iPF Noob
Hmmm...I know. I have the same maybe. If nothing else maybe it increases chances. I don't know. Lol. I've been so back and forth on it. If I don't get moon soon I think I'll try the gene thing to create it and see if it works. Hmmm...weird on you edit! Are you sure you know what the exact parents are of all that made the pair to make rainbow? Ugh! This theory is driving me insane! Now I want to know why your in the negative though...
It's my raindeer, fortunately not the rainbow
yes, I know its parents were Snow and Seaweed. Snow is air and cold and gets negative from earth and plant boost. Seaweed is water and air and gets negative from lightning and cold boosts. To test I moved earth, plant and lightning boosts away (cold is on a different island anyway) and my little raindeer only makes 77 gold coins a minute
I'll have a second one in a few minutes. Let's see how this one does. Same parents.