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iOS 5- what would you like to see for iPad?

mjs1947 said:
It sure would be nice to be able to print with something other than a HP printer

Sure would and welcome. As you can see my first post was 644 posts ago. They rack up quick. The iPF is a little addictive.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
jtabbottfamily said:
Hey guys, google "frash"

"Frash" does not work with the newer firmwares and even the ones it's supposed to work for, it doesn't. "Frash" ended up being a big letdown when it was released almost a year ago.

File management somthing other than iTunes.

Or at least redo iTunes for Windows. Seriously.

I just want to add a file or a picture don't make have to resync the whole thing.

Most of my iPad frustrations are directly tied to iTunes, syncing, and file management. Though I would actually pay money iOS 5 if it had for a sbsettings type of intergration
It's been said before, but I would like an iTunes that is intuitive and easy to use. After several years, I'm finally starting to understand it. I guess the downside to this would be another learning curve! File management is improving, but I would like to see more features unlocked for those of us who prefer not to JB. Apart from that I'm happy:)

Sent from my iPad using iPF
It will be nice if it's possible to print to an Epson WiFi printer and activate the multitasking feature without pressing the home button, maybe with a gesture in the screen.
Another feature that I want to have the IOs 5 is a file management, so I can view the files and documents and move it between folders, cut, copy and paste. Like Windows Explorer in the PC.
SC25 said:
Another feature that I want to have the IOs 5 is a file management, so I can view the files and documents and move it between folders, cut, copy and paste. Like Windows Explorer in the PC.

I agree. But use goodreader app in the meantime. It is excellent.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
i have both iphone 4 and ipad. I need to send an email to that really bright guy at apple who designed the auto-fill/word guess or whatever....seriously, how can this function work in such a pathetic way? It makes me feel like not only apple wants to control what i can see on the web (ie. Lack of flash) and prevent me from managing my content (ie. File management- yea, the ipad is good at making you think out of the box to organise files) but they also want to control what i'm trying to write for heaven's sake! This function is completely backwards. I should decide which word i need, not apple. Obviously the very first thing i had to do when i got the iphone and later the ipad was disable this (mal)function. It's appalling, especially if you regularly write in two languages (english and spanish in my case). Why on earth can't i just tap apple's suggestion if i want it rather than having to erase almost every single word prompted. Some really bright decision taken in this particular part of the process.

Apart from that all is hunky-dory (right spelling? Can't rely on apple's prompt....)

the ipad is glorious perfection realized in the form of perfect hardware that lesser men can understand. They are manufactured by magic elves in hollow trees from magic components and hand soldered by highly trained genius solderers in workshops located in narnia. Workers and designers have been fully anointed by steve jobs and justin beiber, the true saviors of technology.

Ipad leads us to the light and now i know. It is impossible to make ipad better. Well, until the humancentipad arrives. Ipad has no equal in the known universe. It is flawless, perfect, and mortal man can't possibly find a way to make any improvements; when it is perfect, it needs nothing else.

Except for flash, my golly, what was he thinking, anyway. Everyone here knows that flash is required or you might as well curl up and die. I actually needed flash in 1965, and it was not available, so i feel ya, man.

By the way . . . Every time you turn on your ipad, an angel gets his wings.

Seriously, i think you are referring to auto correct and it bugs me too. Like trying to get past captcha and ipad wants to change loungert to lasagna; flubbertome to frightened. Bugs this cowboy no end.

So . . . Rather than fight it, try this:

Go to "settings" and then select "general" then select "keyboards." turn off auto-correction and select "international keyboards." pick your language by selecting "add new keyboard." or something like that.

Seems rather easy and it might solve your issues. Just do not say ipad is not perfection realized; mine glows in the presence of xoom users to warn me, and it farts kittens, by the way.

And you get two white apple stickers, for free, too.

Bob jobs


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