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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

altraeis said:
All I can say is 'wow', I cannot believe the anger and spite that has come my way over the air dragon. If you don't want to believe me then that's fine, I made a simple comment and it has led to this.

I was using water and fire and was not getting air, this was way back when I first started, and I had not tried again until the other night. Was so long ago that i cannot remember what i got from the combo! Yes how convenient, but there have been at least two updates since then and so I can only think that maybe it was a glitch.

As I was not the only one that posted here that they did not get air every time, then obviously both of us must be lying!! To what end though I don't no.

I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts and all the helpful tips but if people can get this angry and spiteful over something as insignificant as this, then this is not somewhere I wish to be. So you have no need to boot me, I simply will not be back. We may all love playing this game, but in the end, it is still just a game and not worth all this angst.

Ps, to the member who went so far as to search and find me on Facebook and sent that very charming message, you have been reported to Facebook admin, and if you ever send anything like that again I will see you in court.

To those that showed friendship and gave advice, thank you and good bye.


I am deeply hurt to think how we have reacted to both veelund and altraeis. Perhaps it was a glitch or simply that you cant breed an air until they became available in the market. We were so quick to judge and may now lose 2 ppl that have been posting here for a while. I personally want to apologise to both of u if i have said anythin uncalled for.

Perhaps we should be a little less judgmental. We welcomed others from forums where ppl were rude and nasty and here we are acting the same. Give veelund and altraeis the benefit of the doubt. Come on guys...

Tiffany xoxo
VeeLund said:
I would get either a water or fire. I sold the ones I had and started with new ones, and now got an air. I'm assuming for some reason I had a glitch.

Always possible. Glitches do happen. Glad u r getting ur airs now and hopefully people will leave this issue alone. This is meant to be a friendly forum :D

Tiffany xoxo
I know! Still seems so far away! Im doing my shrines with panlong reindeer and lightning. Getting there slowly. Breeding the panlongs is good thougg. Gives heaps of time to save money for food

Tiffany xoxo
I have now used all the dragons i had caved and now must breed from scratch. Need 20 panlongs plus about 15 each of raindeer and storm. It is quite ridiculous lol.
Hey guys I wanted to tell you that I think clover's breeding percentage may have gone up!!!!! I have a spare account which I don't usually play but while saving for my 100 mil island I found myself bored, so decided to play this other account like poppy 2nd account / fletch I get no gems from friends at all as I only have 3 friends so I rely on the colosseum gems for speeding ( that was the idea see the other friends are me and my son and a good friend who I send a gem to everyday)

so anyway I finally got a moss last night on that account so decided to put my level 7 flower and lvl 5 moss in and got a flower ,an hour later tried again and got a CLOVER ,so waited for that to breed then have just put the same pair in again and got another CLOVER so that's 2 clovers in three tries I'm so totally dumbstruck by how easy it was when my son had to try for a week to get his first and many others struggled too and still are !!! it's quite strange x x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Yay! Congrats Vicky! Shhhh....don't tell my my daughter. She will be mad. Lol She just threw hers in for another 14hrs.
Vivipilou said:
I have now used all the dragons i had caved and now must breed from scratch. Need 20 panlongs plus about 15 each of raindeer and storm. It is quite ridiculous lol.

I need roughly 115 dragons total :)

Tiffany xoxo
No, I've been playing Dragonvale for ages. I'm a bit peeved at basically being told
(in other words) that I'm either stupid or a liar (i know the difference between brown & blue, sandstorm is brown)...so I think I'll find a new set of friends to talk Dragonvale with.
I've gotten fires and waters from the breedings for some reason, but not an air. Maybe it's a glitch, I don't know. But it don't matter...I just know I don't feel welcome here anymore...I sure in the bleep won't post an issue here ever again.

Wow. I wonder why out of all the people that comment I am always the one quoted and basically attacked for trying to help. I didn't say you were stupid or a liar but I do know for a fact that fire/water puts out a air and thought you may have just meant sandstorm instead of air. I've made mistakes meaning something else but saying another on the forum. The next thing I would of suggested was contacting BFS because if what you say is happening then there is something wrong with your app! I had even said that you had posted here a bunch of times so I didn't think you were trying to give wrong info. Whatever though...sorry you took it wrong with what I said. Sorry to see you go.

