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Food anyone?

AdmiralAdama said:
Had a Dr.Oetker pizza with a Caesar salad.

Didn't know Dr Oetker made pizzas too.

I owe Skimonkey some chocolate blancmange from a while back but that didn't get made unfortunately.
Instead I have just made a rice pudding, just out of the oven, steaming hot.

Had to because my husband picked up two x 4pint bottles of semi-skimmed in a carrier bag, meant to last nearly a week, one handle broke & they crashed onto the floor. There was probably a tsunami somewhere on the coast of France...

Both bottles started to leak from their bases. So they had to go into the fridge standing on their caps.
What else could I do but get out the pudding rice? My Mum used to make something called "Velvet Pudding" which I could try with the rest. I will look out her recipe.

So here it is. All welcome to a share because it's a large 3 pints-worth. Please say whether you like the skin or not, and what extras? I like a lot of cinnamon & crunchy Demerara sugar on top & Mum always ate it with a glass of Ribena. Or a big dollop of jam (go look it up if you don't know!) but anything goes as long as it's in the larder. If not, supply your own, but hurry as it's cooling down fast.


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Yummy. Jam on mine please. Raspberry jam, hat is :)

I'll need to make some raspberry and blackcurrent jam for the next pudding. :) :)

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Richard Brown said:
Yummy. Jam on mine please. Raspberry jam, hat is :)
I'll need to make some raspberry and blackcurrent jam for the next pudding. :) :)

OK, coming up. Raspberry jam is my favourite so I have loads in stock.
Skin: on or off?
Peter Rabbit dish? Or other?
The carrier is ready waiting with insulated bag on his big old Norton.

Bit worried about the mixing of raspberries & blackcurrants...are you sure you want to ruin the rasps like that?
Oh oh oh. I love rice pudding with the skin on top and then evaporated milk added when I'm eating it. I haven't made that in ages. No jam although if I buy tinned rice pudding, I have raspberry jam. Yummy

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Hayles66 said:
Oh oh oh. I love rice pudding with the skin on top and then evaporated milk added when I'm eating it. I haven't made that in ages. No jam although if I buy tinned rice pudding, I have raspberry jam. Yummy

I was starting to dish yours with the skin but then I got to the "evaporated milk" bit...
Do you really think you deserve to have any? (Even if you do have those horses? :-) :-). )
Have you tried it with evaporated milk. I love it. Clotted cream or ordinary cream too.

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Hayles66 said:
Have you tried it with evaporated milk. I love it. Clotted cream or ordinary cream

Never in a month of Sundays. All that white added to white? Yuk yuk yuk. (or as the Danes say, "piss piss piss"!)

Do forgive me, I have a thing about white foods. Ever since my Mum dosed us children with spoonfuls of "Milk of Magnesia" to make us "go". It was a question of lining up, opening your mouth & getting it. Those free warm third-pint bottles of milk at school that you had to drink or else...Now rice pudding is different. For a start it's got a nice brown skin & ???, (not sure!)

Can still feel the angst & taste the chalkyness of the Milk of Magnesia. But we had to do what we were told in those days, no messing, we wouldn't have dared not (remember?). It was the same with bottles of cod liver oil. The approaching huge spoon...nightmarish! Still can't abide oily food of any sort.

So OK, you can have your rice pud as long as you keep quiet about what you have with it. Deal?
Hayles66 said:
Have you tried it with evaporated milk. I love it. Clotted cream or ordinary cream too.

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For a man who must be careful about his nutritional intake, the words "clotted" and "cream" in the same sentence, sets off a tremor.

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Oh dear. You guys obviously haven't had a Devon/Somerset/Cornish cream tea then. Pot of tea, scones cream and jam. I love my dairy foods. How can you compare milk of magnesia (yuk) with clotted cream (yum). No comparison.

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Hayles66 said:
Oh dear. You guys obviously haven't had a Devon/Somerset/Cornish cream tea then. Pot of tea, scones cream and jam. I love my dairy foods. How can you compare milk of magnesia (yuk) with clotted cream (yum). No comparison.

Quite easily! Both white. End of sentence. :-)
... I like a lot of cinnamon & crunchy Demerara sugar on top & Mum always ate it with a glass of Ribena.

Mmm. Ribena -- I love black currant-flavored anything, but it's not popular in the U.S., so it's hard to come by here. I've been craving black currant candies since I ate the last of my supply, hoarded during my travels.

Does anyone British know what this candy is called: It's sold in rolls -- chewy black currant jellies encrusted with sugar crystals. I want to ask friends who are visiting to bring me some, but I have no memory of what they're called. The wrapping was purple, and the rolls were longer and skinnier than a roll of Lifesavers. They're sometimes sold in rolls of three, bound by a wrapper, with three separate rolls inside.

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