iPF Novice
Hey, Val! Have a safe trip tomorrow! I'll be thinking about you, dear one!. When you can, touch base so I know you got there safely, ok?
Ok, Mom.
GC: pristoph ......... HD Level 52 (making candy!!)......DV Level 32
Hey, Val! Have a safe trip tomorrow! I'll be thinking about you, dear one!. When you can, touch base so I know you got there safely, ok?
Ok, Mom. GC: pristoph ......... HD Level 52 (making candy!!)......DV Level 32
Hey, hey, hey, there!. Actually, my dear, that would be an honor for me! Love you, my sweet one!
Awwww *blushing*! Love you too. GC: pristoph ......... HD Level 52 (making candy!!)......DV Level 32
Trading my 30 SCREWS for WOOD PANELS... Anyone who can help out? Thanks... Just pm me...
GC: chadsea / HD level 65 (tnx, forum angels... i don't accept random GC request)
Hello Sandia....Hello everyone.... =)
Hello everyone, I am so mad at this game I gonna stop playing it. The game is against you all the time, everything it puts on your next boat it removes from news, you just cant find the item and cant make it because all your queues are full, and when they dont, you just cant make them on time. It forces you all the time to use or want to use diamods because it gets frustrating plaing against its logic. I expected that at a given time things would go on a balance but it jus gets worse, thigs get more and more expensive and no matter what you do or you wont have enough money or you wont have enough space. I would like some very special I met in this forum people that helped me a lot and many times asked nothing in return. You all in this forum are awesome. It was the most pleasure to me know so many kind people. Good luck with your farm and happy farming. I gonna sell all the stuff on barn and silo( so i dont get tempted to come back). Let me know if you need anything that could help you so i can give you. Ty good friends. gc: Dark+Penguin (+ sign included) lvl 30
Hello everyone, I am so mad at this game I gonna stop playing it. The game is against you all the time, everything it puts on your next boat it removes from news, you just cant find the item and cant make it because all your queues are full, and when they dont, you just cant make them on time. It forces you all the time to use or want to use diamods because it gets frustrating plaing against its logic. I expected that at a given time things would go on a balance but it jus gets worse, thigs get more and more expensive and no matter what you do or you wont have enough money or you wont have enough space. I would like some very special I met in this forum people that helped me a lot and many times asked nothing in return. You all in this forum are awesome. It was the most pleasure to me know so many kind people. Good luck with your farm and happy farming. I gonna sell all the stuff on barn and silo( so i dont get tempted to come back). Let me know if you need anything that could help you so i can give you. Ty good friends. gc: Dark+Penguin (+ sign included) lvl 30