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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

VeeLund said:
Sorry Fletch, but the last I checked I was a female, living in Northern MN, and only have one account here. I have played DV since it came out. I'm sorry if you have a problem with a possible glitch, sorry you feel like you have the right & responsibility to call me a liar or insinuate crud against me. Maybe if I was willing to spend my day logging in here several times, posting bits and pieces here about my life, my fustrations with the game, whatever...then I'd have several hundred posts....would that make me more believable to you? Unfortunately, I have both a human services job & a self employment job to do, so I can't be on all hours of the day, and my normal personality is a quiet person.
I'd really prefer you take your school-yard bully attitude and use the energy you put into it into something else....maybe something productive. Or spend some of it looking at the situation from the viewpoint if it was you having the issue and you were being called a liar & having someone saying you should be banned, and having people join in on the attack.
I only posted about it after someone else spoke up because up to then, I thought it was normal to not always get an air when you breed fire & water...I mean, when I breed my moss & flower, I get moss, flower, tree...and still not a clover...so up till then I assumed it was just par for the course.
You are entitled to your opinion of course, so you can think whatever you want to about me. I've decided that I'm staying here at the forums, no matter how you act towards me, because frankly, life is to bleeping short to let a bully drive me away. If your apology is sincere, then apology accepted, but it's going to take time for me to allow myself any trust/friendship feelings in regards to you, as being called a liar is a huge trigger to me.

My apology is sincere. At the end of the day all we have is our reputation and I apologise for besmirching yours. If you have seen my posts in this forum you will see that I do my best to help others. This includes making sure that people posting false info don't get the chance to confuse others. I am sorry that I may have jumped the gun here and labelled you as one of those.

I am very sorry if you see me as a bully, as the idea of the strong/many harassing the weak is truly abhorrent to me. I have children and was one myself, obviously. I understand you only posted to back up another forumer, and felt that you were attacked for this. This is unacceptable, and again, I apologise.

I understand that it will take some time for you to trust/like me. I will do my best to earn it by my future actions. I will take the fact that you, and your friend, have posted here today, as a positive outcome of these unfortunate events. I hope to see you both around here more often. And invite you to play in our Easter Dragon competition. The link is in my signature.

Very sincerely
Shane M. Fletcher
Hi everyone :) #1 son is home for spring break so I only had time to check in now and then to see that nothing new has happened, no updates at least. Lots of success breeding, congrats on that, and a bit of frustration too, chin up :)

Something awful happened in my game this morning, my fire shrine turned an ugly yellow. Lol, I know it's supposed to be gold and I should be all excited, but it's sticking out like a sore thumb. Sigh, I suppose I will have to start working on my water shrine now to balance the island design. That's not exactly the one I had in mind for the next gold, eek.
You may not like the colour of it, but Congratulations!!! It's hard work and you should be thrilled no matter what :)
altraeis said:
As a nubie here I have obviously not been privy to previous spamming and so forth and wasn't aware that it has been such an issue. I am more then happy to prove to anyone that I am not the same person with two accounts. My name is Simon Hooper from Australia so feel free to look me up on Facebook.

Thank you for the messages I have received here and I will apologies If my previous rant caused an issue. I should have thought my answer through and not posted in anger.

I will stay as many have requested and see how things go. In future I will try to be more patient.

Thank you fletch for having the balls to say on here that it was you that called us I liar, and after hearing of previous similar situations, I can even understand your reaction. What I don't understand or forgive is the person who, and I would still love to know how, sent me that abusive message on Facebook. Unfortunately the name there is not the same as their username here.

Thank goodness for karma


Where abouts in Oz are u simon?

Tiffany xoxo
VeeLund said:
My final thought in re: the air dragon issue....how about we just drop it & get back to what is important, which is the hints & tips for the game and having fun?


I agrre veebabe! Bring on a new update!!

Tiffany xoxo
Segbert said:
Nice job on your earth island. I never seen the bamboo used that way. It's gives an interesting texture. Love the variation of the CGCF.:thumbs:

Thanks segbert :) im keen for some new deco's though!

