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HayDay Friends Off-Topic

S glasses
a nose
m upper lip
a mole
N under left hair bob and chin
t left neck and part of necklace
H right neck and part of necklace
A part of cross
Q of the D....what is your favorite HD crop and why?
{Val - playing the part of Carolyn}

Hhmmmm...I will pick corn. Corn belongs on a farm and in a vegetable garden. I like the saying that corn should be "Knee-high by the Fourth of July"!! Although, in middle school, I wrote a report I titled "Rice may be nice, but Wheat is neat!" (No kidding! Lol!).
Hhmmmm...I will pick corn. Corn belongs on a farm and in a vegetable garden. I like the saying that corn should be "Knee-high by the Fourth of July"!! Although, in middle school, I wrote a report I titled "Rice may be nice, but Wheat is neat!" (No kidding! Lol!).
I hope you got an 'A' for that report Carolyn. Wheat is definitely neat.
Time for a Rhyme...

Simply add a line that rhymes! If you get bored with rhyming that word, start a new one! Here we go....

My eyes were opened, I saw the LIGHT!


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