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How to change Apple ID on ipad?

Ok I see there has been no activity here for about a month but in case anyone decides to read up here's my story. My iTunes account was hacked and money was stolen. I reported it to apple who in turn disabled my account. I made a new apple Id for my iPad and moved on my merry way...until I tried to update any app purchased with my old account, and every time I tried it said apple Id disabled. While waiting for an email from apple tec here is what worked for me. My iTunes/app store account on my iPad was under my NEW apple Id when tried to update the previous apps, that's when I got the message apple id disabled. Here is the trick I went to the iTunes store on my Ipad and I signed out from my new apple id and I put in the Id that had been "disabled" and it let me sign in. Once I was signed in with my old account I was able to update all my apps. Hope this helps someone.
I should change the title of this thread to: How do you update apps bought under a different/old ID.

You can't. :(

And you still can't. I bought Pages for $10 bucks and I can't ever do an update as I bought it under my old ID.

Unless I want to buy it all over again. :mad:
Here is the trick I went to the iTunes store on my Ipad and I signed out from my new apple id and I put in the Id that had been "disabled" and it let me sign in. Once I was signed in with my old account I was able to update all my apps. Hope this helps someone.

Interesting. I wonder if I have tried that ~ thanks! I'm on it. Wait, I have tried that. Signed out of new one and put in the old one but it still says it has been disabled...

But I will see!

Can you chane the id on your itunes store on your computer to your old screen name? even though my account has beend disabled i still can accsess my accout i just cant make any purchases. see if you can change you itunes store account on your computer to your old apple id

Can you chane the id on your itunes store on your computer to your old screen name? even though my account has beend disabled i still can accsess my accout i just cant make any purchases. see if you can change you itunes store account on your computer to your old apple id

But Jason ~ what if I can't get my new ID back? I don't think I can ever get my old ID back ~ I erased the complete email....thingy...

I don't think I can ever get my old ID back ~ I erased the complete email....thingy...

you mean that you deleted the whole gmail (or whatever) account?

If did you try remaking an email account with the same username?

I did delete it ~ oh, and I just tried to open that account in iTunes, as I am there making some Cd's. And it states the same "disabled" thingy as on my iPad.

Gotta a Plan B?? lol!

IF I try to remake that account ~ what if it deletes my new one now....because you can't have two on iTunes, can you?

Maybe I just better leave well enough alone ~ iTunes and I don't play well together.:(
ok sweets here the deal. the answer is yes you can have more than one i tunes account. Apple emailed me back. they wrote that although they cant merge two accounts i should sign into my old account when i want to update.
So just to be very clear. This is what i did. on my Ipad Setting-> store-> (sign out if need be) and i signed in with my disabled account. It let me. Then i was able to update any apps even though my account was disabled.

Just because you account has been disabled doesnt make it invalid.
So just to be very clear. This is what i did. on my Ipad Setting-> store-> (sign out if need be) and i signed in with my disabled account. It let me. Then i was able to update any apps even though my account was disabled.

Just because you account has been disabled doesnt make it invalid.

But that is the difference, Jason. It.won't.let.me. IF it DID let me ~ there would be no problem.
Jasonmalone said:
Makes no sense. Why can I log in to my disabled account and u can't?

There are two levels of disabled account to the best of my knowledge, partial disabled and disabled. Partial means just that and you can sign in whereas disabled is dead and defunct! But it may be possible to get it back, if I were you Marie I would contact apple support from their website and see if they can help........it may help to tell them that your uncle, Steve Jobs suggested contacting them!!!

The Archangel
, if I were you Marie I would contact apple support from their website and see if they can help........it may help to tell them that your uncle, Steve Jobs suggested contacting them!!!

The Archangel

I have done that ~ my local Apple store is awesome ~ spent some time in there with a few guys working on it ~ and on the phone.

I even emailed iTunes, Apple ~

Uncle, huh? Not a bad idea....:D

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