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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Victoria123 said:
I'm in a rut. I'm level 26. I can't seem to land on one plan and stick with it.

The questions I ask myself:
Do I save for my 5th island, or
Do I sit tight and save a whole bunch of DC and defer all decisions, or
Do I make and hoard a bunch of food and defer all decisions, or
Do I sell off a lot of decorations and build 2 more habitats, or
Do I keep trying for the last 2 dragons I can't seem to get, Frostfire and rainbow, or
Do I keep leveling plants up to 15 for 50, I have 8 done, or
Do I keep making more pan longs, I have 4, or


Is this game supposed to build character?

I used to be indecisive.......

Now I just can't make up my mind ;-)

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13
I got a 13 hr breeding! I was using storm/lichen but got storms and one cactus. I did that 3 or 4 times then tried Storm/Clover and it worked first try!:D I tried in the special island and got a 14 hr. :mad:

The dreaded tree dragon! :D
I hate them with a vengeance since the great clover fiasco! :eek:
I'm gone for just under a week and hell no am I reading 400 pages haha :) hi everyone I'm back if u know me :) :p

sent from my iPad :p ... GCID:WraithS.A (me) , cawwottawight (sister), I<3lottie (brother)

Welcome back.

Just a reminder you owe a Gem in the Easter Dragon competition. You can check out who you owe in the first post at http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...eeding-competition-round-2-easter-dragon.html


also owe gems.
Cheers all.
angel2all said:
Busy breeding irons for DC for the next few days to catch up and lvl up many of my dragons...then on to figuring out my plan of attack to finish off gold shrines. Even with the lovely bloom, I must breed many metal dragons for that shrine, so I may try out Poppys method once I have enough food stored up. Oh ya, and for my bday I got 2 iTunes gift cards!!!! Guess you know where that's going!!! Tehe!! ;)

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)

I think that was a perfect gift!!!!! And that is where I am at... Breed and sell..

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html
Victoria123 said:
I'm in a rut. I'm level 26. I can't seem to land on one plan and stick with it.

The questions I ask myself:
Do I save for my 5th island, or
Do I sit tight and save a whole bunch of DC and defer all decisions, or
Do I make and hoard a bunch of food and defer all decisions, or
Do I sell off a lot of decorations and build 2 more habitats, or
Do I keep trying for the last 2 dragons I can't seem to get, Frostfire and rainbow, or
Do I keep leveling plants up to 15 for 50, I have 8 done, or
Do I keep making more pan longs, I have 4, or


Is this game supposed to build character?

Ooohhh we have all been there... Welcome to the world of Dragonvale !!! This is what it is all about.
I guess I would suggest this. On the fifth island do you need the room? If so them go for it. If not it will always be there. As far as breeding for the rare dragons you can do that while you are building dc... And if you are just raising up plant dragons to lv 15 well that is one that you might want to rethink. There are several dragons out there that cover more than one element. I know when I started I was doing poison... Boy did I make a quick change. There is a guy on here that is really GREAT at helping out with shrines his name is FLETCH send him a message he might be willing to help you make a plan of attack..
And for the rest of it good luck and follow what ever feels right al the moment... I am always changing directions.
And If you need some great breeding combos 250 has a great list.. If u click on my sig it will take you there... The best of luck and we r here for you if you need us!!!!!

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html
Last edited:
Fletch_smf said:
Welcome back.

Just a reminder you owe a Gem in the Easter Dragon competition. You can check out who you owe in the first post at http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-games/67326-dragonvale-speed-breeding-competition-round-2-easter-dragon.html


also owe gems.
Cheers all.

Good morning fletch.... Love you ;)....

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html
Hello sir Fletch, did my party hat tour and saw your beautiful metal island. Wow just great looking.
Btw, did others also notice that there is hardly a party hat in the metal habitats?
Anyway, Fletch, I would still like to get my brain wrapped around this shrine grind thing! So if you don't mind continuing with the discussion I'd appreciate the help!

If we assume I can collect coins and rotate breeding and hatching every 4 hours beginning at 7 AM and ending at 11 PM daily. I came up with $18M from breeding Mags in 36 hours if I use both breeding facilities overnight for a blazing & a mud. With a Pan in one facility and mags in the other the earning would be $10.5M under the same scenario. (This assumes all breeding facilities and hatcheries are empty at 7AM on day one.)

Please check my math. I wish daily for someone to check my math, and not just on Dragonvale! (I've been working on my taxes also - any volunteers for that math checking job? Lol)

Here is what the numbers are based on:
Again assuming the 7AM - 11 PM every 4 hour scenario:
Non-rare habitats - 4 metal(level 11-15 mags), 4 earth (2-3 level 15 pans), 1 fire, 1 water, 1 cold, 1 air, 1 lightening - the two 7AM visits each net $900K and the other 7 visits each net $650K - 36 hour total $6,350,000
I have 10 LYD & Rainbow habitats - 36 hour net $8,640,000
I have 2 Sun & 3 Moon habitats - 36 hour net $2,808,000
Total for habitats $17,798,000 + $18,000,000 Mags = $35,798,000
Or Habs $17,798,000 + $10,500,000 Pans = $28,298,000

The $45M number included $24M from breeding mags (I had originally assumed the breeding facilities and hatcheries were full at start) and an additional $3M for the rares as I usually collect them on a 24 hour schedule so they were contributing 12 hours additional income originally.

