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Hay Day - Product Requests & Sales

Hello! I need 11 tapes, I can trade with 5 nails, 18 screws, 3 panels, 5 planks, 17 stakes, 7 deeds and 5 mallets! I'll be happy to trade all of it for the tapes, if you can help me.

GC: siljeisdahl lvl 54 :)
Hello! I need 11 tapes, I can trade with 5 nails, 18 screws, 3 panels, 5 planks, 17 stakes, 7 deeds and 5 mallets! I'll be happy to trade all of it for the tapes, if you can help me. GC: siljeisdahl lvl 54 :)

I offered you tapes yesterday by PM, but you didn't reply. I can trade you 10 tapes for your nails and planks, but you will need to reply! :)

Chumleyboo, level 72.
Hi I'm back after a much needed break, sold absolutely everything when I left so am wondering if anyone has anything at all to sell me please? I need any food products, exp materials, building materials, shovels, axes. I particulary need 2 lobster soups to finish my boat order. In return I will help on your boat orders in future and also sell you items that you may need in future. I will pay top price for everything, any help appreciated many thanks please inbox

Amy886 level 55
Still looking for 11 tapes! Can trade with 9 planks and 2 bolts. (Can also trade with silo and expansion materials)

GC: siljeisdahl lvl 54 :)

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