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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

angel2all said:
You are so very right! As for me, I am just now coming back to the forum after losing my grandfather. The last thing I anticipated seeing here was bickering. I experience enough of that in regular life. This was my positive filler for the day. I very much would like to see that fostered as we move forward since you never really know what is going on behind the scenes in someone's life. That being said.... Let's see what BFS has in store for us come Easter. And what new things we can look forward to and those challenges we can mentor others with! I personally am working toward my gold shrines and then acquiring additional islands to properly arrange and decorate.

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone

Oh angel I'm so sorry to Hear that I remember you said he was in hospital : hugs to you : god bless you and your family at this incredibly difficult time and remember the sky has a new star now x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Hey Poppy/Jack

Your islands looks good. I like you left the rocks and incorporated them into the design of your island. It reminds me of Vasquez Rocks. That's where they filmed the Flintstone Movie.

Thank you. You never know how it will look because Jack goes in by himself also. I've told him that, while I work on it for him, that it's HIS park. I just asked him to not sell any dragons. It's sometimes hard to keep track because all his favorites are named Jack. :D

I did accidently remove a large boulder but I've been carefully avoiding clicking on the XP.

As a nubie here I have obviously not been privy to previous spamming and so forth and wasn't aware that it has been such an issue. I am more then happy to prove to anyone that I am not the same person with two accounts. My name is Simon Hooper from Australia so feel free to look me up on Facebook.

Thank you for the messages I have received here and I will apologies If my previous rant caused an issue. I should have thought my answer through and not posted in anger.

I will stay as many have requested and see how things go. In future I will try to be more patient.

Thank you fletch for having the balls to say on here that it was you that called us I liar, and after hearing of previous similar situations, I can even understand your reaction. What I don't understand or forgive is the person who, and I would still love to know how, sent me that abusive message on Facebook. Unfortunately the name there is not the same as their username here.

Thank goodness for karma


I'm happy you're still here. This is a great group and you fit right in.

Cox780770 said:
Oh angel I'm so sorry to Hear that I remember you said he was in hospital : hugs to you : god bless you and your family at this incredibly difficult time and remember the sky has a new star now x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Thank you so very much. It was a tough 6 weeks . But you are right...a bright star shines above for us now!

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone
Yazelin said:
Thanks for the heads up. I'll try to be a lil more patient ... I appreciate the feedback :]

It's a pleasure. Do you have all or some of your Silver Shrines? I've helped a few people with a plan of attack to reach that goal. Post here or PM me if you would like some advice.
All I can say is 'wow', I cannot believe the anger and spite that has come my way over the air dragon. If you don't want to believe me then that's fine, I made a simple comment and it has led to this.

I was using water and fire and was not getting air, this was way back when I first started, and I had not tried again until the other night. Was so long ago that i cannot remember what i got from the combo! Yes how convenient, but there have been at least two updates since then and so I can only think that maybe it was a glitch.

As I was not the only one that posted here that they did not get air every time, then obviously both of us must be lying!! To what end though I don't no.

I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts and all the helpful tips but if people can get this angry and spiteful over something as insignificant as this, then this is not somewhere I wish to be. So you have no need to boot me, I simply will not be back. We may all love playing this game, but in the end, it is still just a game and not worth all this angst.

Ps, to the member who went so far as to search and find me on Facebook and sent that very charming message, you have been reported to Facebook admin, and if you ever send anything like that again I will see you in court.

To those that showed friendship and gave advice, thank you and good bye.


Please take a moment to rethink and give everyone another chance. This is the first anyone here has heard of this glitch and to hear of it twice in as many days with no response as to what the result (if not Air) was perplexing everyone here. Frequently this sort of thing happens by someone who isn't "legitimate" - for lack of a better word - and it is annoying because because people try to help in a situation that is basically a setup and a no-win situation.

This is an amazingly supportive and wonderfully caring group of individuals who bring a remarkable amount of support to everyday life through the unexpected medium of a forum for an online video game. Who'd a thunk it?

Occasionally misunderstandings do happen. But, because we care, we work through these things, and move on -- or at least we give it our best shot.

So, what do you say? Give us another chance? We will try to be better behaved.:)
I dunno, man; it ain't rocket surgery. Me and the missus, well, our secret was just plain repetition, nothin' fancy. Worked, too, if you hadn't noticed the sig.

And some don't mind answering it as a personal question . . . Lol :D
Bmo321 said:
Please take a moment to rethink and give everyone another chance. This is the first anyone here has heard of this glitch and to hear of it twice in as many days with no response as to what the result (if not Air) was perplexing everyone here. Frequently this sort of thing happens by someone who isn't "legitimate" - for lack of a better word - and it is annoying because because people try to help in a situation that is basically a setup and a no-win situation.

This is an amazingly supportive and wonderfully caring group of individuals who bring a remarkable amount of support to everyday life through the unexpected medium of a forum for an online video game. Who'd a thunk it?

Occasionally misunderstandings do happen. But, because we care, we work through these things, and move on -- or at least we give it our best shot.

So, what do you say? Give us another chance? We will try to be better behaved.:)

Said beautifully x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
You are so very right! As for me, I am just now coming back to the forum after losing my grandfather. The last thing I anticipated seeing here was bickering. I experience enough of that in regular life. This was my positive filler for the day. I very much would like to see that fostered as we move forward since you never really know what is going on behind the scenes in someone's life. That being said.... Let's see what BFS has in store for us come Easter. And what new things we can look forward to and those challenges we can mentor others with! I personally am working toward my gold shrines and then acquiring additional islands to properly arrange and decorate.

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone

I am sorry for your loss. I too have lost all my grandparents. I offer you my condolences. I still have 3 more shrines to get to silver level and one is a long ways off...so I keeps working at it. I just hope anything for Easter will be really really nice to me and not make me work my hinney-bo end off to get.

GC ID: LadyZeresh from iPod...soon to be iPad.
It must be Moss + Plant/Plant Hybrid.

Tree+Swamp, for example, will never give you a Clover. Moss + Flower is the best breeding combo because Flowers and Poisons (and even Lavas) give shorter breeding times than Tree and Moss for some of your failures.
Tree + Swamp will give you a Clover. Tree contains both plant and earth and swamp contains plant. Me thinks you are confused Mr Fletch??
altraeis said:
As a nubie here I have obviously not been privy to previous spamming and so forth and wasn't aware that it has been such an issue. I am more then happy to prove to anyone that I am not the same person with two accounts. My name is Simon Hooper from Australia so feel free to look me up on Facebook.

Thank you for the messages I have received here and I will apologies If my previous rant caused an issue. I should have thought my answer through and not posted in anger.

I will stay as many have requested and see how things go. In future I will try to be more patient.

Thank you fletch for having the balls to say on here that it was you that called us I liar, and after hearing of previous similar situations, I can even understand your reaction. What I don't understand or forgive is the person who, and I would still love to know how, sent me that abusive message on Facebook. Unfortunately the name there is not the same as their username here.

Thank goodness for karma


I can't believe that someone was so juvenile to look you up on Facebook and post a nasty comment! Life's too short for that kind of pathetic behaviour. Whoever you are I hope you're ashamed of yourself!

Now can somebody PLEASE give me a 'recent' hot combo for sun!!!!!!!!

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