iPF Noob
As long as I'm playing the game I won't be stopping with the barn or silo upgrades. I think there will come a time when my silo will become much less important, but not my barn, I'm a hoarder, I always need more space, lol. Also, I think upgrading them is just a good way to stay busy in the game during the times between upgrades and new things, when we don't have much else to do other than general maintenance. I think it makes sense to keep upgrading until you feel otherwise
iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 72 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free
I have a loooooong way before I catch up to you on barn/silo size so can't say how I'll feel then but for now, fully agree that upgrades keep it interesting. They do take a lot of valuable space themselves though.