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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Fletch_smf said:
Sandstorm is bred with Air + Earth Hybrid. Air + Mud has got me all mine.

Thanks.. I got my second Sandstorm with Air10 + Mud14 last night and got my second clover with Flower14 + Moss14 :)
I'm at LV 27 and I'm trying to get a new island. I was putting a hold on feeding dragons since I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the dragons I have already but i'm definitely going to try the volcano selling..

There is no new island till Level 30. That is a long way to travel. My advice is to just play the game for the next couple of weeks, and if you need a direction, aim for something small like leveling up one of your shrines. Do you have all Silver yet? You will get to 30 eventually anyhow, and rushing the game away just to get there is going to be a grind.
Fletch_smf said:
That's a bunch of horse patooie. You are one of the nicest, kindest most supportive people on this forum. There is no way you are shouldering any blame for anything bad that happens here any time. That is just not possible.

I'm more than happy to take all the blame for all the negative comments aimed at these two new comers. I was the first to call you both liars and I'm happy to admit. You want to vilify someone, well here I am, and I'm happy to accept what ever you want to send my way.

Now I haven't been playing this game for very long, but there are plenty of people here that have, since the beginning. And none of them have ever said they ever got anything but air when breeding fire + water. This basic combination is built into the game since it's inception. I find it quite coincidental that two people that don't post very regularly both jump into post that they don't get air when breeding fire + water. While it's more than possible that you both were the victims of some glitch, the more obvious solution to me was that you were one person, with two accounts, spamming the forum with rubbish. You would not be the first to do this, and I apologise for jumping to that conclusion.

And I'll put out a call now ... has anyone here ever had this glitch, or heard of this glitch, where you did not get air when breeding fire + water?

Sorry Fletch, but the last I checked I was a female, living in Northern MN, and only have one account here. I have played DV since it came out. I'm sorry if you have a problem with a possible glitch, sorry you feel like you have the right & responsibility to call me a liar or insinuate crud against me. Maybe if I was willing to spend my day logging in here several times, posting bits and pieces here about my life, my fustrations with the game, whatever...then I'd have several hundred posts....would that make me more believable to you? Unfortunately, I have both a human services job & a self employment job to do, so I can't be on all hours of the day, and my normal personality is a quiet person.
I'd really prefer you take your school-yard bully attitude and use the energy you put into it into something else....maybe something productive. Or spend some of it looking at the situation from the viewpoint if it was you having the issue and you were being called a liar & having someone saying you should be banned, and having people join in on the attack.
I only posted about it after someone else spoke up because up to then, I thought it was normal to not always get an air when you breed fire & water...I mean, when I breed my moss & flower, I get moss, flower, tree...and still not a clover...so up till then I assumed it was just par for the course.
You are entitled to your opinion of course, so you can think whatever you want to about me. I've decided that I'm staying here at the forums, no matter how you act towards me, because frankly, life is to bleeping short to let a bully drive me away. If your apology is sincere, then apology accepted, but it's going to take time for me to allow myself any trust/friendship feelings in regards to you, as being called a liar is a huge trigger to me.
Fletch_smf said:
That's a bunch of horse patooie. You are one of the nicest, kindest most supportive people on this forum. There is no way you are shouldering any blame for anything bad that happens here any time. That is just not possible.

I'm more than happy to take all the blame for all the negative comments aimed at these two new comers. I was the first to call you both liars and I'm happy to admit. You want to vilify someone, well here I am, and I'm happy to accept what ever you want to send my way.

Now I haven't been playing this game for very long, but there are plenty of people here that have, since the beginning. And none of them have ever said they ever got anything but air when breeding fire + water. This basic combination is built into the game since it's inception. I find it quite coincidental that two people that don't post very regularly both jump into post that they don't get air when breeding fire + water. While it's more than possible that you both were the victims of some glitch, the more obvious solution to me was that you were one person, with two accounts, spamming the forum with rubbish. You would not be the first to do this, and I apologise for jumping to that conclusion.

And I'll put out a call now ... has anyone here ever had this glitch, or heard of this glitch, where you did not get air when breeding fire + water?

As a nubie here I have obviously not been privy to previous spamming and so forth and wasn't aware that it has been such an issue. I am more then happy to prove to anyone that I am not the same person with two accounts. My name is Simon Hooper from Australia so feel free to look me up on Facebook.

Thank you for the messages I have received here and I will apologies If my previous rant caused an issue. I should have thought my answer through and not posted in anger.

I will stay as many have requested and see how things go. In future I will try to be more patient.

Thank you fletch for having the balls to say on here that it was you that called us I liar, and after hearing of previous similar situations, I can even understand your reaction. What I don't understand or forgive is the person who, and I would still love to know how, sent me that abusive message on Facebook. Unfortunately the name there is not the same as their username here.

Thank goodness for karma

Hey Poppy/Jack

Your islands looks good. I like you left the rocks and incorporated them into the design of your island. It reminds me of Vasquez Rocks. That's where they filmed the Flintstone Movie.
My final thought in re: the air dragon issue....how about we just drop it & get back to what is important, which is the hints & tips for the game and having fun?

As a nubie here I have obviously not been privy to previous spamming and so forth and wasn't aware that it has been such an issue. I am more then happy to prove to anyone that I am not the same person with two accounts. My name is Simon Hooper from Australia so feel free to look me up on Facebook.

Thank you for the messages I have received here and I will apologies If my previous rant caused an issue. I should have thought my answer through and not posted in anger.

I will stay as many have requested and see how things go. In future I will try to be more patient.

