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Kiamsaco said:
Hello Everyone! Kiam here, I work as a computer tech, and I also repair istuff. I joined so I can learn more and possibly help out others :)

From Canada I see. A fellow colonial. ;)
Welcome aboard.
I'd say "matey" but International Speak Like A Pirate Day, was yesterday.


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Hi to all and welcome to the Forum!

The IPad Forum is a community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the Ipad. There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions you have. If then you cannot find the answer you are seeking then by all means post your question. There are many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the IPad manual is a great place to start so please download a copy of these.
3 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.
We have rules like any Community so please read these also

Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!
Tanya Chadha said:
Hi All,

I am new bee and I recently bought my new iPAD. YEY!! :o

Here to look for new tips and trick and of course to make new friends.

Hi Tanya and welcome to the Forum!

If you look above your post to mine, you'll find lots of tips there.....Enjoy!
aries_642003 said:
Hi all...aries here from Asean Country...glad to be here and hope can get more knowledge about Ipad tips & tricks ...


Hello from Canada and welcome to our community.

IPF strives to provide a friendly environment for all users to enjoy and learn from.

Please review the forum rules and ask when you have questions or need assistance.



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charliewears said:
Hiya, I'm looking for Apple Nerd to teach me a few things, I catch on quick but need a little guidance. If anyone fancies answering my first question. Would be grateful...

I have the iPad 2 and iPhone 4s

I want to be able to keep my stuff locked. Example... Friend says "can I borrow your iPad". I don't want her to see my messages, music etc. how do I do that? I looked at apps and there are so many. . Help??


The only way I know about blocking access to individual apps is with a jailbroken iPad. There are a few tweaks that cost $3 US or less. You can lock chosen apps so that you need a password to use them.

Sent from my iPad using iPF - Peace
Hi from NM. I've had an ipad 2 for about 6 months. So far so good...until upgrading to ios6 today. Probably should have read some feedback before upgrading. :( Will ask my question in the iPad2 section. Thanks for a great forum.
LTG said:
Hi from NM. I've had an ipad 2 for about 6 months. So far so good...until upgrading to ios6 today. Probably should have read some feedback before upgrading. :( Will ask my question in the iPad2 section. Thanks for a great forum.

Hello from Canada

You'll see that the iPF forum is full of members ready to help you find answers to your questions.

A review of the rules will ensure you get the most out of your membership in our community.




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Happy to be welcomed aboard!

Hello All -- New "kid". 32GB iPad 3, wifi only (use mobile hotspot on Verizon Droid away from home)

Woke up one morning shortly after iPad 3 release "needing" tablet, had researched but procrastinated, went to Best Buy for Transformer Prime, found ASUS to be on back order but uncrated ipad shipment just arrived. Had been wavering but supply exhausted at 2 of my closest Apple stores and online shipments 2 weeks behind. Oddly for me (Original Droid day #1 and since hooked on Android) left with iPad 3. Preferred black, they were out ... took white! Temporary insanity is all I can say :-). Have carried iPad everywhere and "mostly" enjoy. Personal Dell XPS laptop relegated to back burner except for those things tablet not designed for. Wish work would transition clunky HP laptop (another story) ... Not a deal breaker (though will NOT get iPhone next - unless another cuckoo episode - probably Samsung Galaxy) but a laundy list things of things I miss from Android I miss and POSITIVE iPad observations:

. Miss completely customized home screens
. Miss custom (depending on mood) clock/weather with BIG, REAL TIME display on home page whenever cell unlocked
. Miss directional keys and other customized keyboards grabbed from The Market and installed as MY default
. Hated ios 5 Updating apps and constantly inputting password. Ugh!
. Miss ability to undo upgrade i dont like
. Miss complete Google maps with street view and other related experience (turn by turn since ios 6 not talking to me yet)
. Do NOT miss Robin vs Siri. She took up a ton of space and could barely answer even most basic questions
. DO love ipad retina screen
. Miss camera's picture taking function to be customized to my taste
. Missed but glad now thru ios 6, I can easily attach pix to email. Had on Android forever and was driving me NUTZ!
. Miss ios 5 YouTube!!
. Glad I found an ipad tips and tricks article that advised me I could download a virtual HOME key. Yay!
. Miss ability to use "browse" buttons to upload documents as attachments from Documents to Go on cell's SD card, e.g., career sites. Yeah there are workarounds but .....
. Miss ability to use virtually everyone's home or car cord if I forget proprietary Apple charger
. Like that I can find Apple accessories everywhere, at exteremly competitive prices; even Marshall's and the Dollar Store. With so many Android choices, that's not typically possible
. Yeah Apple has gazillion apps but its like cable TV. Got 400 channels bundled but watch less than 10
. Like Apple's popularity means local news, bank and health insurer had mobile apps FIRST for ipad
. 12 yr old grandson LOVES iPad (games, YouTube) and insists Motorola Droid 2 upgrade at Christmas must be iPhone!

I'm sure part of my mini-angst is, there are probably OTHER great things about ipad to discover. That's why I finally joined this site. I don't want hype. It seems this one is very fair. I know we all have faves and Apple vs Android debate can likely NEVER be declared a clear win. Few true converts one way or the other. I simply want info that I -- a non tech, user only -- can use for every day stuff. Btw ... My last Apple product was Apple IIC I bought for my daughter in 1980s!! I guess old dog-ette CAN learn .....

Thanks and glad to be welcomed here. I promise my future posts will NOT be this long, rambling nor detailed 
Wow, that is a long post, but great to hear your opinion and good to have you join us. We have many users who have both iOS and Android devices so you should get fair views here......although not always agreeing we try to ensure that discussion is informative, respectful and maybe served with a tiny dash of humour!

The Archangel
Well Nomusa,

Even an intro like that leaves us wanting more. And we don't charge by the page.

Welcome to iPF. Far lengthier than your introduction is the forum's rule guide.


Please read to get the most out of your iPF experience.

BTW - XPS on the back burner is a lonely place for such a device. I'm looking at picking up some Alienware myself.


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