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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Oh Shellee, I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with you and your family.

Yikes, hope all goes well, if it's okay, I'll pray for him.


Praying for you!!! Hoping things turn out for the better

Sending some love your way xx

My thoughts and prayers will be with you GT as you endure this time. My grandfather was my dad to me, so I do understand. I hope they can get it figured out and spare him pain. Best wishes to you and your family!

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone

Thanks so much all. The prayers are much appreciated! They figured out today he has ESBL...in other words a strong staff infection in his bladder. They have him on antibiotics and they hope he will pull through it ok. He's not in good health in the first place so it's pretty bad on him. I hope I managed to quote eveyone that commented. If not I'm sorry. I will comment a bit to catch up but will mostly just "like" since I've been so busy lately and will be for the next some days or I will never catch up haha
I think I need to hire a DV babysitter...today is my "day off"... Lets see, I ran to a friend/beadwork clients house within minutes of getting up to finish up 4 necklaces she ordered ( she needed to see what I was doing and I had to make sure they were the exact length she wanted). Got there and she had me go with while she did the photo & paperwork for a passport, then to a store because she needed to meet her daughter and buy some earrings. Finally got back to her place, got 3 of the necklaces done...just about to check my DV, got a call from someone in the ministry I volunteer for asking me to meet them in a few minutes to talk about a project she is assigned & needs help with..so hop in the car & head back into town to meet her over chips and dip. Head home, contact a head of the ministry to get more details, waiting on her to call back tonight. Spent one hour decluttering house as part of spring cleaning ( plus after being laid up or on crutches for most of the past 2 years and unable to do much here...spring cleaning and decluttering is a must, I have help coming Fri. Night but the clutter has to be gone before then) still have my apps to take care of, an email account to go through and start compiling a database of snail mail addys for 1,000 people, documentation from 4 clients yesterday yet to do, the phone call to do....might fit some supper & DV in there edgewise before I go to bed in 4 hours as I have to be somewhere by 7:45 AM tomorrow morning...

Prime example of why I rarely post...my work days are even busier!
Just a small peek into my world.

Umm...you need a serious vacation. I feel for you. My life is always hectic by wow!
jackcedio said:
I have always had good luck with Sonic and Storm. I have also seen success with Fire and Storm. Then you always have the old standby... Bluefire and Crystal.

Best Wishes,

Sent from my iPad using iPF

I just put bluefire 15 and crystal 13 on the island and got 48 hours!!!!!!! I really, really, really hope it's my sun! 

Thanks Jack! 
Hope everything turns out ok Shellee. My prayers are with u :)

Tiffany xoxo

Thanks Tiffany! I missed yours when I was replying to multiples...trying to go too fast to get caught up and get to bed. If you read back a couple posts I explained what is going on. :thumbs:

Just bred my elusive second Panlong. Sped up the hatching and now have them breeding. So relieved, and now time to try for the second of a a few of the others now I have Panlongs to breed for dc.


Yay! Congrats! :thumbs:
I just managed to get my first Panlong. After reading all the problems people have with a lot of dragons, I must say I feel very lucky. I've only playing for less than a month (missed Love dragon) and I managed to get 2 LYDs and 2 clovers and now my first Panlong. Frustration has been at a minimal (till now) and I'm enjoying the game so much. Ironically, I have more problems for getting a seaweed than all the rare ones! Really, always get a swamp instead! But enjoying it nevertheless. Cheers.

Congrats on your panlong and all the others! You seem to have very good luck so far in this game! :thumbs:
Birdmaestro said:
The second Moon was by far the most difficult dragon for me to obtain in my park. And the same is holding true in Jack's park. I've tried at least 50 times and it's still the only one we don't have a pair of.

Random thought... DV gives you an award when you have at least one of every non-holiday dragon. So it knows where you are. Do you think that they make it doubly difficult to get the last one in order to have all the pairs? Certainly true for me, but my sample size is only two. Has anyone else experienced great difficulty in getting that last one?

The moon dragon was one of the easier ones for me..I got my first one when I wasn't trying to get one then I decided to get my second one and got it a couple days later..then I tried breeding blue fire and quake and ended up getting 2 more moon dragons :p along with 1 sun from that combo..guess I got lucky
hhs33fhqm said:
It's is a lightening an cold dragon to make a water it's all a case of luck maybe try maturing them more or maybe when choosing the dragons to breed put the lightening on the right and the cold on the left that may work

Now this is the type of poster that might get me into trouble ...
My first post here....I've been lurking about for awhile enjoying that I have found other DV addicts and hunting for tips. I have luckily gotten all the dragons but 1... My game WILL NOT give up a Moon Dragon! I am cursed...I have tried every tip...every combo..even set my alarm to get up in the middle of the night to try that....and NOTHING. I WILL NOT LET YOU WIN MOON DRAGON...YOU WILL BE MINE!!!

Welcome to the forum and good for you! :thumbs: Don't give up, you will get it! :) Oh no...you sound like me waking up all night to collect cash etc hahaha. Have you looked at the rare breeding guide? If not here is the link. Hope it helps you. :thumbs:

GT500Girl said:
Thanks so much all. The prayers are much appreciated! They figured out today he has ESBL...in other words a strong staff infection in his bladder. They have him on antibiotics and they hope he will pull through it ok. He's not in good health in the first place so it's pretty bad on him. I hope I managed to quote eveyone that commented. If not I'm sorry. I will comment a bit to catch up but will mostly just "like" since I've been so busy lately and will be for the next some days or I will never catch up haha

I just want to add ... I think you're pretty ...

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