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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

WHY CAN'T I GET ANOTHER RAINBOW!!! Yay 4 lvl 10 panlongs with fire and water boosts get u money soooooooo fast.

Here you go Tonk. An entire list of options. Keep in mind there is no guarantee. Good luck!

If you want to the entire list, there is a link on 250Strong sig.

Panlong / Love *
Bluefire / Crystal * #
Seaweed / Firefly *
Crystal / Blazing *
Flower / Storm
Love / Cold $
Blazing / Mud $
Fog / Lava
Panlong / Plant (lvl 4)
Flower / Mud
Firefly / Swamp
Tree / Scorch
Lava / Seaweed
Scorch / Ice
Panlong / Bone
Panlong / Air
Panlong / Reindeer
Love / Bluefire
Snow / Lightning
Love / Mountain
Panlong / Crystal
Lava / Storm
Lichen / Lightening (angel2all)
I found a wizard in my water habitat lol


  • image-813022413.jpg
    115.3 KB · Views: 539
I found a wizard in my water habitat lol

Kessi to the rescue!

About the moon and sun thing between AM and PM...What timezone do they use to decide this then? If I'm correct to assume a request is sent to the server and an answer of that server decides what dragon you'll get on your game, then do they use their own timezone (MDT)?
So ..

8 Air
7 Earth
8 Water
2 Fire
36 Plant
29 Lightning
42 Metal
37 Cold

169 Elements Hmm ... if we get rid of the stragglers with 8 Chrome, 7 Iron, 8 Rust and 2 Love we have

34 Plant
27 Lightning
19 Metal
37 Cold

3 Mine and 16 Magnetic leaves

34 Plant
11 Lightning
34 Cold

So 11 Bloom and 23 Lichen/Reindeer will finish it off.

23 Lichen/Reindeer @ 5 hours = 115 hours
16 Magnetic @ 4 hours = 64 hours
11 Bloom @ 13 hours = 143 hours
8 Chrome @ 5 hours = 40 hours
8 Rust @ 6 hours = 48 hours
7 Iron @ 4 hours = 28 hours
3 Mine @ 10 hours = 30 hours
2 Love @ 5 hours = 10 hours

169 Elements, 78 dragons, 473 hours (19 days, 17 hours).
3.95 dragons a day and 63 million coins a day required to buy enough to level dragons up to 15 as soon as they hatch.

I'm so screwed. I really appreciate the more in depth analysis here.
Without having my caves to breed Irons for cash to buy the food necessary to feed the dragons, it seems like an impossible task.

Thanks Fletch!! Always the man!
McNeeze your Pan island reminds of Coalinga, Ca. As you drive to San Francisca you pass by this huge cattle ranch. You have a Pan ranch. Congrats on generating a lot of DC!

Mc_Neeze, we both will end up with the exact same island lol. Awesome!
Kessi to the rescue!

About the moon and sun thing between AM and PM...What timezone do they use to decide this then? If I'm correct to assume a request is sent to the server and an answer of that server decides what dragon you'll get on your game, then do they use their own timezone (MDT)?

The time is determined by the time set on your device (Ipad / Iphone etc).
250strong said:
I'm so screwed. I really appreciate the more in depth analysis here.
Without having my caves to breed Irons for cash to buy the food necessary to feed the dragons, it seems like an impossible task.

Thanks Fletch!! Always the man!

Kessi to the rescue!

About the moon and sun thing between AM and PM...What timezone do they use to decide this then? If I'm correct to assume a request is sent to the server and an answer of that server decides what dragon you'll get on your game, then do they use their own timezone (MDT)?

When you put a pair of Dragons in the breeding cave, information is sent back to BFS servers that do the calculations and randomise what dragon you get. One of the bits of data they send is the time of day, according to your device. So if you want a Moon Dragon, make sure your iPad always has the time set between 7pm and 7am. Adding 12 hours is the easiest way to do it.
Cox780770 said:
How did I miss Tonys post lol and yeah me too if you'll have me lmao x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Any1 would be welcome lol * over 18 of course :)

Tony GCID troutfisher10
So now that I have two Pans and two Blooms to breed (yay me) would it be wiser to use up both breeding caves to work on my shrines? I have at least one of each dragon (another yay), or is there something more purposeful?

GC ID: Steffany_W
Steffany_W said:
So now that I have two Pans and two Blooms to breed (yay me) would it be wiser to use up both breeding caves to work on my shrines? I have at least one of each dragon (another yay), or is there something more purposeful?

GC ID: Steffany_W

Until there is a new dragon I don't see any reason not to use both breeding caves , it will speed your progress for breeding but then you need to feed those dragons to level them up, can you grow enough food that fast?

Tony GCID troutfisher10
Birdmaestro said:
I've launched the new book thread:


Here's the blurb from my initial post:

Non-Fiction Thought Provoking Book Group

The idea here is to have a forum structured as a book club where we can use a book that we all read as a catalyst for intelligent (as opposed to emotional) discussion of controversial ideas of all kinds: religious, scientific, geo-political, etc. The goal is the shed light on these ideas and to avoid generating heat.

Everyone who is interested in following those guidelines is welcome. I'm hopeful that we can build a widely diverse group that represents many religious beliefs, many political points of view, many social points of view, and many cultural points of view. Ideologues might not be comfortable here as they will have to check their ideology at the door.


Hope you can join us!


Looked in on this today. Sorry to see it was closed down. It was a good idea. Maybe it can be set up elsewhere. I'm just catching up so if something's already been done I'll find it eventually. : thumbs:

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13

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