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Hi, I'm Scott.
I recently almost bought an Android tablet, but the shop didn't have stock of the one I wanted so I walked away. I'm so glad, because while rethinking my decision I realised that what I really want is simplicity, and not just in operation of the device itself, but in the ecosystem, and in the way my, and my families various devices intergrate and work together. (My wife has an iPhone, the kids have iPod Touches, and all my music is in iTunes.) I am an IT geek, and in days gone by I would happily spend hours fiddling and making stuff work, but these days, when I get home from my day job, I want stuff to "just work." I must be getting old.
So I got an iPAD instead (iPad 3, 32Bg, 4G) mostly to use for web browsing, email, and reading technical docs while commuting to and from work, and I really love it, but I soon realised that to maximise the benifits I would have to get an iPhone. I had an iPhone 4 supplied at a previous job, but I never really 'got it' so when I moved to a new employer with an option to take an allowance and supply my own phone I bought a Galaxy S2, which is a fantastic phone (and I still prefer the S2's screen and larger keyboard to the iPhone) but it was a standalone device, with no real intergration with the other devices and services my family uses. So, to cut a long story short, I sold the S2 - 2 days before the S3 announcement :) and my seldom used 120Gb iPod Classic (who carries an iPod and a phone these days?) and got an iPhone 4S.
So now I just need to trade my PCs for Macs and my journey to the dark side will be complete. ;) I really can't see that happening, but you never know.
Hi Scott and welcome to the Forum!

I liked your intro!

The IPad Forum is a community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the Ipad. There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions you have. If then you cannot find the answer you are seeking then by all means post your question. There are many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the IPad manual is a great place to start so please download a copy of these.
2 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.
We have rules like any Community so please read these also

Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!
Hi everybody, claudio157 from Portugal, i have an ipad2 64gb 3G... i hope to learn more about this piece of tecnology with you all.

claudio157 said:
Hi everybody, claudio157 from Portugal, i have an ipad2 64gb 3G... i hope to learn more about this piece of tecnology with you all.


Welcome! This forum is filled with many wonderful people ready to help! Remember the search feature will be your best friend while on here.

We also have our own App - Its pretty easy to use.

We have an iPad manual available for download incase you ever need it.

Here are a couple links that may prove useful.

Everyone has to play by the rules, please make sure you read and follow them.

We hope you enjoy your time here!
Hi all. Errrr...bought my very first IPad Wifi 32gig about 5 weeks ago. I'd have introduced myself sooner but, wow. I mean holy tablet Batman! Isn't this thing just amazing? Of course you lot already new that. Lol. Must admit I kinda got sucked in my a lot of negative press that Apple tends to get which put me off even considering buying the IPad but when the new one came out I began checking it out on various sites/reviews and I decided against it. Wonder if it was released too soon what with the problems people have encountered? So, I figured the Ipad2 must've dropped in price and yep, managed to save £90 on it. So, here I am. My first ever IPad and it really has blown me away. Having said all that. Loving this site. Everything you'll ever need in one place. Just like the IPad. Laters people.
Welcome Timboo and Congrats on you new toy. We have a lot of threads that cover every possible subject and then some it seems. Here are a few links you may find useful. One more thing use and love the search feature.

We also have our own App - Its pretty easy to use.

We have an iPad manual available for download incase you ever need it.

Here are a couple links that may prove useful.

Everyone has to play by the rules, please make sure you read and follow them.

We hope you enjoy your time here!

First post and is appropriate to be here

Wife got a used ipad 1 Wifi 16GB as a "gift" from her sister. Personally, I am interested in technology in general being an IT guy

I prefer more "relaxed" devices - in other word devices you can freely play with without anyone restricting you- but I find Apple's products robust, reliable and generally really good for the average user.

So, good to be here and keep up the good work on the forum!



Hello everyone , i am new here. I have my new iPad since dec 2011, 64gigs 3g n wifi. Love it !!easy to use and u wont get lost here.
I have both mac OS and Win7 laptops, i am soo used to win 7 that i am always afraid to test my macbook!! There are soo many funny shortcuts with the Mac.

Anywayz, glad to be a member of the ipad forum...
greenk8 said:
Hi there have iPad for 9 months. My mail is frozen can any one elp

Hi there and welcome, try this, hold the on/off button until the slider appears on the screen then slide to off. When the iPad has powered down turn it back on again. Hopefully it will be fine after this.

The Archangel
Hi All,
My name is Al. Got my Ipad2 a few months ago and I'm gradually increasing my knowledge slowly but surely. Still got a lot to learn so hoping I will find this forum useful for helping me to increase my learning objectives of the iPad world.
Jeder21 said:
Hi everyone! I'm Jeder21 and I'm an IT professional for many years. I started with the iPod, iPod Touch, iPad2, iPhone4, and the iPad3. I love the iPad and I just can't live without it. God bless Steve Jobs! Who could invent something that it's so much part of our daily lives? My husband and I have been fighting over the iPad2 for over a year now. Now he has the iPad2 and I got the iPad3. We're like little kids fighting over our toys. I've joined because I need a solution for the game Mystery Manor which I started on the iPad2 and want to continue playing on the iPad3. I found that there are players out there having the same issue. :( Hopefully, I can find a resolution so I can continue where I left off. Have a great day!

Yes it's an amazing machine?
Mdina said:
Hi Mdina arrived into the i World. I'm completly new in this World and I did buy this wonderful iPad for my Company. The plan was to use it, for having my email with me all time, so that my clients always are able to get in contact with me. To collect new business contacts, use gps, and so. But i also found a excellent app that helps mé to keep completly system in how Much time I use at every client. I simply love it, but still have much to learn. Luckly I have a 4 year old son, that got a iPad from his father a few months ago. So he helps me sometimes. And my ex husband helped me for the first couple of hours to start it up :-) I hope all of you Can help me to learn much more, and maybe many more business activités can become even more effective :-)

The journey ahead is lots of fun

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