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I want the new iPhone 4S ~ But I got the Samsung Galaxy SII !

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I have a Blackberry Bold and the only time it hourglasses is when I'm sending a reply on Facebook and at the same time it is downloading a reply to one of my posts.
I must admit I would love an iPhone.........but I just see it as an iPad or iPod with telephone capabilities......so that stops me spending loads-a-moolah!!
Well ~ the way I justify it is this:

I want it. :) I have wanted an iPhone since the very first one and here we are almost to the iPhone 5! The time is now.

And, I am sick of my BB, which I wanted just as bad.
SBHOKC said:
I have 2 iPhones with AT&T and pay about 70 each after taxes for unlimited talk and text on a family plan. I am only data limited at 200MB per iPhone and really never get close to going over as I use the iPad for real Internet use. I have 4 days left for this month and I have only used 65MB and been in a few airports and vacation in Denver for a week. I hope this helps you and I promise to include more run on sentences in the future.

P.S. I finally got rid of my Blackberry 9700 for the iPhones and have not missed the BB's at all...

My friend and I had the old unlimited iPhone plans and we were paying 70-80/line on fam talk with 700-1400 minutes, a list, then finally the new mobile to any mobile. I feel like you were getting ripped off but maybe the 20 wasn't worth it to you.

SweetPoison said:
Good Lord. I can't wrap my brain around all of this. Thanks so much, guys.

I want: Unlimited Text, internet and talking. I am on my phone all day while in the field.

So ~ I got a few PM and it seems that Verizon is good. I have AT&T for my iPad ~ does that matter at all? Dumb question. If I went into to Apple to get my phone, I can get Verizon or Sprint through them as well?

Next ~

I have 64GB on my ipad and all I have on it is a few tweaks and apps! Maybe 20 if that. So I will never run out, but would I on the iPhone? Depends on what I download, right?

Damn. Decisions decisions decisions. I am so excited though! I really want to experience Siri! Did I spell that right?

You might want to just consider the minimal 40 plan + 25 iPhone + 20 mobile to any mobile/unlimited messaging + tax. If you were for the state or govt, you're eligible for 15% off. My bill is approx $88 per month. You get 450 anytimes and 5000 nights and weeks but those ate only in use if you talk to LAN numbers.

SweetPoison said:
Yep. So far I am at, according to this plan, $109 a month. That does not include tax. I will probably use AT&T.

That is a lot of money to talk on a damn phone. Would be about $90 more a month for me, since I now pay $60. But I am sick of all the money I have spent on phones over the years and I never keep them, damnit!
I'm on T-mobile in the UK, buisness plan and costs me £25 PCM for 600 mins, I think 200 texts (rarely use it) and 'unlimited Internet'.

They make a big deal of advertising this yet it's subject to fair usage - hmmmm! :).

I love their service but threatened to leave when they would not match the iPhone upgrade offer by Other carriers unless you were a new user :(.

When I applied for my port over details, suddenly I could have my iPhone, so why all the fuss in the 1st place ?????

Just to advise,so you get a new phone and your tied in for 2 years. the plan costs cover the new handset all well and good

But after 2 years and you don't upgrade the Carrier won't drop you tariff back to 'sim only' unless you ask.

This can be very expensive if you got a hot fancy phone when you signed up!
Hayles66 said:
You can see the benefits can't you? Email your mates by voice, telling her to pencil in meetings at work and home, the weather.... I'm salivating already. Wish I waited. Oh, well, Ce la vie!

YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pg6fho-xb4&sns=em

I have never ever found the voice command facility on iPhone4 of any use, unless I want to talk to some completely unknown person at random, orient to crash the care attempting to abort a misplaced call! :(

Because of that I view Siri with great suspicion, and little stressful to spend so much money.
I think everyone will find that Siri is a completely different animal...far, far advanced over the current iPhone's (or any other smart phone's) voice command feature. I honestly believe that long-term, Siri will become another one of Steve Jobs' legacies.

Here's a recent demo (although the guy doing it doesn't understand that there's no need to keep touching the Siri button every time he says something; it's automatic voice recognition once it's started)...

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You might want to just consider the minimal 40 plan + 25 iPhone + 20 mobile to any mobile/unlimited messaging + tax. If you were for the state or govt, you're eligible for 15% off. My bill is approx $88 per month. You get 450 anytimes and 5000 nights and weeks but those ate only in use if you talk to LAN numbers.

Thanks for this info. But since our state is broke, not that I work for them anyways, most had to turn in their cells. :(

I can't be worried about going over anything. Or how much I have left. Or if my phone bill is going to PISS ME OFF. I am just too busy to worry about that. I had a friend once whose daughter went over their plan on texting. $900!! Oh. Hell No. So. Unlimited everything. Same amount every month.
SweetPoison said:
Can anyone tell me when the iPhone 4 came out? I was curious how long in between there was before the 4S came out.

June of 2010, I think?

Sent from my iPad using iPF
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SweetPoison said:
Thanks for this info. But since our state is broke, not that I work for them anyways, most had to turn in their cells. :(

I can't be worried about going over anything. Or how much I have left. Or if my phone bill is going to PISS ME OFF. I am just too busy to worry about that. I had a friend once whose daughter went over their plan on texting. $900!! Oh. Hell No. So. Unlimited everything. Same amount every month.

I went over $1100. The bill was 1467. And for the record, the discount isn't just for business owned phones, just for government participants. I get 15% because of my university.

Ps. I was 15. First postpaid bill.
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