Need 13 tapes. Can trade bolts(13), screws(13), deeds(13), mallets(13), stakes(4).
Please PM me.
I can give u 13 tape for 13 bolts
Need 13 tapes. Can trade bolts(13), screws(13), deeds(13), mallets(13), stakes(4).
Please PM me.
Hi there! Do you still need cheese cakes? If so PM me xxGood day, all! I'm looking for 6 cheesecakes. I have deeds, marker stakes, mallets, wood panels, and duct tape to trade. I can also buy full price if you need the coin. Please PM me. Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Hi there! Do you still need cheese cakes? If so PM me xx
Sent from my iPad using iPF GC Yellowtillybird Lv 44. Happy Farming !UK xxx
I have Nails, Screws, Panels
need tapes, bolts, planks
Im looking for BOLTS
Have Planks, Tapes, Nails, Screws, Panels