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Hay Day - Product Requests & Sales

FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! Looking for LAND EXPANDING materials? I have over over 50 MALLETS, 50 STAKES, AND 50 LAND DEEDS with your name on them. I am willing to negotiate trading! Open up your farm and fishing area in no time! PM ME FOR DETAILS. I'm always willing to help. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! GC: Timmy 2 Times Level 46

Do you still have land expanding tools up for trade?
Good evening all! I need 2 planks, can trade for bolts. Let me know.
Wenchwhino lvl 47 or 48
Thx. Pm me plz

Sent from my IPad using IPF. GC wenchwhino level 48
I have 50 mallets that I'm willing to trade for:

2:1 for land deeds (2 mallets for 1 deed)
1:1 for duct tape, planks, or any mining materials.

PM me if interested, or add GC: "Luke E. Pies" - level 40
Good day, all! I'm looking for 6 cheesecakes. I have deeds, marker stakes, mallets, wood panels, and duct tape to trade. I can also buy full price if you need the coin :). Please PM me. Thank you!

EDIT: I got my cheesecake! Thanks for your help! Special thanks to Tilly and Jakers!
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I have 60 deeds, 30 mallets, 30 stakes, 30 screws, and 30 panels.
I want bolts, nails, or mining materials.
Please pm me with an offer if you're interested.

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