Y'know, I'd absolutely agree with you in heartbeat if we hadn't explained how to do this sooooooo many times.. BUT, for those who still do not know, maybe the helpful thing to do is explain.

For those folks who don't know how to send away boats you can't or don't want to fill, all you have to do is hit the Hutton you usually hit to send the boat away once it is full, but you MUST do this before filling any crates yourself, or opening any crates for others to fill.. you will get a confirmation message asking if you want to cast away the empty boat, press "yes" and it will sail empty. Another boat will come along in 4 hours like it usually would

iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 73 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free