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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Ok guys...I have some questions... I still have not used the fountain of youth yet.

Is it possible to have a dragon earning level 15 dc and look like it is level 4?

When you put a level 15 dragon into the fountain does it take it right to baby status like it came out of the hatchery just then?

What happens if you put a level 10 in the fountain and then after it's finished level it to 15...does it get a little larger like a adolescent?

Hi Shelley, You can only put level 10+ in the fountain. After it is finished it will look like a baby level 1-3 but keep all the properties of a level 10. Also if you put a level 10 in you can still feed it up to fifteen and it will keep it's baby appearance. The only thing the fountain does is change the appearance back to a baby.
Hey Fletch...I need help again. lol Sorry for being a pain. My last panlong is breeding now so my water and air will finally be gold soon. Here are my numbers for the rest...Same as last time. The only dragon I don't have a pair of or can't get quickly is bone. I only have 1 of them. Again I don't care about getting metal to gold but it's gonna happen sooner or later most likely at some point.

lightening 3/50
fire 26/50
plant 4/50
earth 24/50
cold 2/50
metal 0/50

Thanks in advance. Your rock! :thumbs:
Cox780770 said:
What ?.. Why was it closed down x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Moderator said it contravenes the rules as the discussion could easily get onto politics or religion and they are barred from iPad forums

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13
Fletch_smf said:
New Arrivals at E'lys Island
A mere 60 hours since their discovery, 3 Bloom Dragons have been imported into Islas de Fletch Dragoon and have replaced the newly discovered species of Metal Dragons in our feature habitat on our landing island. We strive to bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Dragonry and are backed by a team of hard working grounds wizards who have been working non-stop* since these new species of dragon was announced on Tuesday Afternoon (local time). The Metal habitat that was flanked by our dragon shrines was decommissioned in record time and the new habitat was ready and waiting for the dragons when they arrived, the last of which got here less than an hour ago. The ground wizards also were given last minute instructions to replace the marble paths around the habitats with the dark brick ones, as the light double reflected off the dragons, ice and white marble was truly blinding. The results speak for themselves.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=12842"/>

The adult, juvenile and baby dragons are in good condition and are all very even tempered. The ground wizards say they are settling in nicely to their new surroundings, and are already becoming a crowd favourite. Why not visit them today?

* We attribute the speed and quality of work from our employees to the fact that we have magicked the time on our islands to be always 10 minutes before lunch, that period of peak work productivity, as proven by rigorous statistical testing.

Lmao at the magicked time !!!! I love it fletch looks lovely these new dragons are my new second favourite and its cool that you have one of each in the stages of development is the baby lvl 10 or a true baby , also I love the pattern the dark paths make I have used a lot of that on my accommodation isle x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
He upgraded his HC this morning lol but he's still got 60 and is really good at not spending them maybe one or 2 here and there but nothing much so he'll build up again and I'm going to try again too ......an yeah maybe he will, thanks for telling him I had told him before that but he didn't listen x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Good for him. lol Kids! They should listen more to their parents but sometimes..no most of the time they will listen to others but not their parents. Go figure.
mc_neeze said:
Sorry 250 I abandoned my original plan and am going to work on the metal as well as the final 6 of what i need for the four shrines after some wise words from Fletch. So what I have now is the limit of my Pan's. Not going to lie I am not going to miss breeding those guys.

No I don't ....though I did keep going to put them back into breed, for a while after when breeding, because I got so used to breeding them lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
TommyB said:
Funny how we swung from pages of hillarious "this is the best thread ever" posts and having a outrageously good time all the way over to social debates about human behavior and affronted feelings in like less than a day. When emotions run hot they can run hot in sny directions and switch directions without notice and without diminishing in intensity. Hopefully soon we'll return to the more balanced middle.

P.S. My level 15 Bloom got gold in the Colosseum.
P.P.S. We're heading out to the O.B. right now for an ultrasound to hopefully find out if we're being given a girl or a boy.
P.P.P.S. Any suggestions for a color scheme for adding Bloom to my signature?

Humans are funny that way! Very emotional creatures aren't we?

Congrats on the gold for Bloom - perhaps he/she deserves a golden signature?

Most importantly, best of luck at the O.B. I suspect your fondest wish is for a healthy baby and the rest is all just a bonus. :)
Hi Shelley, You can only put level 10+ in the fountain. After it is finished it will look like a baby level 1-3 but keep all the properties of a level 10. Also if you put a level 10 in you can still feed it up to fifteen and it will keep it's baby appearance. The only thing the fountain does is change the appearance back to a baby.

Oh poo! Ok..so it still stays baby level 1-3 no matter what you do....darn it. :( Thanks for the info! It's not normal for me to not try something right away...this was a first for me. lol
Got my second bloom in the ebi. Phew!!! Can relax now and get back ton reseeding panlongs and moneymakers.

Hazel gcid: hazzarrd13
Oh poo! Ok..so it still stays baby level 1-3 no matter what you do....darn it. :( Thanks for the info! It's not normal for me to not try something right away...this was a first for me. lol

You can also make it older after you turn it into a baby if you so decide.
GT500Girl said:
Ok guys...I have some questions... I still have not used the fountain of youth yet.

Is it possible to have a dragon earning level 15 dc and look like it is level 4?

When you put a level 15 dragon into the fountain does it take it right to baby status like it came out of the hatchery just then?

What happens if you put a level 10 in the fountain and then after it's finished level it to 15...does it get a little larger like a adolescent?

No Hun it's not possible to have the 15 look like a 4 it makes it look like a baby out of the hatchery they keep the orb and babies are larger than a lvl1 baby I'm not sure about the last one as I havnt fed a babied one up yet my pans were lvl 15 when I babied them ,also you can turn a babied one back to adult using the fountain again x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

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