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How to change Apple ID on ipad?

Computerbear! Love that, btw.:) Thanks so much for the help! I get so excited when I see a post on this thread!

IF I read your post correctly, I can't go back to my old ID/Email. I can't use it. It is GONE. My new one is every where it should be but when I update apps on iPad.

I can't sign out and use my old account. It doesn't exist. :( It tells me that "apple has disabled this ID/Email"
Darn, I remember reading that when you wrote it. I thought I had gotten rid of my old one also, but it was still there. I guess all I can recommend is to email Apple support like I did. Maybe even direct it to the person who answered me. I think I left his name in my post. I could even give you the reference number of my case. Then tell him your specific problem. Seems like they should be able to reactivate your old ID. I wanted to totally get rid of my old one, because of the security issues. But I am stuck with it for updates on all my old stuff. I did change the password to a strong, long one, though.

Do write in to them and let me know what happens. They are supposed to respond within 48 hours. And I don't think it took them that long. Good luck! So funny we both had the same issue about the same time. I am surprised there aren't more posts on this type of issue.
Apple ID

Computerbear! Love that, btw.:) Thanks so much for the help! I get so excited when I see a post on this thread!

IF I read your post correctly, I can't go back to my old ID/Email. I can't use it. It is GONE. My new one is every where it should be but when I update apps on iPad.

I can't sign out and use my old account. It doesn't exist. :( It tells me that "apple has disabled this ID/Email"

I'm having almost the identical problem, well maybe it is the identical problem, only its with games. When I try to sign into games it tells me this email addy is being used on another app or program. Well of course it is, its my email address given to me by my IP. msparshu@telus.net
Now I also have a yahoo ID, however, if it comes to spending money on my iPad I want to do it through my regular email address.l

I also find that every time I log on it asks me for my ID and password again and thats for any and all apps, its driving me insane b/c I can't recall all those IDs. Then there's the third reply I get and that is: This ID has been (is it locked?) oh no its disabled b/c you've tried too many times to access it...................I mean, what can we do about all this stuff.
Its so frustrating. Today I can't connect to the internet to look around and my email doesn't work at all, it says my incoming settings are not set right. I went to Internet Explorer/tools/options and accounts. I copied my settings from there for my email, didn't work. How do I set up my email. That is something I really would like help from all of you to do.
Marie, you're problem is different than Computerbear... from what I'm reading Computerbear created a brand new ID whereas you changed your email associated with your ID..which is what I HOPE you did. IF you created a new ID all together then that is why you're having problem, you created a new ID and disabled the old ID rather than "changed" email associated with ID.
So SweetPoison, Anything??? I didn't go back and reread the posts, but now that I understand my issue more, I was wondering. . . did you ever try to create a new ID, but use your old ID that is no longer valid? If it isn't valid, you should be able to create it again and try using it to update your stuff. Then you will just have to have the two ID's like me. Let me know how it is going!

So SweetPoison, Anything??? I didn't go back and reread the posts, but now that I understand my issue more, I was wondering. . . did you ever try to create a new ID, but use your old ID that is no longer valid? If it isn't valid, you should be able to create it again and try using it to update your stuff. Then you will just have to have the two ID's like me. Let me know how it is going!


I thought about that ~ but I didn't want to mess with it again. Apple walked me through it ~ just to change my email, when I got my new one, which is ultimately, our Apple ID.

And trust me ~ that took awhile. I just hung up too quick on that wonderful person that helped me! The new ID/email was every where it should be.

Until I updated.

I have a case number too ~ I am so busy at work and I have not gotten around to it! But am reminded when I use my iPad out in the field and see now 13 updates!!
Yeah, well my new pad has been glitchy. My other one was not. This one will flip me from what I am doing, to the home screen. And when I was showing it to one of our radiologists, it froze up. It wouldn't go to home, it would not hard down either. NOTHING. And it isn't like you can pop a battery out like with a phone. Finally it shut off. Not happy. Called support and they want me to restore it to like new and start over. (Great) If that fixes it, it was a software issue. If not, it is hardware, and this baby gets traded. I miss my old iPad . . . sigh.
I would just go in to the Apple store and request a new one. That is bullshit. Our Apple store here is awesome! They know me well and, of course, adore me.:)

I so could not put up with problems. You have a year warranty.

I am not a problem person! lol!
ell, I am willing to give it one go. I am restoring it as I write. But if there is a SINGLE issue with it after, back it goes. I think our nearest Apple store is at least an hour away. I ordered mine online and had it delivered. We will see over the next few days how it does! :0)
I am going to the Apple store as soon as I am done with watching for nut jobs here at Starbucks.

It's a good thing, because NOW I can't log into Settings, as it states my password or ID is incorrect!

I'm getting tired of this bullshit.:(
So I am here at the Apple store! So crowded! I am playing with the MacBook Pro! I love it!

The first set of folks can't figure it out, so I have an appt at 4:40.

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