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Food anyone?

I remember my grandmothers spending the better part of the day preparing food. Everything was started from scratch. Prep, meal service, clean-up, repeat cycle.
And somehow, a bunch of other stuff was accomplished by them in-between. I swear they must have possessed supernatural powers.


That's why homemaking is actually more work than some jobs outside the house, lol.

One of my aunts was like your grandmothers -- a restaurant-quality cook who marketed twice a day for the freshest ingredients and who turned out eight or nine courses for every dinner, with soup, a Chinese fixation. She exceled at all else at home, too -- raised seven successful children. But she never worked outside the house.
I'm following up my reference to the Hairy Bikers mums know best programme on the TV favourite shows thread.

We were taken by the fabulous deserts in the episode we watch. The episode was called .... Showing off. We liked a pink semolina dessert. Very simple to make, and very showy. Here's the link http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/mumsknowbest/recipefairs/mkb_ep5_eele.pdf

You must serve the dessert in tall clear glass dishes, and you must use the milk, as advised.

It's a superb piece of showing off, and delicious too. ;)

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mollysmom said:
Richard, thanks for all the recipes, but I'm still laughing at the name of the show...lol

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Yes, it's a great name! Then, how about 2 other UK cookery series. One is called Two Greedy Italians, and and the other The Hungry Sailors! Lol

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Richard Brown said:
Yes, it's a great name! Then, how about 2 other UK cookery series. One is called Two Greedy Italians, and and the other The Hungry Sailors! Lol

I saw a recent Hairy Bikers programme on cauliflowers, how they are grown & harvested (v. Interesting) & they made cauliflower cheese. That's always been a favourite but by the end, I was just drooling. Something to do with their lovely, irrepressible enthusiasm.
For me, nothing comes close to New York-style pizza. Chicago deep dish has all the same ingredients, but it has never been pizza in my mind. It's like having a casserole to me, lol.

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