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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

GT500Girl said:
Congrats on your panlong and all the others! You seem to have very good luck so far in this game! :thumbs:

You're so nice, yes, i realize I've been very lucky and you gave me support when I thought I wasn't. Thank you so much, I really hope everything goes well with your dad. My thoughts are with you.
The second Moon was by far the most difficult dragon for me to obtain in my park. And the same is holding true in Jack's park. I've tried at least 50 times and it's still the only one we don't have a pair of.

Random thought... DV gives you an award when you have at least one of every non-holiday dragon. So it knows where you are. Do you think that they make it doubly difficult to get the last one in order to have all the pairs? Certainly true for me, but my sample size is only two. Has anyone else experienced great difficulty in getting that last one?


Yes, i'm so frustated but positive enough to keep on trying for that elusive Rainbow.. I have 2 of every other dragon but NO Rainbow..
I need atleast one as i can breed it with the LYD to get another Rainbow if i really require the second one..
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demonioazul said:
I just managed to get my first Panlong. After reading all the problems people have with a lot of dragons, I must say I feel very lucky. I've only playing for less than a month (missed Love dragon) and I managed to get 2 LYDs and 2 clovers and now my first Panlong. Frustration has been at a minimal (till now) and I'm enjoying the game so much. Ironically, I have more problems for getting a seaweed than all the rare ones! Really, always get a swamp instead! But enjoying it nevertheless. Cheers.

Ya that's pretty much my story! I missed out on Love because I hadn't discovered this or the rare breeding forum yet :( but other than that I have been graced with 'easy' rares. I tried for 'only' three days for the Pan. Right now I'm working on getting the rainbow as I have earned another habitat!

GC ID: Steffany_W
altraeis said:

Just bred my elusive second Panlong. Sped up the hatching and now have them breeding. So relieved, and now time to try for the second of a a few of the others now I have Panlongs to breed for dc.


Congrats simon :D

Tiffany xoxo
Ninjajulie23 said:
My first post here....I've been lurking about for awhile enjoying that I have found other DV addicts and hunting for tips. I have luckily gotten all the dragons but 1... My game WILL NOT give up a Moon Dragon! I am cursed...I have tried every tip...every combo..even set my alarm to get up in the middle of the night to try that....and NOTHING. I WILL NOT LET YOU WIN MOON DRAGON...YOU WILL BE MINE!!!

Its ok julie. I bred different known combos for months with no luck on my moon :( then, i believe i was trying for my second rainbow, got a 48hr breed time and out popped my moon!!! Was sooooo excited! My second came not too long after that :) so keep trying, it will come one day, but in the mean time feel free to vent ur frustrations here :D

Tiffany xoxo
VeeLund said:
I tore 2 ligaments that run across the top of my foot completely apart, damaged 3 others...they fixed them & within a week of surgery, had a 50+ pound chair break when I sat in it, came down on the ankle I had surgery on...which led to a second surgery 3 months to the date of the first one ( I waited from Nov-March to do the first surgery, second was in June) to remove/repair a burst achilles bursa and a huge hunk of bone. In September, All I did was pick up a small bunch of firewood, took a step, and the same ankle fractured ( took 3 weeks for it to show on xrays). I also severely fubar'd my peroneal tendon from where it attaches on the bottom of the foot all the way up into the calf. I refused to have surgery tho, as I would have had to quit work as it would have been minimum 3 months no working, plus many more recovering. I'm off crutches now and on my 4th day of no brace, it hurts & swelled some, but is still healing nicely.


Holy crap!! That is intense!! Glad ur doing a bit better anyways. Must be good not to have to use the crutches :) i had a scooter accident in Thailand and bruised the bone on my left ankle 2 yrs ago... Its still swollen :(

Tiffany xoxo
Fletch_smf said:
Now this is the type of poster that might get me into trouble ...

That one is spam. Report it. We've had that posted and reported nearly from day one!!

Tiffany xoxo
Isn't this a really lovely scene? Not mine, ( wish ) just stumbled across it.

vampi64 said:
I just put bluefire 15 and crystal 13 on the island and got 48 hours!!!!!!! I really, really, really hope it's my sun! 

Thanks Jack! 

I truly hope you get your Sun Dragon! Good luck!

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