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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Somebody else suggested this earlier, and I concur, but I believe that the reason why the fountain has a maximum of 25 is to reduce strain on the device's processor. I think that perhaps the ipad or whatever will bog down under the strain of running too many animations concurrently (after all, it's also animating dozens of dragons), so the limit may be to guard against sub-optimal perfomance. Might be wrong. Who's willing to buy 25 of them and see?
Just to please Viviane I have made my panagalopolous island less of a strain on the eyes. :)
It could be confusing, but I guess it has to do with BFS server. Could you imagine 6 islands with 25 water fountains on each island. The graphics of the dragons and just moving from one island to the next will be at a snail pace. It's for practical reasons. What dragon are you breeding or wanting?

To answer your first question, no it just decoration.
Has nothing to do with the server. Your ipad does the graphics chugging, not the server.
Heartfelt congratulations Tommy. Take good care of Mom. And please, please keep writing - you have a real gift.

Will definitely take care of her. Even with children the primary relationship in my life with be with my wife. If our relationship goes downhill, how will we be able to be what our children need us to be?

And thank you for your comment. It meant a lot to me.
I'm so frustrated! 2 more storm dragons this morning! This is making me crazy! I'm trying only plant/storm combo. I don't have a lichen yet (can't breed that either!). Only other option is cactus/storm, so maybe I'll try that. I can't believe that I can't get a sun, moon, or bloom out of any of my attempts! Thankfully, my kids are good sports (thus far) and realize that part of the fun is the anticipation, lol.

Congrats to those of you getting blooms - hope to join you soon!

Sounds like your sense of fun and humor are intact. Good for you and your kids. My kids are in their 20's now and continually surprise me with the memories they have about the "journey" rather than about the prize. When they were young I always felt the need to hurry them along to the prize. (Apparently, fortunately, I wasn't very good at it because they have some remarkable memories about the journey! :D

Good luck in your pursuit of the Bloom. Enjoy the ride! :)
TommyB said:
Thanks to everyone. We're very excited. No, a master electrician I worked for a few years ago called me up to offer an apprenticeship. Long, long story here, especially if you don't understand licensing in this state. It's not a huge thing in and of itself, and definitely not enough to support a family. But it does let me go back to school and it is another step down the path to become licensed myself. If the economy helps out then I'm looking at maybe four more years before the license exam and any substantial money. On the other hand, if the economy hadn't tanked five or six years ago I would already be licensed today, so whatever all that means. Just glad to be back on tack, even if only for a few months foreseeable, no guarantees.

Would love to write professionally. Long story there, too. Have one book done, waiting for a couple people to finish reviewing before I pull the trigger and release it. Number of other books I need to write, but somehow can't start until this one is out the door.

More excited about the baby than anything else.

Congratulations to you and your wife :D a little man hey. Keep u on ya toes ^_^

Tiffany xoxo
Will definitely take care of her. Even with children the primary relationship in my life with be with my wife. If our relationship goes downhill, how will we be able to be what our children need us to be?

And thank you for your comment. It meant a lot to me.

Sorry tom haven't had a chance to comment but I wish the best for your growing family. Even via forum typing you come across as a really fantastic dude. Don't stop writing and let us know the amazon link as soon as you release your book.
Cox780770 said:
I will still be posting Hun ,we didn't do anything wrong but sadly I think Tricia has left ( I hope not ) and THANKYOU so much for this ,you can't possibly know what I means to me ,I too am in shock that one comment can lead to me and Tricia ,who always congratulate ,support ,help where we can ,enjoy a laugh and a chat and love the ppl on here ( can that be said for you know who .......I don't think so ) ,being called bullies ,evil and apparently we talk too much!!!! I have never ever been a bully to anyone in my life and would certainly not bully a kid, i just don't enjoy the bragging x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Tricia said she would be lurking but thats it :( im gonna miss her posts. Glad you've hung around. I agree, you didnt do anything wrong :)

Tiffany xoxo
Somebody else suggested this earlier, and I concur, but I believe that the reason why the fountain has a maximum of 25 is to reduce strain on the device's processor. I think that perhaps the ipad or whatever will bog down under the strain of running too many animations concurrently (after all, it's also animating dozens of dragons), so the limit may be to guard against sub-optimal perfomance. Might be wrong. Who's willing to buy 25 of them and see?

It was me TommyB. A light bulb moment. Don't get many of those lately. Hey Fletch you have access to a test account. Give it a try and let us know. . .
Cox780770 said:
So did you get the interview then :) x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Yep :) tuesday nxt week :D managers position at a clothing store. Fingers crossed for me!!

Tiffany xoxo
Tricia said she would be lurking but thats it :( im gonna miss her posts. Glad you've hung around. I agree, you didnt do anything wrong :)

Tiffany xoxo

She's back Tiffany, all is well.

Segber fletch tested it. Nothing exciting
250strong said:

lol this is what we would shout out as kids whenever there was any arguements around the house and nobody was paying attention to us!

anyways, the last 5 pages are why I strictly post DV related comments. I hate to see people I care about fighting with each other.



Tiffany xoxo
Hey Fletch,

So at that point my shrines will look like this....

Air Shrine - 42
Earth Shrine - 43
Plant Shrine - 14
Lightning Shrine - 21
Metal Shrine - 8
Fire Shrine - 48
Water Shrine - 42
Cold Shrine - 13

Whats my plan of attack??

Thanks for your time and effort.

So ..

8 Air
7 Earth
8 Water
2 Fire
36 Plant
29 Lightning
42 Metal
37 Cold

169 Elements Hmm ... if we get rid of the stragglers with 8 Chrome, 7 Iron, 8 Rust and 2 Love we have

34 Plant
27 Lightning
19 Metal
37 Cold

3 Mine and 16 Magnetic leaves

34 Plant
11 Lightning
34 Cold

So 11 Bloom and 23 Lichen/Reindeer will finish it off.

23 Lichen/Reindeer @ 5 hours = 115 hours
16 Magnetic @ 4 hours = 64 hours
11 Bloom @ 13 hours = 143 hours
8 Chrome @ 5 hours = 40 hours
8 Rust @ 6 hours = 48 hours
7 Iron @ 4 hours = 28 hours
3 Mine @ 10 hours = 30 hours
2 Love @ 5 hours = 10 hours

169 Elements, 78 dragons, 473 hours (19 days, 17 hours).
3.95 dragons a day and 63 million coins a day required to buy enough to level dragons up to 15 as soon as they hatch.
Last edited:
Just got a 48 hour with lichen/storm!!! Yahoo! We are really cooking, now! A far cry from last night, when my kiddos went to bed wistfully dreaming of the day we'd get a bloom! Tonight they went to bed with a beautiful bloom egg sitting in the hatchery, and the knowledge that in about 2 days they'll know what other "special" dragon we'll be joining our park. :

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