Tiffany xoxo
Good Afternoon Everyone! Just got all excited unexpectedly. I was racing around this morning and the breeding notification came up for my number two account so I logged out of account one and went into account two. I put two pairs in to breed and one of them was taking to long to tell me what it was, so I ignored it and went to see what the other one was doing. In the meantime the notification for my breeding Airs came up in the other account so I logged out of account two and went back into account one. Off to work. Later I got a notification that my breeders had finished in account two but I didn't have time to check them. Just went in and clicked on them and was trying to make up my mind whether to try something different in an attempt to get my second Clover and then I checked my eggs and WOO HOO!! a beautiful little Clover egg sitting there for me.* I hadn't even realised he was on his way ... best feeling ever.* Thrilled to bits :) :)
vampi64 said:
I can't believe that someone was so juvenile to look you up on Facebook and post a nasty comment! Life's too short for that kind of pathetic behaviour. Whoever you are I hope you're ashamed of yourself!

Now can somebody PLEASE give me a 'recent' hot combo for sun!!!!!!!!

Lmao love cold has been a good one lately x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
SnuggleTM said:
Good Afternoon Everyone! Just got all excited unexpectedly. I was racing around this morning and the breeding notification came up for my number two account so I logged out of account one and went into account two. I put two pairs in to breed and one of them was taking to long to tell me what it was, so I ignored it and went to see what the other one was doing. In the meantime the notification for my breeding Airs came up in the other account so I logged out of account two and went back into account one. Off to work. Later I got a notification that my breeders had finished in account two but I didn't have time to check them. Just went in and clicked on them and was trying to make up my mind whether to try something different in an attempt to get my second Clover and then I checked my eggs and WOO HOO!! a beautiful little Clover egg sitting there for me.* I hadn't even realised he was on his way ... best feeling ever.* Thrilled to bits :) :)

Yay congrats snuggle x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Bmo321 said:
Please take a moment to rethink and give everyone another chance. This is the first anyone here has heard of this glitch and to hear of it twice in as many days with no response as to what the result (if not Air) was perplexing everyone here. Frequently this sort of thing happens by someone who isn't "legitimate" - for lack of a better word - and it is annoying because because people try to help in a situation that is basically a setup and a no-win situation.

This is an amazingly supportive and wonderfully caring group of individuals who bring a remarkable amount of support to everyday life through the unexpected medium of a forum for an online video game. Who'd a thunk it?

Occasionally misunderstandings do happen. But, because we care, we work through these things, and move on -- or at least we give it our best shot.

So, what do you say? Give us another chance? We will try to be better behaved.:)

Thank you for your lovely words and I certainly will. It seems now that we where all a little quick to jump to conclusions. Very glad it is now settled and we can get on with having fun.
Has anyone from this forum sent me a gem today? I received the ...and others message. Please let me know and will add you to my list.

VDL04 said:
Where abouts in Oz are u simon?

Tiffany xoxo

Potts Point in Sydney, so nice and close to everything. Love this city, but so looking forward to our two month trip away starting in a few weeks. Will probably mean my attention to DV will decrease :(

Tree + Swamp will give you a Clover. Tree contains both plant and earth and swamp contains plant. Me thinks you are confused Mr Fletch??

It's true they contain the elements required, but they will never give you a Clover. Lots of testing has shown that you need the Earth element from a Moss Dragon combined with the Plant element from another dragon. Moss + Plant or any Plant Hybrid will give you a Clover. (Or 2 Clovers obviously). That's it. Even Clover + Earth or Clover + Plant will never give you a Clover. Clover + Moss will, because that's part of the original stipulation.

In the same way that Sandstorm is made by crossing an Air with an Earth Hybrid. You cannot cross Earth with an Air Hybrid. Or Blazing + Mud. The elements are there, but they will never give you that result.

(who is deeply sorry for offending Veelund and altraeis)

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