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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

GT500Girl said:
Wow. I wonder why out of all the people that comment I am always the one quoted and basically attacked for trying to help. I didn't say you were stupid or a liar but I do know for a fact that fire/water puts out a air and thought you may have just meant sandstorm instead of air. I've made mistakes meaning something else but saying another on the forum. The next thing I would of suggested was contacting BFS because if what you say is happening then there is something wrong with your app! I had even said that you had posted here a bunch of times so I didn't think you were trying to give wrong info. Whatever though...sorry you took it wrong with what I said. Sorry to see you go.

Edit: After reading what everyone had to say about this maybe it's just time for me to not post as much or go because for some reason I'm always in the middle so I must be somewhat to blame.

I wasn't blaming you in particular...if I could have quoted a dozen posts or so, I would have. I'm sorry if it came across as blaming you, as it wasn't what I was trying to do. My fustration finally let loose at the point of your post. You are one of the ppl here that I really like reading the posts of.
GT500Girl said:
The only other thing I could think of (dont shoot me for those that disagree because I still don't believe it) lol but was that maybe that pair wasn't original and had genes from other dragons being bred to get something else...back to the gene theory.

That may be the issue, as I may have kept 'unpure' offspring in the past...been playing since DV came out.
VeeLund said:
No, I've been playing Dragonvale for ages. I'm a bit peeved at basically being told
(in other words) that I'm either stupid or a liar (i know the difference between brown & blue, sandstorm is brown)...so I think I'll find a new set of friends to talk Dragonvale with.
I've gotten fires and waters from the breedings for some reason, but not an air. Maybe it's a glitch, I don't know. But it don't matter...I just know I don't feel welcome here anymore...I sure in the bleep won't post an issue here ever again.

altraeis said:
All I can say is 'wow', I cannot believe the anger and spite that has come my way over the air dragon. If you don't want to believe me then that's fine, I made a simple comment and it has led to this.

I was using water and fire and was not getting air, this was way back when I first started, and I had not tried again until the other night. Was so long ago that i cannot remember what i got from the combo! Yes how convenient, but there have been at least two updates since then and so I can only think that maybe it was a glitch.

As I was not the only one that posted here that they did not get air every time, then obviously both of us must be lying!! To what end though I don't no.

I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts and all the helpful tips but if people can get this angry and spiteful over something as insignificant as this, then this is not somewhere I wish to be. So you have no need to boot me, I simply will not be back. We may all love playing this game, but in the end, it is still just a game and not worth all this angst.

Ps, to the member who went so far as to search and find me on Facebook and sent that very charming message, you have been reported to Facebook admin, and if you ever send anything like that again I will see you in court.

To those that showed friendship and gave advice, thank you and good bye.


Wow you guys im sorry if you were made to feel that but I don't think you were called stupid or liars we just wondered if you were mistaken .....we all make mistakes sometimes ( I do it loads ) and were just checking it must have been glitched as everyone always gets air from that's combo x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Birdmaestro said:
This forum right now reminds me of a scene from an old WWIi movie...

A group of GI's has been under attack by enemy forces. Now everything is quiet. One looks at another and says:

"It's awfully quiet out there Sarge."

Sarge squints at the trees in the distance and says in a low, barely discernible voice, "Too quiet."


Lmao .....it's been quiet for a few days x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
VDL04 said:
I know! Still seems so far away! Im doing my shrines with panlong reindeer and lightning. Getting there slowly. Breeding the panlongs is good thougg. Gives heaps of time to save money for food

Tiffany xoxo

Yep they are good for that and saving on a he'll of a lot of food too x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
VDL04 said:
I am deeply hurt to think how we have reacted to both veelund and altraeis. Perhaps it was a glitch or simply that you cant breed an air until they became available in the market. We were so quick to judge and may now lose 2 ppl that have been posting here for a while. I personally want to apologise to both of u if i have said anythin uncalled for.

Perhaps we should be a little less judgmental. We welcomed others from forums where ppl were rude and nasty and here we are acting the same. Give veelund and altraeis the benefit of the doubt. Come on guys...

