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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Bossfanca said:
Just got a 48 hour with lichen/storm!!! Yahoo! We are really cooking, now! A far cry from last night, when my kiddos went to bed wistfully dreaming of the day we'd get a bloom! Tonight they went to bed with a beautiful bloom egg sitting in the hatchery, and the knowledge that in about 2 days they'll know what other "special" dragon we'll be joining our park. :

Awww that is sooooo sweet I bet they're smiles were huge and they are dreaming of suns moons and rainbows as we speak ,I did when I got my first 48 HR, and I couldn't stop checking it to see how long was left either lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Really, it can only be one of those three? And here I thought it could be a surprise dragon, not yet released! Gosh! Lmao

It was started before 7am so it is either a sun or a rainbow, I do know that. I'm happy for whichever it is, but REALLY, REALLY want it to be RAINBOW,


I hope you get it than. Fingers crossed!
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VDL04 said:
Oh wow! When i saw shellees post i thought she was being funny about all the storms we've all beeb breeding! Not actual storms!! Oops!

Tiffany xoxo

Graz, I feel dumb now too! Cuz I was thinking it was the "storm" dragons as well! *ducking down in shame.

My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to anyone & everyone, that has been affected myths REAL STORMS.
I am still trying to get my first bloom and quickly going through all of my saved up gems. Had not used any gems since the clover hunt. Any idea if Bloom will go away immediately after Easter or will stick around for a few more days after that?

I would think few weeks. You have time. Are you breeding in the EBI?
mc_neeze said:
Vicky cool if I add your son on GC?

Of course it is he loves new friends,.... his parks aren't very pretty he's only 10 and not much for design lol he keeps saying he'll do them when he has his shrines gold which will be ages, he's got cash and food but forgets to breed what he needs just waits really for the new dragons collecting cash and food lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
That is appreciated. That you hold harmless feelings toward all here.

But I think that if someone is offended, they surely can speak out for themselves. IMO only. I think at least the person that is being referred to here in this topic can. At least say, "hey, that's not nice!". At least that's what I would do should someone offend me. I would be more upset if someone put words in my mouth that weren't mine at all. And did not represent how I felt about it.

Ok... Now I will be quiet about this all!!! Ugh I really don't like getting into drama. But I do want us all to be friends and be fair to one another.

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)

Not responding is the same as condoning the words, quite frankly. There's a saying which touches on this about Evil succeeding because Good people did nothing. To be clear I am not saying anyone is evil, and I'm sure as shinola not saying I'm good, I'm just saying fence sitting was not an option. As Tricia's Great Grandma said, if you can look back on the day and be proud of what you did ... Well I'd let too many comments go by and couldn't go to bed last night without speaking up.
Cox780770 said:
Could be but more than likely sun/ or moon ,congrats x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

It was started before 7am, so, I'm thinking it will be a sun. Arggg, ***stomping foot! I want a rainbow!
mc_neeze said:
She's back Tiffany, all is well.

Segber fletch tested it. Nothing exciting

Yay!!! Doin the happy dance! Yeah, yeah, doin the happy dance!! ^_^

Tiffany xoxo
Congrats on Level 30! Are you buying more real estate?

Thinking about it, sir. Just not sure what to do with it as I don't have more habitats. I could spread things out a bit, but I'm trying to think of a good use for it at the moment. If I think of something I will jump straight into it.

I do have your other post and will respond to it in detail, but my lunch break is just about up. Will read it and respond in details later tonight.

I will thank you for bringing it up though. I now add breeding times to my shrine calculations to give people an idea of how long it will take, how many dragons they will breed in a day and how much coin they will need. One thought on that regarding the time in breeding Pans, is that instead of thinking it as one dragon in 36 hours, you can think of breeding a pan then a Magnetic, as breeding 2 Dragons in 38 hours, or 19 hours each. This will help spread out the food required and the time taken. Else you can breed 4 or 5 short duration dragons in a day and have nowhere near enough food to level them up.
Cox780770 said:
Ooh yes definitely fingers toes and eyes crossed for you lmao ,no but seriously mega good luck to you and let us know how you got on x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Will do!

Tiffany xoxo
Somebody else suggested this earlier, and I concur, but I believe that the reason why the fountain has a maximum of 25 is to reduce strain on the device's processor. I think that perhaps the ipad or whatever will bog down under the strain of running too many animations concurrently (after all, it's also animating dozens of dragons), so the limit may be to guard against sub-optimal perfomance. Might be wrong. Who's willing to buy 25 of them and see?

Did that on my test account and while it did slow things down a little it wasn't overly noticeable. But I'm assuming more animated decorations will be coming so they are starting to limit it now for the future.
I am still trying to get my first bloom and quickly going through all of my saved up gems. Had not used any gems since the clover hunt. Any idea if Bloom will go away immediately after Easter or will stick around for a few more days after that?

We're hoping it will be around for a while.
McNeeze your Pan island reminds of Coalinga, Ca. As you drive to San Francisca you pass by this huge cattle ranch. You have a Pan ranch. Congrats on generating a lot of DC!

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