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How to change Apple ID on ipad?

OK, I have two thoughts. First, how long have you had this iPad? I have two stories. The first is when my mom was here to visit, I helped to get her an iPad for Christmas and upgraded her cell phone at Best Buy. The first night, her phone lost all her contacts. For no reason. It would not do things it should have. Then, the iPad was also screwing up. It would not allow her to enter contacts and it would do other random weird stuff. Her email stuff got totally messed up on those two items and her laptop, even. It also kept telling her her password was wrong to get into the apps. I was able to access it from my computer and change her password for her. I could get in. She could get in on her computer. But she could not get there from the iPad!!!! She struggled with these for a couple weeks, made multiple trips in for help, etc. She felt like it was her being stupid. (she just turned 80 in November!!! She's pretty wired for all that!! :~) )

Anyway, I told her to take them all in. They realized they were not behaving properly and ultimately, she changed both of them. These ones work great. So sometimes, they're just messed up.

Story 2 - I recently had to replace my iPad. My first one was great. No problems. This new one would swap me back to home screen in the middle of something. It froze up when I was showing one of our radiologist. ( I was mortified. It had never done that!) It would not let me get to the home screen and it wouldn't even hard down by holding the off button. And it isn't like you can just pop the battery off. FINALLY it did shut off.

So I called support and they suggested I restore it to like new. (After backing up all my stuff). And then set it all up again. If all your stuff is synced on your computer, this is pretty painless. I did that a few days ago, and all seems good now. I am still giving it a few more days before I put my Invisible shield on, though!
I was told if this worked, it just reset the software. If it didn't, it was a hardware problem and would need to be returned.

So, I would try restoring it and starting over. Hopefully that will fix it. If it doesn't, go in and have em fix it or replace it.

I hope this helps you, Sweet Poison. I know how frustrating it is, and I feel for you. Good luck!!!
You guys are not going to believe this!!

I just got off the phone with AT&T and updated my debt card with them, and he updated my new email so I can log into check my Cellular Data.

Then I told him about my updating my App problem with the old ID/email. And he said go and check it now.

My new ID/email is there!!! What the hell does AT&T have to do with iTunes?

Issue resolved. This guy was so nice! He couldn't believe it either. He thinks that when you update your apps, it checks what email you use to log into your Cellular Plan.

Hella dumb.

But I will take it!!

Does a little happy dance...

I've been following this thread, Marie, keeping my fingers crossed you'd get this issue fixed. Glad to see it has been solved.

And yes, I'd say it was an odd solution - but still, a solution nonetheless.

To repeat: YAY!

Yay, SweetPoison! So glad. :D This kind of stuff can just wear a person down!!! So all your apps and everything is under your new ID/email? But of course you deleted and added, huh? I am probably stuck with my old one unless I delete and reload, as well. BTW, I love when people call me 'Bear'!!!
Happy New Year!

For real ~ goodness! 94 posts later I solved this issue. Of course could have been solved long time ago, if I had just gone to the Apple store a month ago.:D

Yay, SweetPoison! So glad. :D This kind of stuff can just wear a person down!!! So all your apps and everything is under your new ID/email? But of course you deleted and added, huh? I am probably stuck with my old one unless I delete and reload, as well. BTW, I love when people call me 'Bear'!!!

Yep. Well ~ that is prolly not true. I am sure there are some apps that have not been updated that I purchased under the old ID ~ but I can't even go there right now. lol!

I paid $10 bucks for apps that I already had under my old ID ~ so not cool ~ but whatever.

Thanks, Bear ~ for sticking around! Glad you like "Bear" I was to lazy to type it all out!
Just curious, SP... but did you have your iPad sync'd to iTunes? If so, could you not recover the lost apps that way? Or perhaps that user ID issue would prevent that?

I sorta kinda accidentally deleted an app the other day and discovered I could recover it with an iTunes sync.
Just curious, SP... but did you have your iPad sync'd to iTunes? If so, could you not recover the lost apps that way? Or perhaps that user ID issue would prevent that?

Well to begin with. The apps were never lost. Just bought with the OLD ID/email.

If I did that, which I thought of btw, then the ones are still there I bought with the old ID/email and I think I would be right back where I started from.

But yes ~ I know about playing with iTunes.

He cheats and doesn't play well with me. :(
Speaking of apps

Has anyone tried Netflix yet. I've never hears of them but if I can watch all kinds of movies for 8 bucks a month, I could cancel the $40.00 a mo. Movie channels I have. it says we can even get it on our tv for same price.

Let me know your experiences with it

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