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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

dizdizdizzy said:
Prior to the update, we were encouraged to write our wish list. One of the things I put on the wish list was for a dragon that covered the three elements that were missing with the panlong. I made this request simply because I knew it would make it easier to work towards the gold shrines, especially considering the high price paid for quick feeds, and powering up. It was mentioned that BFS read our threads. I'm so glad they do.

So, BFS, thanks for bloom, the most beautiful dragon of all. I have named my first one GTgirl.

Somewhere lurking in my parks you will find a wise panlong dragon called poppy. There is also a fletch, brooklyn, vampi and others.... I remember when I first started reading this thread, well before I joined, there was some great advice listed by great people - that is what made this community so attractive and endearing for me.

I hope the vampi one is cute!!
Congrats on Level 30! Are you buying more real estate?

Hey I just thought of something I could do with with a 6th Island. And by "thought of" I mean remembered something said much earlier in this thread. And by "I" I mean someone else came up with an idea that people seemed to like, but it was then lost as the thread continued.

Island Decorating Competition.

I can't remember who first suggested it and the search function isn't helping me find it. I think it's been bandied about a couple of different times but nothing has gotten off the ground. My thoughts are this:

  • Contestants agree to wager a gem.
  • Contestants redo an island according to a theme (maybe each time a new dragon is released, so now is Bloom Dragon).
  • Contestants vote on favourite Island of 2 or 3 other contestants which are then given points according to some system like 4 points for first, 2 points for 2nd, 1 point for 3rd and of course they cannot vote for themselves.
  • Player earning the most points comes first, second highest number 2nd, etc and gems are awarded according to the number of contestants/gem we have to give out.

Maybe the theme is randomised instead of set, so there is 6 options and we randomly draw one after the call for contestants is closed. Also, we would have to allow a bit of time for people to decorate, because some habitats take 48 hours to build (without using gems, of course). And if we were worried about people stealing your ideas we might have to unfriend people so they can't peak at the works in progress until the time is up. Also, maybe people who aren't competing could be asked to vote for the winners as well. Anyway I thought it might be a good way of breaking the boredom between updates and giving people a break from the grind.

m1ssy said:
I have the same thing happening to me! I have received a few from "scarletXXX". I feel so bad I can not return the gem. Does anyone know who this is? Or has same problem with this same player?

Lol! Sounds like an 'adult' movie star!!
Hey every1 add me on dragon vale I can send up to six a day my name is whoay69 on game center thanks!
Looked in on this today. Sorry to see it was closed down. It was a good idea. Maybe it can be set up elsewhere. I'm just catching up so if something's already been done I'll find it eventually. : thumbs:

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13

Oh noooo!
Segbert said:
I would think few weeks. You have time. Are you breeding in the EBI?

I am breeding in both the EBI and normal caves. I really want a three element dragon with cold since I am mostly trying to work on cold and earth gold shrines right now and would love to have other shrines benefit as well. Trying to balance that with breeding the higher money maker dragons when there are not limited dragons to go for. It took me a long time to get clover, i thought that i might miss it even though i was trying constantly. Plus I hate missing a limited!
Gabriel1 said:
Guys, please remember the forum rules (which can be found here http://www.ipadforums.net/forum-rules-help-info/2119-forum-rules-everybody-please-read.html ) and the fact that this is a family friendly forum. We welcome good natured discussion but there will be no threads which are not family friendly here.

The Archangel

Hahaha that just put the kabosh on that idea if ya know what I mean!! Bad luck Tony we'll just have to think our naughty thoughts without saying them!
Hey I just thought of something I could do with with a 6th Island. And by "thought of" I mean remembered something said much earlier in this thread. And by "I" I mean someone else came up with an idea that people seemed to like, but it was then lost as the thread continued.

Island Decorating Competition.

I can't remember who first suggested it and the search function isn't helping me find it. I think it's been bandied about a couple of different times but nothing has gotten off the ground. My thoughts are this:

  • Contestants agree to wager a gem.
  • Contestants redo an island according to a theme (maybe each time a new dragon is released, so now is Bloom Dragon).
  • Contestants vote on favourite Island of 2 or 3 other contestants which are then given points according to some system like 4 points for first, 2 points for 2nd, 1 point for 3rd and of course they cannot vote for themselves.
  • Player earning the most points comes first, second highest number 2nd, etc and gems are awarded according to the number of contestants/gem we have to give out.

Maybe the theme is randomised instead of set, so there is 6 options and we randomly draw one after the call for contestants is closed. Also, we would have to allow a bit of time for people to decorate, because some habitats take 48 hours to build (without using gems, of course). And if we were worried about people stealing your ideas we might have to unfriend people so they can't peak at the works in progress until the time is up. Also, maybe people who aren't competing could be asked to vote for the winners as well. Anyway I thought it might be a good way of breaking the boredom between updates and giving people a break from the grind.

Very good idea, would second the proposal that non contestants could vote and agree by that to donate a gem to the winner.
Not everybody is a master in decorating but enjoys and values others peoples master pieces and would be surely ready to reward the best ones.
You will have guessed, t is my case lol
Reached level 30 in grandson Jack's park. Given that I buy very few gems there, I'm amazed at how quickly it was reached. I didn't set levels as a goal but things were accelerated by three factors:

(1) With a CGCF dc production is very high we're able to grow treats rapidly which generates high XP.

(2) Steady breeding and selling of dragons for dc also generates substantial XP.

(3) Far and away the biggie - Colosseum competitions. We've had unbelievable luck in the competitions, winning gold metals in the last seven (!) in a row. Huge XP.

There's no need for the new island right now so we will keep grinding Pans for a while until we've done 37 of them (27 done so far). Then we will consult with the Master of Gold Shrine Intelligence, Colonel Fletch, for a detailed strategy.

Oh noooo!
From what i know about the initiator of the reading forum project, i bet he is not taking a "no" for an answer. I would not be surprised if he comes up with a solution. Especially knowing he has the technical resources for an alternate "home".
Wait and see...
So far so good...I want some of Shellee's gems. She is good at hoarding them, I need to take a few lessons from her :)

LOL The last time I bought gems was for the EBI. You just have to hold strong and not use them much. I only use them when a new dragon comes out and only if it's a limited dragon. When we get close to holidays etc I keep going with sandstorms in the breeding cave...I have been lucky on this lately. Even though I was breeding panlongs in my normal cave this time I didn't need to rush them. But I did blow through 50 some gems to get the 2 blooms quickly. The only other time to I use them is for buying the decorations etc. Geez I just in the last week spent the 100 gems to get my HC to store 100 dragons lol All you need is patience but I know that is harder than said. Adam and Michelle are the one's that taught me to be a little more patient and quit buying gems so much.
I finally got my fire, air, earth, and water shrines to gold!!! I never thought I would get there but I finally did. It's such a great feeling! My boyfriend doesn't share my enthusiasm for it though lol. Now it's just collecting money so I can start on my other 4 shrines.

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