone app store and could ever get a rainbow and never could get my second sun or moon. I have at least ones fall the specials. Now after my mad dash to get the LYD when it was out I got it on the march 1, got a rainbow, a second and third sun, and than another rainbow. I have been trying to get a second panlong finally got that. Now all I am missing is a silly frost fire! I have yet another48 hour egg breeding and since it was love/cold it could've any of the three. No luck at all with frost fire.

Love the game and everyone on here gives such good advice it keeps me interested when the game is waiting on time :)
Hey guys I wanted to tell you that I think clover's breeding percentage may have gone up!!!!! I have a spare account which I don't usually play but while saving for my 100 mil island I found myself bored, so decided to play this other account like poppy 2nd account / fletch I get no gems from friends at all as I only have 3 friends so I rely on the colosseum gems for speeding ( that was the idea see the other friends are me and my son and a good friend who I send a gem to everyday)

so anyway I finally got a moss last night on that account so decided to put my level 7 flower and lvl 5 moss in and got a flower ,an hour later tried again and got a CLOVER ,so waited for that to breed then have just put the same pair in again and got another CLOVER so that's 2 clovers in three tries I'm so totally dumbstruck by how easy it was when my son had to try for a week to get his first and many others struggled too and still are !!! it's quite strange x x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
There is irony here somewhere, I have been playing DV since it showed up intone app store and could ever get a rainbow and never could get my second sun or moon. I have at least ones fall the specials. Now after my mad dash to get the LYD when it was out I got it on the march 1, got a rainbow, a second and third sun, and than another rainbow. I have been trying to get a second panlong finally got that. Now all I am missing is a silly frost fire! I have yet another48 hour egg breeding and since it was love/cold it could've any of the three. No luck at all with frost fire.

Love the game and everyone on here gives such good advice it keeps me interested when the game is waiting on time :)

This is just a sense, but I suspect this might be a good week to go for the hard-to-gets. I'm going to go after Jack's second Moon as soon as I can.

aphrael said:
There is irony here somewhere, I have been playing DV since it showed up intone app store and could ever get a rainbow and never could get my second sun or moon. I have at least ones fall the specials. Now after my mad dash to get the LYD when it was out I got it on the march 1, got a rainbow, a second and third sun, and than another rainbow. I have been trying to get a second panlong finally got that. Now all I am missing is a silly frost fire! I have yet another48 hour egg breeding and since it was love/cold it could've any of the three. No luck at all with frost fire.

Love the game and everyone on here gives such good advice it keeps me interested when the game is waiting on time :)

Wow congrats on all those rares x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

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