Tiffany xoxo

Yeah I second that x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
GT500Girl said:
Yay! Congrats Vicky! Shhhh....don't tell my my daughter. She will be mad. Lol She just threw hers in for another 14hrs.

Lol awww hope she gets it soon x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Wow. I wonder why out of all the people that comment I am always the one quoted and basically attacked for trying to help. I didn't say you were stupid or a liar but I do know for a fact that fire/water puts out a air and thought you may have just meant sandstorm instead of air. I've made mistakes meaning something else but saying another on the forum. The next thing I would of suggested was contacting BFS because if what you say is happening then there is something wrong with your app! I had even said that you had posted here a bunch of times so I didn't think you were trying to give wrong info. Whatever though...sorry you took it wrong with what I said. Sorry to see you go.

Edit: After reading what everyone had to say about this maybe it's just time for me to not post as much or go because for some reason I'm always in the middle so I must be somewhat to blame.

That's a bunch of horse patooie. You are one of the nicest, kindest most supportive people on this forum. There is no way you are shouldering any blame for anything bad that happens here any time. That is just not possible.

I'm more than happy to take all the blame for all the negative comments aimed at these two new comers. I was the first to call you both liars and I'm happy to admit. You want to vilify someone, well here I am, and I'm happy to accept what ever you want to send my way.

Now I haven't been playing this game for very long, but there are plenty of people here that have, since the beginning. And none of them have ever said they ever got anything but air when breeding fire + water. This basic combination is built into the game since it's inception. I find it quite coincidental that two people that don't post very regularly both jump into post that they don't get air when breeding fire + water. While it's more than possible that you both were the victims of some glitch, the more obvious solution to me was that you were one person, with two accounts, spamming the forum with rubbish. You would not be the first to do this, and I apologise for jumping to that conclusion.

And I'll put out a call now ... has anyone here ever had this glitch, or heard of this glitch, where you did not get air when breeding fire + water?
GT500Girl said:
Wow. I wonder why out of all the people that comment I am always the one quoted and basically attacked for trying to help. I didn't say you were stupid or a liar but I do know for a fact that fire/water puts out a air and thought you may have just meant sandstorm instead of air. I've made mistakes meaning something else but saying another on the forum. The next thing I would of suggested was contacting BFS because if what you say is happening then there is something wrong with your app! I had even said that you had posted here a bunch of times so I didn't think you were trying to give wrong info. Whatever though...sorry you took it wrong with what I said. Sorry to see you go.

Edit: After reading what everyone had to say about this maybe it's just time for me to not post as much or go because for some reason I'm always in the middle so I must be somewhat to blame.

: hugs: GT don't you dare Hun this is all just a misunderstanding between people I think this has all just got a little bit carried away
@ veelund and altreais you guys misunderstood I don't think anyone was nasty to you guys at all we were just wondering what was going wrong and trying to figure it out
Then everyone decides it was all said nastily which it wasn't and now GT feels picked on which is not right at all since she is always helping supporting offering advice practically 12 hours a day and never has a bad word to say to anyone without due cause ....

I think we all just need to accept that veelund and altreais games were glitched ,we are sorry at any upset caused to either of you guys but also accept that no harm ,disrespect or nastiness was intended the comments have been misunderstood that's all so just forget about it now x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
What's the quickest way to level up? Besides the tournaments..

What level are you at? Growing food and feeding dragons is a good way. Building big things like volcanoes and then selling them is also good.

But really, why are you in a hurry to level up? What are you trying to get to?
What's the quickest way to level up? Besides the tournaments..

The tournaments are the quickest. Winning Gold wins a lot of XPs. Second is buying a lot of food and purchasing decorations. If you just started, try to complete the goals too. Good luck!
Fletch_smf said:
What level are you at? Growing food and feeding dragons is a good way. Building big things like volcanoes and then selling them is also good.

But really, why are you in a hurry to level up? What are you trying to get to?

I'm at LV 27 and I'm trying to get a new island. I was putting a hold on feeding dragons since I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the dragons I have already but i'm definitely going to try the volcano selling..

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