iPF Novice
Yes, and you can find them in other's ponds too. Sent from my iPad using iPF
Thanks for the info mate!
- Ash
Yes, and you can find them in other's ponds too. Sent from my iPad using iPF
Ghost! 1 nail GC ID : g_man1970 level 65, KiK g_man1970 , i don't accept random friend requests.
Ghost near the middle island... GC Id Amanda*xx level 64
Panels and screws in my stall! GC: sug18009 - level64
All gone. Ash bought it all GC: sug18009 - level64
Excellent point, but then, can you imagine if we'd had to put candy in instead, like jelly beans! Every 24 hours you could contribute would have been a snail paced frenzy! Lol! The entire global goal would have to be something like 1,200 total due to the time it takes . I kinda would have liked to see that, hehehe!
GC: EyeC999 Level 79
I don't know, I'm pretty sure the numbers are lying. The top pumpkin contributor gave over 29000 pies. That is just not possible. There is no one at all ever in the universe who would spend that much money on diamonds to do that.
I don't know, I'm pretty sure the numbers are lying. The top pumpkin contributor gave over 29000 pies. That is just not possible. There is no one at all ever in the universe who would spend that much money on diamonds to do that.
...except perhaps Bill Gates....he could TOTALLY afford to do that. You don't suppose he's a secret Hay Day player, do you :O GC: EyeC999 Level 79
I mean to say that I have sometimes seen 1 or more friends asking for help. Once I saw the help required was to tap on brown trees and they turned green, next time I could not find out, and the third time I saw he/she needed help in boat deliveries. GC : behappy123I don't understand the question
GC iluvbree lvl 103