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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Oh, oh, oh . . . I've been away for a couple of days . . . let me answer the "crazy" part . . .OK?

Oh, honey, we are ALL, totally crazy! And were before the Bloom Dragon showed up and the gems flowed like water down Niagra Falls! It's ALL part of the great DVA (DragonVale Addiction). Never question, never doubt, never waiver . . . Always believe, always trust, always accept! Nuttier than Fruitcake at Christmas, crazier than a hoot owl, loony as a toon! That's us! It's why we're here, it's why we're loved!:D

That's too funny Becky and so true! lol
Will definitely take care of her. Even with children the primary relationship in my life with be with my wife. If our relationship goes downhill, how will we be able to be what our children need us to be?

And thank you for your comment. It meant a lot to me.

Tommy....what genre of books are you writing??? :)

Edit: And don't forget about goodreads.com :thumbs:
It was me TommyB. A light bulb moment. Don't get many of those lately. Hey Fletch you have access to a test account. Give it a try and let us know. . .

Didn't I read that he has all ready tested it on his test account and they have seemed to make no difference with 25 of them?
Yep :) tuesday nxt week :D managers position at a clothing store. Fingers crossed for me!!

Tiffany xoxo

Good luck! I would be horrible in that position...my entire paychecks would be gone before I got them! lol
Just got a 48 hour with lichen/storm!!! Yahoo! We are really cooking, now! A far cry from last night, when my kiddos went to bed wistfully dreaming of the day we'd get a bloom! Tonight they went to bed with a beautiful bloom egg sitting in the hatchery, and the knowledge that in about 2 days they'll know what other "special" dragon we'll be joining our park. :

Yay! There you go....Congrats to you all! :thumbs: Doing the happy dance for you! :)
I did just that and boy am I glad I did as I really needed them to clear out one of those 48 hrs lol!!! So thanks shellee and you would be proud of my Brendan he had nearly 180 just before bloom release and I think he's still got around 160 so he's doing really well he did listen to you x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

LOL your welcome! Aww! I'm so proud of him! He's doing so good...maybe he will carry that patience throughout life. :)
Fletch_smf said:
Hey I just thought of something I could do with with a 6th Island. And by "thought of" I mean remembered something said much earlier in this thread. And by "I" I mean someone else came up with an idea that people seemed to like, but it was then lost as the thread continued.

Island Decorating Competition.

I can't remember who first suggested it and the search function isn't helping me find it. I think it's been bandied about a couple of different times but nothing has gotten off the ground. My thoughts are this:

[*]Contestants agree to wager a gem.
[*]Contestants redo an island according to a theme (maybe each time a new dragon is released, so now is Bloom Dragon).
[*]Contestants vote on favourite Island of 2 or 3 other contestants which are then given points according to some system like 4 points for first, 2 points for 2nd, 1 point for 3rd and of course they cannot vote for themselves.
[*]Player earning the most points comes first, second highest number 2nd, etc and gems are awarded according to the number of contestants/gem we have to give out.

Maybe the theme is randomised instead of set, so there is 6 options and we randomly draw one after the call for contestants is closed. Also, we would have to allow a bit of time for people to decorate, because some habitats take 48 hours to build (without using gems, of course). And if we were worried about people stealing your ideas we might have to unfriend people so they can't peak at the works in progress until the time is up. Also, maybe people who aren't competing could be asked to vote for the winners as well. Anyway I thought it might be a good way of breaking the boredom between updates and giving people a break from the grind.


Great idea...

Sent from. Tricia xoxox. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html
A_Brittany said:
I finally got my fire, air, earth, and water shrines to gold!!! I never thought I would get there but I finally did. It's such a great feeling! My boyfriend doesn't share my enthusiasm for it though lol. Now it's just collecting money so I can start on my other 4 shrines.

That's awesome congrats!!!
New Arrivals at E'lys Island
A mere 60 hours since their discovery, 3 Bloom Dragons have been imported into Islas de Fletch Dragoon and have replaced the newly discovered species of Metal Dragons in our feature habitat on our landing island. We strive to bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Dragonry and are backed by a team of hard working grounds wizards who have been working non-stop* since these new species of dragon was announced on Tuesday Afternoon (local time). The Metal habitat that was flanked by our dragon shrines was decommissioned in record time and the new habitat was ready and waiting for the dragons when they arrived, the last of which got here less than an hour ago. The ground wizards also were given last minute instructions to replace the marble paths around the habitats with the dark brick ones, as the light double reflected off the dragons, ice and white marble was truly blinding. The results speak for themselves.


The adult, juvenile and baby dragons are in good condition and are all very even tempered. The ground wizards say they are settling in nicely to their new surroundings, and are already becoming a crowd favourite. Why not visit them today?

* We attribute the speed and quality of work from our employees to the fact that we have magicked the time on our islands to be always 10 minutes before lunch, that period of peak work productivity, as proven by rigorous statistical testing.
It was started before 7am, so, I'm thinking it will be a sun. Arggg, ***stomping foot! I want a rainbow!

If it has the right elements for rainbow it doesn't matter what time of the day. :thumbs:

7am - 7pm would be a sun

7pm - 7am would be a moon

If it was a sun or moon elements and started before 7am as you said it would be a moon....
Regarding saving DC for the fountain, well, that was a real lesson in restraint and persistence for my son, especially. He tends to want to play fast and loose with our DC and I had to really slow his fast little fingers down since the update so we could save for it. Happy to say, it is one other item that joined our park tonight before they went to bed. Now, while they're asleep, I can go do some redecorating. Like most kids, their design aesthetic is a bit, well, let's just say it's not the same as mine, lol.

So if we bred our 48 hour egg prior to 7pm, there's not much chance of it being a moon???

Not unless BFS changes the parameters again....it's been tested and tested
Kessi to the rescue!

About the moon and sun thing between AM and PM...What timezone do they use to decide this then? If I'm correct to assume a request is sent to the server and an answer of that server decides what dragon you'll get on your game, then do they use their own timezone (MDT)?

Whatever your time zone is on your device :thumbs:

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