Edit: After reading what everyone had to say about this maybe it's just time for me to not post as much or go because for some reason I'm always in the middle so I must be somewhat to blame.
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All I can say is 'wow', I cannot believe the anger and spite that has come my way over the air dragon. If you don't want to believe me then that's fine, I made a simple comment and it has led to this.

I was using water and fire and was not getting air, this was way back when I first started, and I had not tried again until the other night. Was so long ago that i cannot remember what i got from the combo! Yes how convenient, but there have been at least two updates since then and so I can only think that maybe it was a glitch.

As I was not the only one that posted here that they did not get air every time, then obviously both of us must be lying!! To what end though I don't no.

I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts and all the helpful tips but if people can get this angry and spiteful over something as insignificant as this, then this is not somewhere I wish to be. So you have no need to boot me, I simply will not be back. We may all love playing this game, but in the end, it is still just a game and not worth all this angst.

Ps, to the member who went so far as to search and find me on Facebook and sent that very charming message, you have been reported to Facebook admin, and if you ever send anything like that again I will see you in court.

To those that showed friendship and gave advice, thank you and good bye.


You can read my last post to veelund if you want....sorry to see you go if you do. As to the facebook thing, I have no idea what that is about but I won't say anymore about it at this point....but my next step was to say someting was wrong with both your apps
As a test, I tried again for air and got a fire. Sold both my fire & water dragons, bought new eggs, hatched & grew them and tried again and got an air. So I assume there was a glitch.


The only other thing I could think of (dont shoot me for those that disagree because I still don't believe it) lol but was that maybe that pair wasn't original and had genes from other dragons being bred to get something else...back to the gene theory.
After reading what everyone had to say about this maybe it's just time for me to not post as much or go because for some reason I'm always in the middle so I must be somewhat to blame.
Oh, yeah, it's all always your fault, nah nah boo boo, etc. Here I am quoting your post, nah nah. I'm going to go home and eat worms.

P.S. My wife says your daughter is wearing a cute polka dottie dress! She's right, you know. Cutie cutie!
Oh, yeah, it's all always your fault, nah nah boo boo, etc. Here I am quoting your post, nah nah. I'm going to go home and eat worms.

P.S. My wife says your daughter is wearing a cute polka dottie dress! She's right, you know. Cutie cutie!

:p No, it's true though...I'm always trying to help or set things right and it bites me in the ass eveytime. Like I told Poppy once...."no good deed goes unpunished" and I still haven't learned with trying to help. :(

That's my granddaughter by the way! Haha
GT500Girl said:
Wow. I wonder why out of all the people that comment I am always the one quoted and basically attacked for trying to help. I didn't say you were stupid or a liar but I do know for a fact that fire/water puts out a air and thought you may have just meant sandstorm instead of air. I've made mistakes meaning something else but saying another on the forum. The next thing I would of suggested was contacting BFS because if what you say is happening then there is something wrong with your app! I had even said that you had posted here a bunch of times so I didn't think you were trying to give wrong info. Whatever though...sorry you took it wrong with what I said. Sorry to see you go.

Edit: After reading what everyone had to say about this maybe it's just time for me to not post as much or go because for some reason I'm always in the middle so I must be somewhat to blame.

Dont go shellee!! :( they were just frustrated. The liar comment was made by someone else and i think they just jumped to their own defense over several comments made. I dont think it was directed at you as such. Ur comment came in after they had already been attacked and i think it was taken the wrong way. Thats all.

Tiffany xoxo
Hello DV world!
Yes it is quiet in here, maybe some players are catching up with all the RL things left aside these last weeks. For my part, i know that there is a lot of things which i would need to do but push back down the list. Just a bit on the balcony to smell the spring which is now coming, tulips plants already 20 cm high.
Poppy wasn t it today that you got back to the office?


It's sure not spring here. Snowed overnight, 50mph winds all day, etc.

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