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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Cox780770 said:
Yay congrats on the blooms and happy birthday to your son x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Thanks a lot. I was also trying to talk about something cheerful in the middle of such tense posts. I hope everything goes back to normal, as you said it, nobody did anything wrong really, just expressing different opinions. That's what forums are for, in a sense! Cheers.
Has anyone figured out why we can only buy 25 fountains?

Tiffany xoxo

I suspect the animation would bog down the BFS servers if anyone got too carried away. At the high price tag, they were probably not concerned about your average player needing (or wanting) more than 25. They were probably most concerned about "those who follow a different moral code" and BFS placed a hard and fast usage block on the count to prevent ANYONE from placing too many fountains in their parks and thereby crashing the server.

After animating the volcano in the last update they probably saw a substantial rise in usage on their server. I would speculate from the excitement it generated on this forum that anyone with unlimited cash might be tempted to go "hogwild."

They have apparently decided to deal with folks who advance too quickly without purchasing Dragonvale items by limiting their shenanigans. Damage control perhaps? Dragonvale is stored ONLY on BFS servers . . . so, unless they have unlimited capacity they are willing to give away for free . . . we all know how much patience & perserverence it takes to make an extra $7.5M for a fountain - seriously, a fountain - ohhh. . . it's pretty . . . maybe one . . . BUT 25!!

Regarding saving DC for the fountain, well, that was a real lesson in restraint and persistence for my son, especially. He tends to want to play fast and loose with our DC and I had to really slow his fast little fingers down since the update so we could save for it. Happy to say, it is one other item that joined our park tonight before they went to bed. Now, while they're asleep, I can go do some redecorating. Like most kids, their design aesthetic is a bit, well, let's just say it's not the same as mine, lol.

So if we bred our 48 hour egg prior to 7pm, there's not much chance of it being a moon???
Fletch_smf said:
Not responding is the same as condoning the words, quite frankly. There's a saying which touches on this about Evil succeeding because Good people did nothing. To be clear I am not saying anyone is evil, and I'm sure as shinola not saying I'm good, I'm just saying fence sitting was not an option. As Tricia's Great Grandma said, if you can look back on the day and be proud of what you did ... Well I'd let too many comments go by and couldn't go to bed last night without speaking up.

I believe at this point it is best for me to just agree to disagree and move on. ;). Better and more challenging things in life awaits.

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)
As a newcomer, I'll just jump in and say I'm glad to see the dust settling on the controversy of late (for lack of a better term, lol). I've been a member of many online communities, and this sort of thing happens over and over again. When feelings are hurt or someone feels compelled to speak up, someone else isn't always going to like it -- 'tis life, real and cyberspace. I'm happy to have found you all and have been enjoying sharing and learning from you!
Busy breeding irons for DC for the next few days to catch up and lvl up many of my dragons...then on to figuring out my plan of attack to finish off gold shrines. Even with the lovely bloom, I must breed many metal dragons for that shrine, so I may try out Poppys method once I have enough food stored up. Oh ya, and for my bday I got 2 iTunes gift cards!!!! Guess you know where that's going!!! Tehe!! ;)

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)
McNeeze your Pan island reminds of Coalinga, Ca. As you drive to San Francisca you pass by this huge cattle ranch. You have a Pan ranch. Congrats on generating a lot of DC!

Lol wish I could see it in my minds eye but I have only ever landed in SF. I am bet that would be an awesome drive though. I from the great white north though so my visits to my friendly neighbors is few an far between
m1ssy said:
It was started before 7am, so, I'm thinking it will be a sun. Arggg, ***stomping foot! I want a rainbow!

Oh sorry Hun ,have you tried mud blazing for a rainbow .......you probably have but just in case or give flower and ice a go, its not a promise but it got me my first ever rare breed which was a rainbow on the first try too you never know you just may get lucky ,keep at though your sure to get one soon fingers crossed for you x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Fletch_smf said:
Did that on my test account and while it did slow things down a little it wasn't overly noticeable. But I'm assuming more animated decorations will be coming so they are starting to limit it now for the future.

Ooh I do hope so I'm loving these animated ones I bought a volcano and 2 fountains so far but desperately need more habitats to make some sort of a design on my last two islands come on BFS give em up pleeeeaaasssee lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
demonioazul said:
Thanks a lot. I was also trying to talk about something cheerful in the middle of such tense posts. I hope everything goes back to normal, as you said it, nobody did anything wrong really, just expressing different opinions. That's what forums are for, in a sense! Cheers.

Welcome I'm glad you had a nice daydeity your son it's the first milestone of many the first birthday ,my youngest will be 2 in may x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
angel2all said:
Busy breeding irons for DC for the next few days to catch up and lvl up many of my dragons...then on to figuring out my plan of attack to finish off gold shrines. Even with the lovely bloom, I must breed many metal dragons for that shrine, so I may try out Poppys method once I have enough food stored up. Oh ya, and for my bday I got 2 iTunes gift cards!!!! Guess you know where that's going!!! Tehe!! ;)

April :) GCID Servant 16:9 (daughter Allison GCID Angel2all; daughter Amanda GCID Servant to one)

Lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
TommyB said:
Somebody else suggested this earlier, and I concur, but I believe that the reason why the fountain has a maximum of 25 is to reduce strain on the device's processor. I think that perhaps the ipad or whatever will bog down under the strain of running too many animations concurrently (after all, it's also animating dozens of dragons), so the limit may be to guard against sub-optimal perfomance. Might be wrong. Who's willing to buy 25 of them and see?

I would but no room
Bossfanca said:
Regarding saving DC for the fountain, well, that was a real lesson in restraint and persistence for my son, especially. He tends to want to play fast and loose with our DC and I had to really slow his fast little fingers down since the update so we could save for it. Happy to say, it is one other item that joined our park tonight before they went to bed. Now, while they're asleep, I can go do some redecorating. Like most kids, their design aesthetic is a bit, well, let's just say it's not the same as mine, lol.

So if we bred our 48 hour egg prior to 7pm, there's not much chance of it being a moon???

Fletch has done extensive testing on that matter and it seems suns are always bred between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM and moons the other way around. So if you bred it before 7:00 PM it's almost certainly a sun.
WHY CAN'T I GET ANOTHER RAINBOW!!! Yay 4 lvl 10 panlongs with fire and water boosts get u money soooooooo fast.

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