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How to change Apple ID on ipad?


Has anyone tried Netflix yet. I've never hears of them but if I can watch all kinds of movies for 8 bucks a month, I could cancel the $40.00 a mo. Movie channels I have. it says we can even get it on our tv for same price.

Let me know your experiences with it

How does one get Netflix on their TV? I don't have an iPhone or xbox or any other item that you plug into the TV except my laptop and I do not know how to plug in my Laptop to my tv
The easiest way to get Netflix on your tv is to buy a roku device. www.roku.com. It will cost about $60. Plug the roku into your internet connection, plug your tv into your roku. It works great.
How does one get Netflix on their TV? I don't have an iPhone or xbox or any other item that you plug into the TV except my laptop and I do not know how to plug in my Laptop to my tv

I prefer to use DVDs that I get from Netflix. That way I can enjoy the 5.1 surrround sound system too. I have also streamed Netflix to my iPad and have the capability to stream from the PS3.

You'll have to connect something to your TV unless you have a connected TV (which I know nothing about, but assume it will allow you to stream from the 'net).
If you've got one - you can also get to Netflix via your TV if you've got a Wii. That's what I use. Works quite well, actually.

Sweetpoison, did you call Apple and see if they would credit you for the cost ofnthose apps you paid for? If you using the same bamking info for itunes and just changed id i dont see why not, im in the same boat i have an email address setup under itunes that is no longer valid when i changed cable companies, but i havent changed and i have over $200 in apps,music,videos i would lose.
The easiest way to get Netflix on your tv is to buy a roku device. Roku Digital Video Player | Watch Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Video On Demand, and MLB.TV on Roku Player. It will cost about $60. Plug the roku into your internet connection, plug your tv into your roku. It works great.

Netflix sells this too. It actually is $79 over there. Or it was.

Our Blu-Ray DVD player can stream Netflix.

Almost when that route but it was a bit pricey.

If you've got one - you can also get to Netflix via your TV if you've got a Wii. That's what I use. Works quite well, actually.


Yes you can! And xBox too. Almost went that route too ~ but I decided on the Apple TV for $99.

Sweetpoison, did you call Apple and see if they would credit you for the cost ofnthose apps you paid for? If you using the same bamking info for itunes and just changed id i dont see why not, im in the same boat i have an email address setup under itunes that is no longer valid when i changed cable companies, but i havent changed and i have over $200 in apps,music,videos i would lose.

Oh shitums. Don't remind me. I just checked my email and iTunes hit my account for $10 of apps I had already bought!!

I sent an complaint to iTunes. Apple can't help with apps, I don't think. At least not at the Apple Store!

The thing is ~ under my new ID/Email, it had/has no record of me every buying them...

But ~ ultimately I think I was an idiot, because they were in my iTunes library! I should have synced and perhaps they would have gone on there?

I don't.even.wanna.know:mad:

Good luck with yours! Just sync them back from iTunes...but if you purchased from ipad....
wrong e-mail on istall ipad app

I have exactly the same problem, e-mail does not match my apple id e-mail n app install. Nothing works to fix this, but I noticed something interesting when I was at work I got the correct e-mail, same as my apple ID. The one from home matches my Rogers e-mail which is my internet provider. So maybe it is picking the e-mail from the service provider, maybe I set up an old ID with that one. So go to another wifi internet connection and try it.
I have exactly the same problem, e-mail does not match my apple id e-mail n app install. Nothing works to fix this, but I noticed something interesting when I was at work I got the correct e-mail, same as my apple ID. The one from home matches my Rogers e-mail which is my internet provider. So maybe it is picking the e-mail from the service provider, maybe I set up an old ID with that one. So go to another wifi internet connection and try it.

Sounds like a plan ~ whatever the hell it is you said up there.:D Let me know how it works out for you!
wrong e-mail on apple ID

OK my last post was confusing.
1 - Problem: From my home computer when I went to install an app on my ipad it showed my wrong e-mail
2 - I could not edit this, did not find a fix anywhere
3 - Solution: The only way for me to have the correct e-mail show up was to connect to the internet through another wifi connection
4 - Therefor I concluded that at home - my home internet provider e-mail was automatically loading and not my correct apple ID e-mail

I thought others may benefit from this accidental fix I found so I posted.
Clearer? :)
OK my last post was confusing.
1 - Problem: From my home computer when I went to install an app on my ipad it showed my wrong e-mail
2 - I could not edit this, did not find a fix anywhere
3 - Solution: The only way for me to have the correct e-mail show up was to connect to the internet through another wifi connection
4 - Therefor I concluded that at home - my home internet provider e-mail was automatically loading and not my correct apple ID e-mail

I thought others may benefit from this accidental fix I found so I posted.
Clearer? :)
That is a very weird solution that I think may not really have been the culprit. Apple should not care where you are connected.

I had this problem but it was because I had installed apps initially on my daughters iPod Touch 4G with my iTunes account. They were free apps. Later I synced her iPod with her laptop and her iTunes account. In Settings on iPod it shows her account login.

But if she goes to update apps on her iPod and one of the ones I installed is in the list, it asks for MY iTunes password. Even if only one app out of twenty is one I installed she can't get any to update without typing in my password. Weird.

From my PC background, I find I fight iTunes far too often. The iPad, nice as it is, may be my first and last iDevice.

We're struggling with similar issues with my daughter's iTouch and some home shared apps.
Well I hate to say it.

I have one update that is pending ~ Pages. My most expensive app. I went to update it and what do ya think my ID/email is?

My old one. I must have bought Pages with my old ID. Back to where I was. I went to iTunes on my computer, and found Pages, and it was bought with my old ID/email.

I will never be able to update that one ~ I will have to pay $10 again! I suppose I could just keep using it the way it is. I really need it.

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