Hope that all makes sense.

It does. The main thing is that you don't need to think about having access to 2 caves for breeding money again, as you will be using it to breed another of your required dragons. If you still keep to 36 hours given to breeding either a pan or to breeding more Mags for money after you've done Blazing and Mud, you're not shaving any time of the number of days required to get to Gold Shrines. I'm going to grab your figures from your last post, just a day or two out of date, and I'll put together another plan with the new Bloom Dragon.

46 Plant
33 Fire
34 Air
35 Earth
33 Water
47 Lightning
49 Cold
48 Metal

Total 325 Elements

46 Bloom Dragons knocks it back to

33 Fire
34 Air
35 Earth
33 Water
1 Lightning
3 Cold
48 Metal

Tidying up the numbers with 3 Mine, 1 Magnetic, 1 Chrome and 2 Iron gives us.

33 Fire
33 Air
33 Earth
33 Water
41 Metal

Another 10 Iron, 10 Chrome, 10 Brass and 10 Rust plus another Magnetic gets rid of the Metal, leaving

23 Fire
23 Air
23 Earth
23 Water

It then becomes either 23 Panlongs OR 23 Muds + 23 Blazings. Let's have a look at the difference.

Panlong Breeding

46 Bloom @ 13 hours = 598 hours
23 Panlongs @ 36 hours = 828 hours
12 Iron @ 4 hours = 48 hours
11 Chrome @ 5 hours = 55 hours
10 Brass @ 5 hours = 50 hours
10 Rust @ 6 hours = 60 hours
3 Mine @ 10 hours = 30 hours
2 Mags @ 4 hours = 8 hours

117 dragons in 1677 hours or 70 days.
1.67 dragons per day.
26.75 million coins
required per day to Level Dragons to 15 as soon as they are hatched.


Blazing/Mud Breeding

46 Bloom @ 13 hours = 598 hours
23 Mud @ 6 hours = 138 hours
23 Blazing @ 8 hours = 184 hours
12 Iron @ 4 hours = 48 hours
11 Chrome @ 5 hours = 55 hours
10 Brass @ 5 hours = 50 hours
10 Rust @ 6 hours = 60 hours
3 Mine @ 10 hours = 30 hours
2 Mags @ 4 hours = 8 hours

140 dragons in 1171 hours or 49 days.
2.85 dragons per day.
45.7 million coins
per day required to feed dragons to Level 15 as soon as they are hatched.

So you can see that using the Blazing/Mud scenario exclusively instead of the Panlong scenario, you are increasing dragon numbers by 20% and decreasing number of days by 30%, almost doubling the coins/food required to over 45 million per day. As your daily total is about 28 million coins with 1 cave constantly breeding required dragons, the Panlong route seems to be the way to go. You could probably breed a Blazing and a Mud instead and keep a block of 36 hours to breed extra Mags for more money, but surely the name of the game is to get to the Gold Shrines in the shortest amount of time. If you're going to take 70 days either way you go, then it doesn't seem to make much of a difference which way you go.

You just need to rotate your breeding so that after doing a 36 hour dragon, you knock off a Chrome and an Iron so that instead of thinking about 1 dragon in 36 hours it becomes 3 dragons in 45 hours or 15 hours each. As your hourly earning is a little over a million you will find that you can feed these 3 dragons up to Level 15 after they have hatched. Then repeat the 3 dragon cycle.

Also, because you are earning about a 1.5 million a day above the 26.75 million required every 18 days or so you will have saved an extra days food. That's about 4 days extra food over the 70, so you could probably drop 4 of those Panlongs off and replace them with 4 Blazings + Mud and shave 4 days off the required time to make it 66 days total.

Thanks for raising these questions, sir. They have really helped solidify the theory behind this, looking not only at number of dragons, but of time required in breeding.
Hello sir Fletch, did my party hat tour and saw your beautiful metal island. Wow just great looking.
Btw, did others also notice that there is hardly a party hat in the metal habitats?

Thank you so much. I couldn't quite shuffle the habitats around to have the portal ringed by white marble, but I'm generally pretty happy with it.

I did notice that. I'm not sure the Metal Habitat is integrated into everything as smoothly as it should/will be. The Colosseum is a good example. When there was 7 habitats they were each given a day of the week, and depending on the day the Colosseum was emptied that decided what event would be next. It's obviously not as neat as that with 8 elements.

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