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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Cox780770 said:
Yeah think I seen that pic I know exactly what ya mean girl ;) x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Om nom nom!!

Tiffany xoxo
Cox780770 said:
What ??? To all of them !! Even down to the game?.......well that's it your defo as crazy as me lmao x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Yep :) just played wheelman last night. Awesomeness!!

Tiffany xoxo
Cox780770 said:
Oh super cool Hun..... my you did that quick! he's gonna be so pleased x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

It really didnt take me as long as i thought it would. I did all the baking yesterday though :)

Tiffany xoxo
tristan97tfj said:
Can you please post if you are not getting the new ipad because i am feeling a bit left out here :(

I still have a Gen 1 iPad. If it ain't broke....

{GC ID: royal w/cheese}. sent with my iPhone using iPF
Vivipilou said:
It is all Poppys fault ..
Saw Poppys picture with the cute little girls and the distinguished gentlemen and ... the strawberries! Went shopping, saw those superb strawberries at the supermarket, grown in Spain, all natural they say ...
Well came home and here we go ... Their taste vaguely ressembles those wonderful summer fruit, sooooo disappointing. My fault, summer fruit should be eaten in season and not in march.
So, no alternative then grant me a piece if black forest cake, that was good!

Aww, so disappointing :( You can only buy strawberries by smell, if you can't smell them you can't taste them. We are very lucky here where I live, we can buy strawberries fresh off the fields pretty much year round if it doesn't rain too much during the winter. Yay for SoCal :)
Aww, so disappointing :( You can only buy strawberries by smell, if you can't smell them you can't taste them. We are very lucky here where I live, we can buy strawberries fresh off the fields pretty much year round if it doesn't rain too much during the winter. Yay for SoCal :)
Thats nice :) well i will wait for the "good" ones, but raspberries are good. Those i keep for tonight when my little friend from downstairs comes for diner. His wish list: spaghetti with cheese. All kids favourites. As a bonus he will get some grilled prawns.
Slimewowgrogga said:
Yes, I made one with flower and moss in that order and it take 7 hrs. I read on dragonvale wiki that you can also do it with plant and moss.

I think I got mine with moss & swamp or seaweed...but to be honest, I don't fully remember...

Veebabe ( who is abusing McDonalds wifi between clients....noisy place tho!)
GT500Girl said:
Ya'll heard of hair dye? I have no idea how much grey hair I have now a days lmao

Hopefully, I'll be like my mom...she has little grey and she's over 60. I have like 3 greys...and I'll be 40 in a month & half.
VeeLund said:
Hopefully, I'll be like my mom...she has little grey and she's over 60. I have like 3 greys...and I'll be 40 in a month & half.

I going my first grey hair at 14 (I'm now 33). Thank you genetics. Ugh! Plus my hair is naturally jet black due to my Native American blood so the grey really stand out. Thank goodness for hair dye!

{GC ID: royal w/cheese}. sent with my iPhone using iPF
Ok....after catching up on 40+ pages in this forum, time to get out of bed and make some coffee and breakfast.

Oh, BTW... is anyone else playing the "Draw Something" app? It is so addictive and fun! Especially on the iPad! Look it up. My player ID there is "royale w cheese".

{GC ID: royal w/cheese}. sent with my iPhone using iPF
Ok....after catching up on 40+ pages in this forum, time to get out of bed and make some coffee and breakfast.

Oh, BTW... is anyone else playing the "Draw Something" app? It is so addictive and fun! Especially on the iPad! Look it up. My player ID there is "royale w cheese".

{GC ID: royal w/cheese}. sent with my iPhone using iPF

I love draw something! It's my favorite app after Dragonvale.

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