Hi, I know I've missed you. I thought you had left for good, like so many others have. Good to see you're backSent from my iPad using iPF GC 10hesse lvl 84
=( awww so sorry, maybe next one.. gc has been lagging horribly lately...
Present in fishing ponds!!
I have 15 bolts, 27 planks and 25 tapes, which I'd like to get rid of in exchange for wood panels, nails and screws. Any takers, please PM me, thanks!
GC: EyeC999 Level 83
Thanks! Trade done
GC: EyeC999 Level 83
Hey Everyone!
My HayDay keeps crashing, is it just mine?
Everytime i log in, it kicks me out again! :/
Working fine on this end... have you tried restarting your device? That sometimes helps...
Looking for about 16 planks and maybe 3 potato bread. Here is what I have the most of to trade
View attachment 51446