Thank you fletch for having the balls to say on here that it was you that called us I liar, and after hearing of previous similar situations, I can even understand your reaction. What I don't understand or forgive is the person who, and I would still love to know how, sent me that abusive message on Facebook. Unfortunately the name there is not the same as their username here.

Thank goodness for karma


Welcome back! Please don't take this wrong, but, how strange someone would actually post something on your Facebook page. That is very alarming.
Well you get your gift from your friends list if you got to your friends list it will say give gift to a friend, you get three free a day.

See. . .three ? marks. Is this a spam?
altraeis said:
As a nubie here I have obviously not been privy to previous spamming and so forth and wasn't aware that it has been such an issue. I am more then happy to prove to anyone that I am not the same person with two accounts. My name is Simon Hooper from Australia so feel free to look me up on Facebook.

Thank you for the messages I have received here and I will apologies If my previous rant caused an issue. I should have thought my answer through and not posted in anger.

I will stay as many have requested and see how things go. In future I will try to be more patient.

Thank you fletch for having the balls to say on here that it was you that called us I liar, and after hearing of previous similar situations, I can even understand your reaction. What I don't understand or forgive is the person who, and I would still love to know how, sent me that abusive message on Facebook. Unfortunately the name there is not the same as their username here.

Thank goodness for karma


Abusing you on facebook is a little bit childish.....I didn't realise that people could find you on facey through here that's a bit scary x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Sorry Fletch, but the last I checked I was a female, living in Northern MN, and only have one account here. I have played DV since it came out. I'm sorry if you have a problem with a possible glitch, sorry you feel like you have the right & responsibility to call me a liar or insinuate crud against me. Maybe if I was willing to spend my day logging in here several times, posting bits and pieces here about my life, my fustrations with the game, whatever...then I'd have several hundred posts....would that make me more believable to you? Unfortunately, I have both a human services job & a self employment job to do, so I can't be on all hours of the day, and my normal personality is a quiet person.
I'd really prefer you take your school-yard bully attitude and use the energy you put into it into something else....maybe something productive. Or spend some of it looking at the situation from the viewpoint if it was you having the issue and you were being called a liar & having someone saying you should be banned, and having people join in on the attack.
I only posted about it after someone else spoke up because up to then, I thought it was normal to not always get an air when you breed fire & water...I mean, when I breed my moss & flower, I get moss, flower, tree...and still not a clover...so up till then I assumed it was just par for the course.
You are entitled to your opinion of course, so you can think whatever you want to about me. I've decided that I'm staying here at the forums, no matter how you act towards me, because frankly, life is to bleeping short to let a bully drive me away. If your apology is sincere, then apology accepted, but it's going to take time for me to allow myself any trust/friendship feelings in regards to you, as being called a liar is a huge trigger to me.

Ok, from someone that usually never posts, here goes nothing. I know Veebabe personally. I can attest to the fact that she is a female. I can also attest to the fact that different people get different results when breeding. Some get rares like nobody's business and some can't get one to save their flustrated necks. I've been trying for ages now to get my second Clover and all I get is 12 or 14 hour others. I don't regularly get onto the forums here, because I too have other things that demand my attention. I've tried many of the combinations I find here and on the Dragonvale Wikia site to get whatever the newest special edition is and usually have to try harder than a lot of others. I can't ever recall getting one of the specials on the first try out, yet others do all the time. I think it depends greatly on the internal time clock of the device one is using to play any given game. After all an iPod, iPad, or iPhone device is just another computing device that is run by a processor.

That said...I thought the forums where here to help each other, not personally attack other users, and to foster new friendships. Was I wrong???
I know it's none of my business but gt500girl u've been really helpful to me in every single question I've asked. Ur like the dragonvale mom :) haters hate that's what they do but I support u and what advice u give to this thread I want u to post as much as possible!!
Lady_Zeresh said:
Ok, from someone that usually never posts, here goes nothing. I know Veebabe personally. I can attest to the fact that she is a female. I can also attest to the fact that different people get different results when breeding. Some get rares like nobody's business and some can't get one to save their flustrated necks. I've been trying for ages now to get my second Clover and all I get is 12 or 14 hour others. I don't regularly get onto the forums here, because I too have other things that demand my attention. I've tried many of the combinations I find here and on the Dragonvale Wikia site to get whatever the newest special edition is and usually have to try harder than a lot of others. I can't ever recall getting one of the specials on the first try out, yet others do all the time. I think it depends greatly on the internal time clock of the device one is using to play any given game. After all an iPod, iPad, or iPhone device is just another computing device that is run by a processor.

That said...I thought the forums where here to help each other, not personally attack other users, and to foster new friendships. Was I wrong???

You are so very right! As for me, I am just now coming back to the forum after losing my grandfather. The last thing I anticipated seeing here was bickering. I experience enough of that in regular life. This was my positive filler for the day. I very much would like to see that fostered as we move forward since you never really know what is going on behind the scenes in someone's life. That being said.... Let's see what BFS has in store for us come Easter. And what new things we can look forward to and those challenges we can mentor others with! I personally am working toward my gold shrines and then acquiring additional islands to properly arrange and decorate.

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone
Fletch_smf said:
There is no new island till Level 30. That is a long way to travel. My advice is to just play the game for the next couple of weeks, and if you need a direction, aim for something small like leveling up one of your shrines. Do you have all Silver yet? You will get to 30 eventually anyhow, and rushing the game away just to get there is going to be a grind.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll try to be a lil more patient ... I appreciate the feedback :]

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