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Hay Day - Product Requests & Sales

Hello friends, I need cheese and feta pie. Will buy in max price or trade with screw. Any help? Please PM me, thanx :)

GC: shining_ara || free for add :)
Planks and screws

Help I need planks and screws. To be exact I need 5planks and just one screw. I can trade my nails and bolts and panels.

Gc: bientambling
level: 24 (woohoo mining!):D
Chumleyboo, yes pls pls! Thank you!!
How to do it ( I'm new here) I read somewhere of the wheat system? but I can't seem to find that page again to confirm if what I remember of it is right. So I list it and make sure no baskets have newspaper ads and then how does it go with the wheat again?

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