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Get official facebook app for iPad! (jailbreak required)

Stefan, I had the same trouble as you. I ended up deleting the app, reinstalling it and then logging in. For me, I think it was that I had to be logged out...

I want to add, for this older person here (with bifocals!): I don't like it! The font is too durn small and there is no way to make it larger. So, I deleted the app I modified and reloaded it again. I'm keeping the iPhone version, without mods.

And now, you kids - get off my lawn! :D

Sorry, I had to say it (as i was feeling all old and curmudgeonly...)!

Open it with the property list viewer, the font is bigger.

As for info.plist%, ifile makes that, it is the info.plist before you edited it. So, an automatic backup copy.
Well, see, I deleted the app from my pad and re-installed it too... After editing, I'm still stuck with the above message...

Well, see, I deleted the app from my pad and re-installed it too... After editing, I'm still stuck with the above message...


Like graywolf wrote...edit the info.plist and NOT the info.plist% this is the backup ifile auto-creates...worked for me on first attempt...
Like graywolf wrote...edit the info.plist and NOT the info.plist% this is the backup ifile auto-creates...worked for me on first attempt...

That's the file I edited (info.plist). Nevertheless, after doing another re-install and multiple re-boots, I give up. I can not log in nomatter what...

It looks like I enter the wrong user and/or password, but I don't... So, this is just another app not for me... 

Sure username and password are right?

Yepp. Unless I manage to mis-type it in Facebook app only... I tried logging in with Friendly, MyPad+ AND, actually, the iPhone version of FB and all three works just fine.

Although, when I delete the FB app some of the other apps I've installed jumps out of the folders where they previously resided. A re-start fixes this, though. Apps in conflict, per chance?

soccplayer07 said:
how do you change it to 2 in step 5. mine is blank.

After you open info.plist, scroll down to UIDevicefamily. Tap on it. Another window will slide in. Then just tap in the text box and make it a 2.
Why have Facebook not released an iPad specific app....very lazy in my mind....I'll be sticking to Friendly for now until they do, it just seems more user friendly.

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